I find that through Dist Ed, the prelim was pretty all right to coast through a bit (highlight, a bit
), but in HSC course a lot more dedication was required, because there was just a loooot of new stuff to cover in a more tighter time-frame. That sort of worked to our advantage, as it meant we HAD to understand the previous stuff in order for some new stuff to make sense. It's sort of like what people tlel me what maths is like, and where wat nit said comes in, like Maths, Langs they build on what you already know, and you just keep learning more vocab, phrases, grammar, and it all needs to be remembered.
In Year 12 towards the end it was really difficult sending in that package per week so I eventually gave up and did them on my own time after stuff blew over.
I'd probably say a 7/8 as well, maybe even 8.5. But it's all a matter of perspective. For me a lot of stuff I had no clue in prelim German FINALLLY came as an epiphany in year 12. If you love German it won't seem like so much work, because it just flows into the mind. This is also from a Beginner's perspective, so it might be totally different thing for continuers. I know in Fr it's more of a solidifying vocab structures, and while we
always learn new things, it's more of a consolidation and perfection of style etc in year 12.