Gymea have all the subs you mentioned and all the teachers for those subs r pretty good esp. the 1 for anc. hist. she even marked essays and gave advice via the email when she was recovering from a stroke. I've done the bio class and you get two teachers for that class at the same time for the first semester and they're both pretty good.
And in case anyone's wondering here are the sub lists for a few of the TAFEs:
GYMEA - Eng Adv, Eng St, Eng Xt1, Anc Hist, Mod Hist, Bus Studies, Gen Math,
2U Math, 3U Math, Legal, Physics, IPT, Bio, Chem, Soc & Culture, Geo, Accounting,
VET Bus Services, VET Music Industry
BANKSTOWN - Eng Fundamentals, ESL, Eng Adv, Eng St, IPT, VET IT, Geo,
Soc & Culture, Gen Math, 2U Math, 3U Math, 4U Math, Bio, Chem, Physics, Senior Sc,
Mod Hist, Anc Hist, Legal, Bus Studies
WOLLONGONG - Eng Fundamentals, Eng St, Eng Adv, Eng Xt1, Eng Xt2, Gen Math,
2U Math, Bio, Mod Hist, Eco, Legal, Chem, Physics, Geo, Anc Hist, Accounting