hey i didn't know where i'd put this thread to just shoved it here.
anywho.. did anyone attend these revision sessions? yes, i was there too.
did you find it useful? Because in all honesty i thought chemistry was okay but
physics, i had no idea what they were on about half the time.
I saw this really cute guy there but we didn't talk i only remember his name and
what he was wearing lol.
was it easy for you to mingle with people? I found it really easy. my goodness some
people were so antisocial. During the breaks and stuff, all they did was listen to their
ipods and read. :worried: no offence.
anywho.. did anyone attend these revision sessions? yes, i was there too.
did you find it useful? Because in all honesty i thought chemistry was okay but
physics, i had no idea what they were on about half the time.
I saw this really cute guy there but we didn't talk i only remember his name and
what he was wearing lol.
was it easy for you to mingle with people? I found it really easy. my goodness some
people were so antisocial. During the breaks and stuff, all they did was listen to their
ipods and read. :worried: no offence.