how is taking these things seriously considered spastic? Imagine being told that you have a tumour which may kill you, can you imagine how upset you would be about it? Imagine living with the fear that you're life may be in jeopardy for weeks or even months only to discover that there was nothing wrong with you at all. Don't you think that could be a little upsetting? Even if you are trolling, people in this guys position are inclined to take these things seriously, and all the claims that he could have a tumour would be seriously upsetting to anyone. There are times when you should try to be sensitive and this is one of those times. I do not denie that its a possibility but it is far, far away from being the only posibility.
Now imagine that people are telling other people that you have a tumour without your consent, not a nice feelig is it? If there are people he knows on this forum rumours like that could cost friendships. Would tel anyone that a person had AIDS or HIV without asking their consent first? you would then you are an utter d**** and you need to learn to consider other peoples feelings before you open your mouth