dirty trick
we dont have half yearlies, the weighting is crammed into the trials in term 2...worth 35% each exam =/
ouch!amoz_lilo said:we dont have half yearlies, the weighting is crammed into the trials in term 2...worth 35% each exam =/
that suxs...amoz_lilo said:the school likes to watch us writhe in pain and get all the hsc topics done before the trials..for the yr 11 yearlies same thing happened.
wats rghs stand 4?amoz_lilo said:rghs damn 10char limit!
is it rooty hill girls high schooldamnation said:Haha the mystery that is rghs...i'll never reveal our school name...oh by the way if you need to go overseas check out last years HSC timetable, they usually keep it similar, not much changes...
I know what rghs stands for ... i went theredamnation said:Haha the mystery that is rghs...i'll never reveal our school name...oh by the way if you need to go overseas check out last years HSC timetable, they usually keep it similar, not much changes...