Tommy_Lamp said:sayuru, you can wait until ur a mature-age student to goto uni if u want
your ignorance astounds me, the reason why the hsc is so stupid is that it neglects everyone who are not able to have that huge commitment that is required to do well in the hsc. mostly for reasons that are not of their own fault. i think some people have successfully blinded themsleves from the fact that more people are dropping out of school than ever before. Depression and suicide rates are extremely high in australia, especialy nsw. now im not blaming the hsc as the sole cause but it does add to the strain and has very negative effects on people suffering from such mentail illnesses.
and that shit about money and women, thats just ignorance your an idiot
the hsc does not test your intellgience, iv seen idiots do well in the hsc. you dont have to be smart or intelligent to do well in the hsc. all it does is require you to memorize and regurgitate not once do you ever get an oppurtunity to voice your own thoughts on a topic especialy in english because of the "critiria."