Hey guys..the presentation i have to do is on this problem...
"Suppose toys r us buys 150,000 worth of lego toys (inclusive of gst) om credit terms of 3/15, n/45. Unfortunatley the goods are damaged in shipment, so toys r us returns 20,000 (orginal amount before any discounts) of the merchandise to lego.
Ho much must toys r us pay lego
1) after the discount period)
2) within the discount period)
I need to do a presne4tation on this and we havent studied the topic as yet so its really hard for me to understand, can somene please help me
i'd much appreciate.
p.s- also what else can i talk about besides the answers? like what else details can i use (e.g can i talk about discounts on inventory etc etc?)
thank you thank you to whoever replies.:worried:
"Suppose toys r us buys 150,000 worth of lego toys (inclusive of gst) om credit terms of 3/15, n/45. Unfortunatley the goods are damaged in shipment, so toys r us returns 20,000 (orginal amount before any discounts) of the merchandise to lego.
Ho much must toys r us pay lego
1) after the discount period)
2) within the discount period)
I need to do a presne4tation on this and we havent studied the topic as yet so its really hard for me to understand, can somene please help me
p.s- also what else can i talk about besides the answers? like what else details can i use (e.g can i talk about discounts on inventory etc etc?)
thank you thank you to whoever replies.:worried: