Re: Jesus fucking Christ - IDF massacres Turks on board humanitarian ship
JonathanM said:
This is only one photo, there are other pieces of evidence. Stun grenades, un-used flaming cocktails, pepper-spray, combat knives as well as the stolen hand guns.
Reputablew evidence needed. Citation needed. If there are photos of these things, then let them be seen.
And I once again make the point that the existence of these weapons (according to the IDF, but denied by the far more reputable Sydney Morning Herald) doesn't excuse the killing of ten civillians.
You make a very valid point when you say there are knives etc. on boats, but haven't you ever heard the phrase "guns don't kill people - people do"? It's the intent with which the knives are used, and contrary to your blatant lie (and further ignorance of contrary evidence) that no soldier was injured by a knife, soldiers were injured, you can even make out an activist stabbing one soldier in the back in the video.
nobody was stabbed. if someone was stabbed, please show us the evidence of this. stop making stuff up. the existence of a knife on board does not imply that knives were used. you are peddling the common israeli line of "guilty until proven innocent" insofar as it relates to the enemies and protesters of israel.
As per an example of Australia stopping an aid convoy, obviously no such situation exists in Australia for there to be such an example.
But the same principle exists, Australia searches unknown vessels, you can't just by a ship from Indonesia and sail to the Australian coast without expecting to be boarded (by armed police/soldiers) - have you never seen the show border patrol?
These were not unknown vessels you stupid fucking twat. They were aid vessels, registered to neutral countries, bearing peace flags. And guess what? THEY WERE CARRYING AID. Australia boards boats (within their waters) they suspect of human trafficking (within their waters) and drug trafficking (within their waters) which is perfectly legal under international law (within their waters). The right of Israel to board these boats is legally questionable - a point you were unable to refute. Furthermore, Australia boards countless vessels they suspect of illegal activity (within their waters) -
How many aid activists has Australia killed?
None. God you're a dumb shit. A dumb piece of Israeli shit. Like I said before - stay over there with the rest of the scum that the world hates.
I have a vested interest in the Israeli conflict, not really because of my religion, but rather because of my culture, my friends and family which are located in Israel. But most importantly it's because I see Israel as a bastion of democracy and human rights in the Middle East (relative its neighbours, don't worry, I'm not blind and I know it doesn't compare to most Western countries).
You know, Saudi Arabia has an excellent human rights record compared to Great White Sharks. Maybe I can view Saudi Arabia from a restricted lens and then declare it to be a relatively stable and fantastic bastion of respect for human rights?
I think that if the world lets Israel's enemies, who envy Western civilization and seek to bring us down to their level, if it lets them win, then that will be the beginning of the end of our way of life, and will mark our plunge back into the wars of religion, where Islam will eventually win.
It's for this reason that I've dedicated my time, instead of going straight to University, to supporting and defending this country.
Here's to hoping you die, become a faceless war grave in an IDF cemetary, whom nobody will care about once your pointless mission against human rights is finished.
*toasts with champagne glass*
But yeah, no matter what shit you write in this forum, it doesn't matter - in your terms of this as being a 'game' as you referred to it, I win, because you're sitting on your computer, as you said, trolling since 2008 (loser) and growing fat, I'm making a difference in terms of the matter, by volunteering in the army here. Pwnt.
As you run around like a mad chook over there in Israel defending the indefensible, I sit here taking part in the public relations battle against Israel. A battle that my side is winning - in the bid to turn public opinion against Israel (it appears we've already won). Hell, you're probably going to do more for my side just by being in the IDF than I ever could! Thanks!
btw im not fat