Hey Fizzy_Cyst
Could you also make some videos on HSC chemistry?
Also, how come for the topic space, you only have 3 videos. Shouldn't you have videos which cover all the syllabus dotpoints and prescribed focus areas?
I may look into doing HSC Chem in the future, but focussing on Physics this year!
For Space, I was taking videos in my class, but was having program problems ( the amazingly fast laptop my school gave me couldn't really handle the program I was using :/ ), so I had to stop them. I was deciding between continuing to do Space (when most schools are nearly finished it) or start on M&G (when most schools have only just started or not started yet), I figured that doing M&G would be most beneficial to students. I will do Space after I do Ideas, probably around Term 3.
These videos are actually part of a website which I am constructing for a project I am doing for the Catholic Education Office, the website (and associated videos) are not meant to replace class-based learning, rather just introduce concepts so that you have some conceptual understanding or at least some surface knowledge of the concept(s) you are studying in class, before you get in there.
As such, at this stage, PFA's and most FHI's are not planned on being covered in my videos.
Too bad I dropped physics, these videos look great!