ok i am a memory hog, i usually love to download software, movies, songs and keep them in my comp, just to test them or keep them, but mostly use them for something i really need, anyways i was looking at how much memory i have left and i only have 14gb of total memory left, my disk space is very LOW lol. anyways i ask some of my mates about it and usually their memory left on their hardrive isnt as low as mine. i wanted to know what should i do, get a new hardrive to be added to my tower or anything similar? my comp isnt a built 1, its HP so yeah, can i add a new tower/hardrive to it, for my comp to have extra GB of memory...some things i need is
*what brand/s of hardrive should i go for
* the cost of the hardrive/tower etc
* should i get someone to do it, like send it to a computer store instead of myself doing it, im scared to kill my computer
* how much would it cost for them to fix it up
* would it have any effect on my current windows?
* and other related tower related, ummm my fan in the back of my computer, should i replace it with a cooler or new fan/ clean dust from it etc
i'll probably ask some more ideas/info as the info flows to my head, dont know if this thread like this been done before, but i'd be useful if theres threads like this and can provide with links, thanks for all the help provided.
*what brand/s of hardrive should i go for
* the cost of the hardrive/tower etc
* should i get someone to do it, like send it to a computer store instead of myself doing it, im scared to kill my computer
* how much would it cost for them to fix it up
* would it have any effect on my current windows?
* and other related tower related, ummm my fan in the back of my computer, should i replace it with a cooler or new fan/ clean dust from it etc
i'll probably ask some more ideas/info as the info flows to my head, dont know if this thread like this been done before, but i'd be useful if theres threads like this and can provide with links, thanks for all the help provided.