hrmmm the first time i did it in pencil and had all the weeks nicely spaced out to like 13 weeks
then i re-read the questions! argh! so i screwed the ruler and stupid pencil and just did it in pen... but its legible... and 9 weeks...
i've yet to see marks been lost in marking criteria due to using a pencil...
it would be something like this id say...
If u got 1. 9 weeks, 2. did the right diagram, and 3. u put the right tasks with the right amount of time (3marks)
If u only did two of the above then 2 marks
and if u only did one of them.. .then 1 mark
the pencil thing they tell u to use i would assume is optional so that u can rub it out and not use millions of booklets incase u have to redraw it
(like i did cause i cbf rubbing it all out
Also... what did u guys use as the TWO special features of the input screen?
I used masked text boxes for Date of Birth and Phone number... and i also had an Add Picture button which popped up a dialog where the user can browse for a pic to put in... though in the diagram it also had the little [?] on the top corner and a drop down list for State