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IF NOT BRADLEY! THEN WHO??? Ive got some for Egypt (1 Viewer)



mira2005 said:
hey umm naguib kanawati is a great egyptologist, hes specialises in old kingdom so if thats what u want his email is

No offense, but he barely has time to reply to his own students (remember he is very high up in the field), let alone those who just randomly email him. In fact, like most lecturers, he probably has a filter that stops non-.mq.edu.au emails getting through to his mq one; [edit]when I asked in person whether I could email him, he specifically told me to use my mq email, put the unit number in the subject, and keep it brief.
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Nov 9, 2004
PwarYuex said:
No offense, but he barely has time to reply to his own students (remember he is very high up in the field), let alone those who just randomly email him. In fact, like most lecturers, he probably has a filter that stops non-.mq.edu.au emails getting through to his mq one; [edit]when I asked in person whether I could email him, he specifically told me to use my mq email, put the unit number in the subject, and keep it brief.
no offense taken :) i jst suggested him cos i emailed him and he wb like the nxt day and gave me so much info and recentley i got in contact with him again and we talkd bout old kingdom egypt for my history extension case study..


mira2005 said:
no offense taken :) i jst suggested him cos i emailed him and he wb like the nxt day and gave me so much info and recentley i got in contact with him again and we talkd bout old kingdom egypt for my history extension case study..
Wow, that's good he had a chat with you, his time is expensive :p
But yeah, he's a very nice and smart man, infact all the Macq history staff are, they all know their shit back to front. I'm glad you got to talk to him, I'm sure he was of great use!


Nov 9, 2004
PwarYuex said:
Wow, that's good he had a chat with you, his time is expensive :p
But yeah, he's a very nice and smart man, infact all the Macq history staff are, they all know their shit back to front. I'm glad you got to talk to him, I'm sure he was of great use!
yer he was excellent help, nice guy too.. not what i expected..lol..


mira2005 said:
yer he was excellent help, nice guy too.. not what i expected..lol..
He can be very eccentric. Hard to explain, but if you're around him long enough, you'll see all these weird habits. Like when I was talking to him about an assesment, he would constantly underline important points, but do it slowly as to emphasise it to me in person, then he'd make sure all the paper was lined up by doing that thing where you tap it on the desk... I'll probably be weirder when I'm old...


Nov 9, 2004
PwarYuex said:
He can be very eccentric. Hard to explain, but if you're around him long enough, you'll see all these weird habits. Like when I was talking to him about an assesment, he would constantly underline important points, but do it slowly as to emphasise it to me in person, then he'd make sure all the paper was lined up by doing that thing where you tap it on the desk... I'll probably be weirder when I'm old...
lol, yer he was a little weird.. but i gess i expected it seein as he is a historian..lol they all have their special traits!


Mar 7, 2004
I breifly browsed through the other thread about Bradley, why shouldn't you use Bradley as your main source? The language is fairly straight forward, very comprehensive, covers almost all of the syllabus points, contains sources from other historians AND LOTS OF PICTURES! :p

I don't think many of us would have the time to read through Redford, Gardiner, Hayes and Wilson etc... They're good, but I think they should only be used to supplement what you have already.

Oh yeah, try Callander (sp>?), pretty easy summary of all the Pharaohs, try Henessy if you want to go into a bit more detail on sources.


Demandred said:
Oh yeah, try Callander (sp>?), pretty easy summary of all the Pharaohs, try Henessy if you want to go into a bit more detail on sources.
Gae Callender is very good, there are some cool summary books she's written, a lot of which were done at Macquarie:)

I quoted Hennessy, but I never read any of her entire books.


Feb 17, 2005
Demandred said:
I breifly browsed through the other thread about Bradley, why shouldn't you use Bradley as your main source? The language is fairly straight forward, very comprehensive, covers almost all of the syllabus points, contains sources from other historians AND LOTS OF PICTURES! :p
Because Bradley is a TEXT BOOK WRITER not a historian. She's great for summing up the topic, but she should be used as an overview - not to quote (unless you quote the historians that she quotes)


how do i get out of this
Jul 27, 2004
a cool source for egypt is manetho's Aegyptica
he wrote it post hyksos era. he was an egyptian monk

maddest read ever


AtticusFinch said:
a cool source for egypt is manetho's Aegyptica
he wrote it post hyksos era. he was an egyptian monk

maddest read ever
I believe he lived much later, during the 30th Dynasty, and the book was called Aegyptiaca,- edit: yes that's right because he was believed to be a Priest of a Ptolemy; hence the Graeco-Roman period, not the Hyksos. Similar, I guess, both being non-Egyptian periods, also, he wrote a lot on the Hyksos era.

yeah, Manetho's cool, but Herodotus' account of the Egyptians killing a Roman because he accidentally killed a cat's funny, too :)
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how do i get out of this
Jul 27, 2004
PwarYuex said:
I believe he lived much later, during the 30th Dynasty, and the book was called Aegyptiaca,- edit: yes that's right because he was believed to be a Priest of a Ptolemy; hence the Graeco-Roman period, not the Hyksos. Similar, I guess, both being non-Egyptian periods, also, he wrote a lot on the Hyksos era.

yeah, Manetho's cool, but Herodotus' account of the Egyptians killing a Roman because he accidentally killed a cat's funny, too :)
yeh thats still post hyksos dude! just heaps post hyksos...
and when i wrote aegyptica it was a typo


AtticusFinch said:
yeh thats still post hyksos dude! just heaps post hyksos...
and when i wrote aegyptica it was a typo
ah, I see. Post-Hyksos usually means the few eyars between their expulsion / the end of the 17th Dyn and the beginning of Kamose's reign, that's what I thought you meant. But yeah, he was running around with the Greeks. Would have been a sad time for Egypt.


hey every1, how r u?
Dec 30, 2003
simplify said:
Hi I was wondering if you happen to know the e-mail address of any egyptologists, I found that you were studying them, so I thought that you might know. thanks
(This list is provided to help you and interested parties find the e-mail addys of individuals. It must NOT be copied for mass emailing, regardless of whether the purpose is commercial, for assignments or work relating to ancient history)
fr: the hsc ancient history students list of excellent contacts

Ägypten-Forum, Berlin Berlin kontakt@aegypten-forum-berlin.de
Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin aemp@smb.spk-berlin.de Curators include: Beatrice Arnst, Klaus Finneiser,
Hannelore Kischkewitz, Karla Kroeper,
Ingeborg Müller, Günther Poethke,
Karl-Heinz Priese, Dietrich Wildung
Ägyptisches Wörterbuch, Berlin Berlin aegypt@bbaw.de
Ahmed Mohamed Saied Ahmed Cairo University ahmed_m_saied@hotmail.com
Aksamit, Joanna National Museum, Warsaw jaksamit@mnw.art.pl
Alexanian, Nicole FU Berlin alexania@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Alkjaer, Louise University of Copenhagen louise_alkjaer@hotmail.com
Allen, James P. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York mmaegypt@sprynet.com
Allen, Susan J. Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York susanjallen@mindspring.com
Altenmüller, Hartwig Hamburg University altenmueller@uni-hamburg.de
Amenta, Alessia University of Rome ale.amenta@tiscali.it
American Research Center in Egypt Atlanta arce@emory.edu
Amr Aly Gaber Alexandria University amrgaber@myway.com
Anderson, Julie Renee Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto nisses@pathcom.com
Andelkovic, Branislav University of Belgrade B.Andelkovic@f.bg.ac.yu
Andrássy, Petra Humboldt University, Berlin petra.andrassy@rz.hu-berlin.de
Andréasson, Leif Gothenburg menahouse@passagen.se
Andreu, Guillemette Louvre, Paris guillemette.andreu@wanadoo.fr
Andrews, Carol London candrews@egypt1971.freeserve.co.uk
Angenot, Valerie Universite Libre, Bruxelles vangenot@ulb.ac.be
Arnst, Caris-Beatrice Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin c.arnst@smb.spk-berlin.de
Asensi Amoros, Victoria University of Paris VI Victoria.Asensi@snv.jussieu.fr
Ashby, Rebecca L. University of Manchester xanelta@angelfire.com
Ashraf Mohammad Fathy Minia University amfathy@link.net
Ashraf el Senussi Kom Aushim Museum, Faiyum ashrafsenussi@hotmail.com
Ashton, Sally-Ann Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge sa337@cam.ac.uk
Aston, David Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna david.aston@assoc.oeaw.ac.at
Aubourg, Eric Paris aubourg@hep.saclay.cea.fr
Azzam, Khaled Helwan University Cairo khaled@a-ztravel.com
Bacs, Tamas A. Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest bacst@isis.elte.hu
Badawi, Sherine Institute of Fine Arts, New York SherineB@aol.com
Bader, Bettina Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna bettina.bader@assoc.oeaw.ac.at
Bagnall, Roger S. Columbia University bagnall@columbia.edu
Bagh, Tine Carsten Niebuhr Institute, Copenhagen bagh@hum.ku.dk
Baines, John University of Oxford john.baines@orinst.ox.ac.uk
Baligh, Randa Yale University randa.baligh@aya.yale.edu
Barahona Juan, Agustin Universidad Autonoma de Madrid barahona@egiptologia.net
Bard, Kathryn Boston University kbard@acs.bu.edu
Bares, Ladislav Institute of Egyptology, Prague ladislav.bares@ff.cuni.cz
Barker, M. A. R. University of Minnesota barke002@maroon.tc.umn.edu
Barta, Miroslav Institute of Egyptology, Prague miroslav.barta@ff.cuni.cz
Bassir, Hussein Johns Hopkins University ahassan3@jhu.edu
Bavay, Laurent Universite Libre de Bruxelles lbavay@ulb.ac.be
Begelsbacher, Barbara Basel bbegel@compuserve.com
Bednarski, Andrew Egypt Exploration Society andrew.bednarski@ees.ac.uk
Begg, D. J. Ian Trent University ibegg@trentu.ca
Beinlich, Horst University of Würzburg horst.beinlich@mail.uni-Würzburg.de
Beinlich-Seeber, Christine Würzburg christine.beinlich@mail.uni-Würzburg.de
Behlmer, Heike Goettingen University hbehlme@gwdg.de
Belluccio, Adriana Rome abellucc@it.packardbell.org
Belova, Galina Russian Institute of Egyptology in Cairo drbelova@rol.ru
Berenguer, Francesca Aula AEgyptiaca, Barcelona xescaberenguer@terra.es
Bergman, Diane Griffith Institute, Oxford Diane.Bergman@saclib.ox.ac.uk
Bergman, Dag Oxford 76761.322@compuserve.com
Berman, Lawrence Museum of Fine Arts, Boston LBerman@mfa.org
Bernhauer, Edith University of Munich edith.bernhauer@gmx.de
Betro, Marilina University of Pisa betro@sta.unipi.it
Bianchi, Alberto Uruguayan Institute of Egyptology juancast@yahoo.com
Bianchi, Robert S Lewiston, Idaho drbob10@earthlink.net
Bickel, Susanne Universities of Fribourg and Basel s.bickel@unibas.ch
Biesbroek, Alexander Utrecht biesbroek@hetnet.nl
Bisping, Dana Berlin dana_bisping@gmx.net
Birrell, Michael Macquarie University, Sydney mbirrell@laurel.ocs.mq.edu.au
Blunden, Victor CCE - University of Manchester vblunden@care4free.net
Bochi, Patricia A. Washington, D.C. pbochi@earthlink.net
Bolshakov, Andrey O. Hermitage Mus. St.Petersburg imhotep@AB5564.spb.edu
Bommas, Martin Universities of Heidelberg and Basel martin.bommas@unibas.ch
Booth, Charlotte Birkbeck CEMS (University of London) charlotte_booth@yahoo.com
Borla, Matilde Museo Egizio, Turin matilde.borla@museoegizio.org
Boshoff, Anlen SA Cultural History Museum, Cape Town aboshoff@sachm.org.za
Botta, Alejandro Felix Hebrew University of Jerusalem clopezru@midway.uchicago.edu
Bovot, Jean-Luc Louvre, Paris bovot@louvre.fr
Bouvier, Guillaume Strasbourg guillaume.bouvier@wanadoo.fr
Bourriau, Janine University of Cambridge jdb29@cam.ac.uk
Brand, Peter Memphis University pbrand@memphis.edu
Brancaglion, Antonio Jr. Universidade de Sao Paulo anubis@usp.br
Brass, Michael University College, London mike@antiquityofman.com
Bresciani, Edda University of Pisa bresciani@sta.unipi.it
British Museum, London egyptian@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Departmental address for Egyptian Antiquities (put name of person addressed as 'Subject'). See also individual listings for Vivian Davies, Marcel Maree, Richard Parkinson, Jeffrey Spencer, Neal Spencer, Nigel Strudwick, John Taylor and Derek Welsby.
Brock, Edwin Cairo brockec@aucegypt.edu
Brock, Lyla Pinch Cairo brockec@aucegypt.edu
Broekman, Gerard Bergen op Zoom gebro@compaqnet.nl
Brooklyn Museum of Art, New York For the Department of Egyptian, Classical, and Ancient Middle Eastern Art see the individual listing for R. Fazzini.
Brovarski, Edward Brown University edward.brovarski@verizon.net
Bruwier, Marie-Cécile Royal Museum of Mariemont marie-cecile.bruwier@musee-mariemont.be
Bryan, Betsy Johns Hopkins University Betsy.Bryan@jhu.edu
Bryan, Cathie Ancient Egypt Magazine, Paris correspondent 114061.1236@compuserve.com
Budde, Dagmar University of Mainz budde@uni-mainz.de
Burkard, Günter University of München Guenter.Burkard@lrz.uni-muenchen.de
Burkhardt, Adelheid Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences burkhardt@bbaw.de
Butterweck-Abdel Rahim, Kirsten University of Münster aegyptustvl@link.com.eg; include name as 'subject'
Cabrol, Agnès University of Lille moutemouia@neuf.fr
Calzadilla, Julia Cuba jcn@cubarte.cult.cu
Cagle, Anthony University of Washington acagle@u.washington.edu
Cannuyer, Christian Universite Catholique de Lille christian.cannuyer@swing.be
Carstens, Patrick SSEA, Toronto patrick.carstens2@sympatico.ca
Cashman, Jenny University of Oxford jenny.cashman@lincoln.ox.ac.uk
Castel, Elisa Madrid ecastel@arrakis.es
Castillos, Juan Jose Uruguayan Institute of Egyptology juancast@yahoo.com
Castle, Edward Chicago e.castle@eudoramail.com
Cervello Autuori, Josep Aula Aegyptiaca jcervello@uoc.edu
Chappaz, Jean-Luc Geneva Jean-Luc.Chappaz@mah.ville-ge.ch
Chartier-Raymond, Maryvonne Antikenmuseum, Basel chray@chartierraymond.com
Chauvet, Violaine Chauvet Johns Hopkins University vchauvet@hotmail.com
Cherix, Pierre University of Geneva pierre.cherix@swissonline.ch
Chicago, University of, Oriental Institute People can be reached by writing to: firstname_lastname@memphis-orinst.uchicago.edu The following names, some noted elsewhere in the list, were supplied by Charles Jones: Dorman, Peter; Dousa, Thomas; Johnson, Janet; Johnson, W Raymond; Jones, Charles; Larson, John; Meyer, Carol; O'Brien, Alexandra; Sanders, John; Teeter, Emily; Tindell, Raymond; Wente, Edward; Whitcomb, Donald; Wilson, Karen
Chimko, Corey New York University cchimko@hotmail.com
Chrysikopoulos, Vasileios Athens vaschrys@yahoo.fr
Cione, Alberto Luis Museo de La Plata, Argentina acione@museo.fcnym.unlp.edu.ar
Cladakis, Helen National Museum of Athens cladaki@hotmail.com
Clarysse, Willy Katolieke Universiteit Leuven clarysse@onyx.arts.kuleuven.ac.be
Claus, Benoit Universite Libre, Brussels bclaus@ulb.ac.be
Coenen, Marc University of Leuven Marc.Coenen@arts.kuleuven.ac.be
Coletta, Juan Francisco Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina jcoletta@criba.edu.ar
Colin, Frédéric Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg II) phanemon@free.fr
Collier, Mark University of Liverpool m.a.collier@liverpool.ac.uk
Cooney, Kathlyn Stanford University kcooney@stanford.edu
Coppens, Filip Czech National Center for Egyptology, Prague filip.coppens@ff.cuni.cz
Corcoran, Lorelei Memphis University LCorcoran@memphis.edu
Cornelius, Izak University of Stellenbosch sakkie@sun.ac.za
Corteggiani, Jean-Pierre IFAO, Cairo jpcorteggiani@ifao.egnet.net
Corthals, Angelique American Museum of Natural History corthals@amnh.org
Coulon, Laurent University of Lyon laurent.coulon@mom.fr
Cowie, Paul J Macquarie University pjamescowie@ancientneareast.net
Crowell, Brigit University of Pennsylvania bcrowell@sas.upenn.edu
Crozier-Brelot, Claude Paris Crozier-cl@magic.fr
Cruz-Uribe, Gene Northern Arizona University eugene.cruz-uribe@nau.edu
Daoud, Khaled University of Liverpool inu@liverpool.ac.uk
D'Auria, Sue Cincinatti sdauria@cinci.rr.com
Davidovits, Joseph Geopolymer Institute, Saint Quentin, France web@geopolymer.org
Davies, Vivian British Museum, London wdavies@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Delia, Robert New York rdelias3@aol.com
Delvaux, Luc Universite Libre de Bruxelles Contact via Preys, Rene
Demaree, R. J. Leiden University R.J.Demaree@let.leidenuniv.nl
Depauw, Mark University of Leuven Mark.Depauw@arts.kuleuven.ac.be
Depuydt, Leo Brown University ldepuydt@brown.edu
Derriks, Claire Musée royal de Mariemont claire.derriks@musee-mariemont.be
De Smet, Patrick Udjat Corporation udjat@skynet.be
Devauchelle, Didier Université de Lille-III devauchelle@univ-lille3.fr
Dieleman, Jacco UCLA dieleman@humnet.ucla.edu
Dobrev, Vassil IFAO, Cairo vdobrev@ifao.egnet.net
Dodson, Aidan University of Bristol aidan.dodson@bris.ac.uk
Dolinska, Monika National Museum, Warsaw mdolinska@mnw.art.pl
Donker van Heel, Koen University of Leiden koen.donkervanheel@wanadoo.nl
Dorman, Peter University of Chicago p-dorman@uchicago.edu
Doxey, Denise Museum of Fine Arts, Boston DDoxey@mfa.org
Doyen, Florence Universite Libre de Bruxelles fdoyen@ulb.ac.be
Doyle, Noreen Maine, USA Wenamun@aol.com
Dunsmore, Amanda Monash University amanda_dunsmore@yahoo.com
Eaton-Krauss, Marianne Berlin Eaton-Krauss@t-online.de
Egberts, Arno University of Leiden A.Egberts@let.leidenuniv.nl
Egypt Exploration Society London office contact@ees.ac.uk
Egypt Exploration Society Cairo office ees.cairo@britishcouncil.org.eg
Eigner, Dieter Vienna eigner_arch@yahoo.de
Elleithy, Hisham Supreme Council of Antiquities, Cairo hleithy@aucegypt.edu
Emmel, Stephen University of Münster emmstel@nwz.uni-muenster.de
Ertman, Earl L. University of Akron, Ohio earl2@uakron.edu
Evans, Elaine A. University of Tennessee, Knoxville eaevans@utk.edu
Eyre, Christopher Liverpool University ceyre@liverpool.ac.uk
Ezz el-Din, Dina University of Alexandria dina_ezz@hotmail.com
Fauerbach, Ulrike University of Bamberg fauerbach@gmx.de
Favard-Meeks, Christine Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris christine.favard-meeks@wanadoo.fr
Fazzini, Richard The Brooklyn Museum bakenmut@aol.com
Feucht, Erika University of Heidelberg erika.feucht@urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Fildes, Alan NEMES, UK alan@nemes.fsnet.co.uk
Finneiser, Klaus Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin k.finneiser@smb.spk-berlin.de
Fiore Marochetti, Elisa Turin, Museo Egizio elisa.fiore-marochetti@museoegizio.org
Fischer-Elfert, Hans-W. University of Leipzig fischere@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Fisher, Marjorie Martin University of Michigan djoser@umich.edu
Fitzenreiter, Martin Berlin post@m-fitzenreiter.de
Flammini, Roxana CEHAO, Argentine Catholic University, Buenos Aires cehao_uca@yahoo.com.ar
Foley, Andri Bangor, Wales egyptologists@wannsee.co.za
Foley, Martin Bangor, Wales egyptologists@wannsee.co.za
Forstner-Müller Austrian Institute, Cairo irene.forstner_mueller@oeai.at
Frandsen, Paul University of Copenhagen pjf@hum.ku.dk
Freed, Rita Museum of Fine Arts, Boston rfreed@mfa.org
Freier, Elke Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences freier@bbaw.de
Friedman, Florence Providence, Rhode Island ffriedman@verizon.net
Friedman, Renee British Museum renee.f@virgin.net
Fritz, Ulrike University of Tübingen ulrike.fritz@uni-tuebingen.de
Frood, Elizabeth University of Oxford elizabeth.frood@queens.ox.ac.uk
Gaballa, Gaballa Ali Cairo University; Supreme Council of Antiquities, Egypt gaballa@main-scc.cairo.eun.eg
Gabolde, Luc Centre Franco-Egyptien, Luxor lgabolde@internetegypt.com; lgabolde@waika9.com
Gabolde, Marc University of Montpellier marc.gabolde@univ-montp3.fr
Galan, Jose Manuel Instituto de Filologia, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, Madrid jgalan@filol.csic.es
Gee, John Brigham Young University john_gee@byu.edu
German Archaeological Institute Cairo daik_sek@gloryegypt.net
German Archaeological Institute--Publications Cairo daik_pub@gloryegypt.net
Gessler, Beatrix University of Heidelberg beatrixgess@web.de
Giacumakis, George California State University, Fullerton ggiacumakis@fullerton.edu
Gibson, Gayle ROM Toronto gayleg@rom.on.ca
Giddy, Lisa Fontainebleau giddec@wanadoo.fr
Gillam, Robyn York University, Toronto gillam@yorku.ca
Goebs, Katja Trinity College Dublin goebsk@tcd.ie
Gohary, Jocelyn Cairo jogohary@hotmail.com
Goldwasser, Orly Hebrew University Jerusalem goldorly@hotmail.com
Gonz*lez y Arema, ngel Madrid nebsumenu@hotmail.com
Gordon, Andrew Archaeologia, Oakland agordon873@aol.com
Gordon, William University of California, Los Angeles wgordon@ucla.edu
Gosline, Sheldon Lee Hieratic Font Project, Changchun, PRC gosline@egypt.net
Gout, Anne IFAO, Cairo agout@ifao.egnet.net
Gozzoli, Roberto University of Birmingham R.B.Gozzoli@bham.ac.uk
Graefe, Erhart University of Münster grafe@uni-muenster.de
Grallert, Silke University of Bonn sgraller@uni-bonn.de
Grandet, Pierre Paris pierre.grandet@wanadoo.fr
Green, Lyn Toronto lyn.green@utoronto.ca
Griffith Institute
(see also Miles) University of Oxford griffox@ermine.ox.ac.uk
Griffis (Greenberg), Katherine University of Oxford griffcon@griffis-consulting.com
Grunert, Stefan Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences grunert@bbaw.de
Grzymski, Chris Royal Ontario Museum krzysg@rom.on.ca
Guelden, Svenja University of Cologne Svenja.Guelden@uni-koeln.de
Guermeur, Ivan IFAO, Cairo iguermeur@ifao.egnet.net
Guksch, Heike Heidelberg University See Heye
Guichard, Sylvie Louvre, Paris guichard@louvre.fr
Gundlach, Rolf University of Mainz R.Gundlach@t-online.de
Hafemann, Ingelore Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences hafemann@bbaw.de
Hagen, Fredrik University of Cambridge fh226@cam.ac.uk
Haikal, Fayza American University Cairo FHAIKAL@aucegypt.edu
Haldane, Cheryl Ward see Ward, Cheryl
Hallof, Jochen University of Würzburg j.hallof@mail.uni-Würzburg.de
Hansen, Nicole B. University of Chicago/American University in Cairo nbhansen@midway.uchicago.edu
Hare, Tom Princeton University thare@princeton.edu
Haring, Ben University of Leiden B.J.J.Haring@let.leidenuniv.nl
Harrell, James A, University of Toledo james.harrell@utoledo.edu
Hart, George London george@ghart.co.uk
Hartwig, Melinda Georgia State University mhartwig@gsu.edu
Harvey, Julia Groningen dijkharv@wish.net
Harvey, Stephen University of Chicago spharvey@uchicago.edu
Hasel, Michael G. Southern Adventist University, Collegedale TN mhasel@southern.edu
Haynes, Joyce Museum of Fine Arts, Boston jhaynes@mfa.org
Hein, Irmgard University of Vienna irmgard.hein@univie.ac.at
Heidorn, Lisa Chicago lheidorn@earthlink.net
Hellum, Jennifer University of Auckland j.hellum@auckland.ac.nz
Henfling, Edwin (and Seminar für Ägyptologie) University of Goettingen ehenfli@gwdg.de
Herold, Anja Hamburg anja.herold@t-online.de
Hetherington, Nigel Theban Mapping Project Cairo nigel_hetherington@hotmail.com
Heye, Heike Heidelberg University Heike.Heye@urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Hikade, Thomas University of Sydney thomas.hikade@archaeology.usyd.edu.au
Hill, Marsha Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York marsha.hill@metmuseum.org
Hodel-Hoenes, Sigrid University of St.Gall hodel@ntb.ch
Hšlzl, Regina Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna regina.hoelzl@khm.at
Hoffmann, Friedhelm University of Würzburg aegy012@mail.uni-Würzburg.de
Hoffmeier, James Trinity International University 4hoffs@avenew.com
Hollis, Susan Tower SUNY, Empire State Coll., Rochester NY susan.hollis@esc.edu
or: sthollis@frontiernet.net
Holmen, Bente University of Copenhagen holmen@hum.ku.dk
Hope, Colin Monash University, Melbourne colin.hope@arts.monash.edu.au
Hovestreydt, Willem University of Leiden w.hovestreydt@umail.leidenuniv.nl
or: W.Hovestreydt@let.leidenuniv.nl
Hudec, J Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava kaorhudc@savba.savba.sk
Huddlestun, John College of Charleston huddlestunj@cofc.edu
Huyge, Dirk Royal Museums for Art and History, Brussels huyge@kmkg-mrah.be
Ignatov, Sergei New Bulgarian University signatov@nbu.bg
Ikram, Salima American University in Cairo salima@aucegypt.edu
Instituto de Estudios e Investigaciones Nilotico Barcelona xescaberenguer@terra.es
Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale. Cairo domain: ifao.egnet.net Give first initial then name, with no space, followed by @domain; e.g. fjanot@ifao.egnet.net
Publications orders and sales: ventes@ifao.egnet.net or mcmichel@ifao.egnet.net
Ismail, Magdy A. Faculty of Arts, Mansoura University mahisaly@hotmail.com
Jaeschke, Helena & Richard Swimbridge, England MrsHJaeschke@msn.com
James, Loretta University of Toronto loretta.james@utoronto.ca
James, Taber M. University of Toronto taber.james@utoronto.ca
Janosi, Peter University of Vienna Peter.Janosi@univie.ac.at
Jansen-Winkeln, Karl Freie Universitat, Berlin jawinkel@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Jasnow, Richard Johns Hopkins University rjasnow@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu
Jeffreys, David University College London tcfadgj@ucl.ac.uk
Jenni, Hanna University of Basel hanna.jenni@unibas.ch
Jensen, Rikke University of Copenhagen rikjen@post.tele.dk
Josephson, Jack, A. Institute of Fine Arts, New York Jajosep@attglobal.net
Jimenez-Serrano, Alejandro University of Jaen, Spain alejandrojjs@yahoo.es
Johnson, George KMT Special Projects Editor gbjohnson@ohiohills.com
Johnson, Janet University of Chicago j-johnson@uchicago.edu
Johnson, W Raymond University of Chicago wr-johnson@uchicago.edu
Jones, Angela Milward American Research Center in Egypt amilwardjones@yahoo.com
Jones, Charles University of Chicago ce-jones@uchicago.edu
Jones, Dilwyn Oxford jones.dilwyn.d@talk21.com
Jones, Jana Macquarie University jana2.jones@ozemail.com.au
Junge, Friedrich University of Goettingen fjunge@gwdg.de
Kadish, Gerald Binghamton University kadishg@binghamton.edu
Kahn, Dan'el Hebrew University, Jerusalem danelka@netvision.net.il
Kamrin, Janice New York jkamrin@aol.com
Kaper, Olaf E. Leiden University olafkaper@yahoo.com.au
Karig, Joachim S Berlin 100.348668@germanynet.de
Karkowski, Janusz Institute for Mediterranean Archaeology, Warsaw JanKark@zaspan.waw.pl
Kashiwagi Hiroyuki Waseda University kashiwag@mn.waseda.ac.jp
Kawai, Nozumu Johns Hopkins University nkawai@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
Kayser-Lienhard, Nathalie Université de ParisIV-Sorbonne cres@paris4.sorbonne.fr
Kessler, Dieter University of München D.Kessler@aegyp.fak12.uni-muenchen.de
Kettel, Jeannot Luxembourg jeannot.kettel@ci.educ.lu
Kinnaer, Jacques Tienen <webmaster@ancient-egypt.org
Kischkewitz, Hannelore Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin h.kischkewitz@smb.spk-berlin.de
Kjoelby, Annette University of Copenhagen kjoelby@hum.ku.dk
Klemm, Rosemarie University of Munich RosemarieKlemm@t-online.de
Kloth, Nicole University of Heidelberg Kloth@ub.uni-heidelberg.de
Knapp, Bernard University of Glasgow b.knapp@archaeology.arts.gla.ac.uk
Kobylecky, Yarko Chicago museumphoto@hotmail.com
Koemoth, Pierre University of Liege koemoth@swing.be
Kolos, Daniel Benben Publications damilos@bmts.com
Kondo, Jiro Waseda University jkondo@waseda.jp
Kousoulis, Panagiotis University of the Aegean kousoulis@rhodes.aegean.gr
Kozloff, Arielle New York and Cleveland arielle@brodkey.org
Krejci, Jaromir Institute of Egyptology, Prague jaromir.krejci@ff.cuni.cz
Kroeper, Karla Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin k.kroeper@smb.spk-berlin.de
Laboury, Dimitri University de Liege D.Laboury@ulg.ac.be
Lambrecht, Berenice Universite Catholique de Louvain lambrecht@arka.ucl.ac.be
Largacha, Antonio Perez University of Alcala Henares antonio.largach@teleline.es
Larsen, Lief C. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Lief.C.Larson-1@tc.umn.edu
Leahy, Anthony University of Birmingham m.a.leahy@bham.ac.uk
Lehner, Mark AERE & Harvard marklehner@aol.com
Leipzig University, Ägyptologisches Institut and Ägyptisches Museum egypt@rz.uni-leipzig.de (belongs to Frank Steinmann but valid for all in Institut and Museum)
Lenzo, Giuseppina University of Geneva giuseppina.lenzo@lettres.unige.ch
Leprohon, Ronald University of Toronto ronald.leprohon@utoronto.ca
Lerstrup, Annette University of Copenhagen lerstrup@hum.ku.dk
Lesko, Leonard Brown University leonard_lesko@brown.edu
Lesko, Barbara Brown University barbara_lesko@brown.edu
Levy, Thomas E. UC San Diego tlevy@weber.ucsd.edu
Lilyquist, Christine Metropolitan Museum of Art Christine.Lilyquist@metmuseum.org
Liverpool Museum, see Southworth or Bienkowski
Lloyd, Alan B. University of Wales, Swansea a.b.lloyd@swansea.ac.uk
Loeben, Christian Kestner-Museum, Hannover Christian.Loeben@Hannover-Stadt.de
Logan, Thomas J. Monterey Peninsula College tlogan6680@aol.com
Lohwasser, Angelika Humboldt-Universitaet, Berlin post@a-lohwasser.de
London, British Museum London see British Museum
Loose, Jana Netherlands Institute for the Near East- University of Leiden j.loose@planet.nl
Lopez-Ruiz, Carolina Buenos Aires clopezru@midway.uchicago.edu
Loprieno, Antonio University of California, Los Angeles loprieno@humnet.ucla.edu
Loring, Edward Basel gnosarch@bluewin.ch
Lorton, David Baltimore davidlorton@earthlink.net
Louant, Emmanuel Universite Libre de Bruxelles emmanuel.louant@worldonline.be
Louvre, Paris Egyptian Department egypte@louvre.fr
Luban, Marianne California MarianneLuban@aol.com
Lucarelli, Rita Leiden and Rome Universities amrita_luc@hotmail.com
Lüscher, Barbara University of Basel, Switzerland b.luescher@freesurf.ch
McCarthy, Heather Lee Institute of Fine Arts, New York hlm0388@nyu.edu
McDonald, John Metropolitan Museum, New York akhetkhufu@yahoo.com
McDowell, Andrea Madison, Wisconsin agmcdowell@facstaff.wisc.edu
Maderna-Sieben, Claudia University of Heidelberg Maderna-Sieben@t-online.de
Malaise, Michel University of Lige M.Malaise@ulg.ac.be
Mandelli, Vincenzo London vincenzomandelli@yahoo.co.uk
Manniche, Lise Copenhagen lise@manniche.org
Manning, Joseph Stanford University jmanning@stanford.edu
Manuelian, Peter Der Museum of Fine Arts, Boston pmanuelian@mfa.org
or: pdm@theworld.com
Maravelia, Amanda-Alice Benaki Museum, Athens a_maravelia@hotmail.com
Marburg University, Egyptologists in general: kemi@mailer.uni-marburg.de
Maree, Marcel British Museum, London mmaree@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Markowitz, Yvonne Museum of Fine Arts, Boston ymarkowitz@mfa.org
Martin, Cary J University College, London cj.martin@btinternet.com
Martin Valentin, Francisco Instituto de estudios del antiguo Egipto, Madrid ieae@eresmas.com
Mathieson, Ian National Museums of Scotland 101610.3062@compuserve.com
Mathieu, Bernard University of Montpellier 3
IFAO, Cairo bernard.mathieu@univ-montp3.fr
May, Peter Macquarie University ptahotep@zeta.org.au
Mazzanti, Maria Stella Egyptian Museum Collaborator, Torino stella.maz@libero.it
Meeks, Dimitri CNRS, University of Aix-en-Provence dimitri.meeks@wanadoo.fr
Meilleur, Amy Institute of Fine Arts, NYU amm400@nyu.edu
Merzeban, Rania Faculty of Tourism, Alexandria raniamerzeban@yahoo.com
Meskell, Lynn Columbia University lmm64@columbia.edu
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Egyptian Department mmaegypt@sprynet.com
Metwally, Emad el- University of Heidelberg bb7@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
Meza, Alicia Forest Hills, NY aliciaim@aol.com
Midant-Reynes, Beatrix Centre d'anthropologie, Toulouse midant@cict.fr
Milde, Henk Zoetermeer, Netherlands henkmilde@xs4all.nl
Miles, Elizabeth Griffith Institute, University of Oxford elizabeth.miles@ashmus.ox.ac.uk
Miller, Robert L. Bioanthropology Foundation Paleoepidemiology Project millerrl@marietta.edu
Moeller, Nadine University of Cambridge nm240@cam.ac.uk
Molinero Polo, Miguel Angel University of La Laguna, Tenerife mmolipol@ull.es
Montagno-Leahy, Lisa University of Birmingham l.m.montagno-leahy@bham.ac.uk
Moreno Garcia, Juan Carlos CNRS, Paris jcmorenogarcia@hotmail.com
Morris, Ellen University of Swansea E.F.Morris@swansea.ac.uk
Mosher, Malcolm San Francisco malcolm.mosher@hp.com
Mu-chou Poo Academia Sinica, Taiwan MCP00@pluto.ihp.sinica.edu.tw
Müller, Ingeborg Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin i.mueller@smb.spk-berlin.de
Müller, Maya Basel Maya.U.Mueller@bluewin.ch
Müller-Wollermann, Renate University of Tübingen renate.mueller-wollermann@uni-tuebingen.de
Musée d'art et d'histoire de Genève Geneva mah@ville-ge.ch
Mynarova, Jana Institute of Egyptology, Prague jana.mynarova@ff.cuni.cz
Naeser, Claudia University of Leipzig naeser@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Naguib, Saphinaz Amal University of Oslo s.a.naguib@iks.uio.no
Nakano, Tomoaki Nanzan University, Nagoya pxu13212@niftyserve.or.jp
Naunton, Chris Egypt Exploration Society chris.naunton@ees.ac.uk
Nederlands-Vlaams Instituut in Cairo (Netherlands Flemish Institute in Cairo) nvic@rite.com
Nicholson, Paul University of Wales, Cardiff shaptn@cardiff.ac.uk
Nishimoto, Shin-ichi Waseda University nishimot@waseda.jp
Noegel, Scott University of Washington snoegel@u.washington.edu
Nyord, Rune University of Copenhagen rnyord@hum.ku.dk
O'Brien, Alexandra University of Chicago a-obrien@uchicago.edu
Obsomer, Claude Universite catholique de Louvain obsomer@ori.ucl.ac.be
O'Donoghue, Michael University of South Australia Michael.O'Donoghue@unisa.edu.au
Ogdon, Jorge R. Centro de Estudios del Antiguo Egipto, Buenos Aires ogdonrobert@hotmail.com
Onasch, Hans-Ulrich Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin h0539asj@rz.hu-berlin.de
Oost, Hillen University of Leiden hillenoost@hotmail.com
Oppenheim, Adela Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York adela.oppenheim@metmuseum.org
Orel, Sara Truman State University orel@truman.edu
Oren, Eliezer Tel Aviv orensin@bgumail.bgu.ac.il
Ouellet, Brigitte Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities, Montreal ouellebr@globetrotter.net
Parkinson, Richard British Museum, London rparkinson@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Partridge, Robert Manchester Ancient Egypt Society bobegyptpl@aol.com
Paetznick, Jean-Pierre University of Heidelberg sealing@gmx.de
Patch, Diana Craig The Metropolitan Museum of Art diana.patch@metmuseum.org
Peck, William H. Detroit whpeck@yahoo.com
Pernigotti, Sergio University of Bologna pernigot@alma.unibo.it
Peust, Carsten University of Goettingen cpeust@gwdg.de
Phillips, Jacke McDonald Institute, Cambridge jsp1005@hermes.cam.ac.uk
Piacentini, Patrizia University of Milan patrizia.piacentini@unimi.it
Picton, Jan Friends of the Petrie Museum, London janpicton@ijnet.demon.co.uk
Pierce, Richard Holton University of Bergen richard.pierce@krr.uib.no
Pinch, Geraldine University of Cambridge grhp@chalcedon.demon.co.uk
Piquette, Kathryn E. University College London k.piquette@ucl.ac.uk
Pischikova, Elena Metropolitan Museum of Art elena.pischikova@metmuseum.org
Podzorski, Patricia University of Memphis ppodzrsk@memphis.edu
Poethke, Günter Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin g.poethke@smb.spk-berlin.de
Polasky, Rodney Egyptian Archaeology & Student Education Association, Cambridge OH rpcm11@byesville.net
Polz, Daniel Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Cairo polz@soficom.com.eg
Porter, Barbara A. New York University b_porter@stblaw.com
Postel, Lilian IFAO, Cairo lpostel@ifao.egnet.net
Pouls Wegner, Mary Ann University of Toronto ma.poulswegner@utoronto.ca
Pragt, Huub Hilversum, The Netherlands info@egyptologie.nl
Preys, Rene Catholic University, Leuven Rene.Preys@skynet.be
Programa de Estudios de Egiptologia Buenos Aires postmaster@prede.edu.ar
Quack, Joachim Friedrich Freie Universitat, Berlin quack@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Raffaele, Francesco University of Naples francescoraf@inwind.it
Raisman, Vivien City University, London vraisman@hotmail.com
Rampersad, Sabrina R. University of Toronto s.rampersad@utoronto.ca
Raven, Maarten Rijksmuseum, Leiden m.raven@rmo.nl
Redmount, Carol University of California, Berkeley redmount@garnet.berkeley.edu
Redford, Donald Pennsylvania State University dbr3@psu.edu
Redford, Susan Pennsylvania State University dbr3@psu.edu
Reeder, Greg KMT, San Francisco greg@egyptology.com
Reeves, Nicholas Eton College cnreeves@aol.com
Refai, Hosam University of Helwan hosamrefai@yahoo.com
Reineke, Walter F. Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences reineke@bbaw.de
Revez, Jean Université de Montréal jean.revez@umontreal.ca
Reynders, Marleen Leuven University Marleen.Reynders@arts.kuleuven.ac.be
Rhodes, Michael D. Brigham Young University michael_rhodes@byu.edu
Richards, Janet University of Michigan jerichar@umich.edu
Riggs, Christina Manchester Museum christina.riggs@man.ac.uk
Rikala, Mia University of Helsinki rikala@elo.helsinki.fi
Ritner, Robert Oriental Institute, Chicago r-ritner@uchicago.edu
Robins, Gay Emory University, Atlanta grobins@emory.edu
Rocheleau, Caroline Toronto c.m.rocheleau@gmail.com
Roettger, Heinz Düsseldorf Roettger-Duesseldorf@t-online.de
Rosati, Gloria University of Florence gloria.rosati@unifi.it
Rose, Pamela University of Cambridge pjr4@cus.cam.ac.uk
Roth, Ann Macy Howard University amroth@ix.netcom.com
Royal Ontario Museum Toronto see Grzymski, Shaw
Rummel, Ute Deutsches Archaologisches Institut, Cairo rummel@soficom.com.eg
Ryan, Donald Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma ryandp@plu.edu
Ryholt, Kim University of Copenhagen ryholt@hum.ku.dk
el-Saady, Hassan M University of Alexandria essaady@yahoo.com
Sabek, Yasser Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences sabek@bbaw.de
Saadallah, Mohammed A University of Zagazig mohamed_saadallah@yahoo.com
Sagrillo, Troy University of Toronto t.sagrillo@utoronto.ca
Saleh, Ahmed ahmedsaleh@mummyspeaks.netNot working
Sales, Jose das Candeias Universidade Aberta, Lisbon sales@classic.univ-ab.pt
Samuel, Delwen University College, London d.samuel@ucl.ac.uk
Satzinger, Helmut University and Museum, Vienna helmut.satzinger@chello.at
Sayed, Abdel Monem A. H. Univ. of Alexandria el-Shatby monemsayed21411@yahoo.com
Schenkel, Wolfgang University of Tübingen schenkel@uni-tuebingen.de
Schlesinger, Marissa R. University of Toronto schlesin@chass.utoronto.ca
Schiestl, Robert Seminar für Ägyptologie, FU Berlin schiestl@zedat.fu-berlin.de
Schulz, Regine Walters Art Museum, Baltimore rschulz@thewalters.org
Schoneveld, Jan ARC Groningen j.schoneveld@arcbv.nl
Scott, Carolyn Patricia Los Angeles webhotep@sbcglobal.net
Seco-Alvarez, Myriam Cairo m_seco18@hotmail.com
Seidlmayer, Stephan Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften seidlmayer@bbaw.de
Serpico, Margaret Institute of Archaeology, London mt_serpico@hotmail.com
Seyfried, Friederike Ägyptisches Museum, Leipzig seyfried@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Sharpe, John Duke University codex@acpub.duke.edu
Shaw, Ian University of Liverpool ishaw@liv.ac.uk or imeshaw@supanet.com
Shaw, Roberta Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto robertas@rom.on.ca
Sheikholeslami, Cynthia May American University Cairo cynmay@aucegypt.edu
Shisha-Halevy, Ariel Hebrew University Jerusalem ferretti@cc.huji.ac.il
Silverman, David University of Pennsylvania dsilverm@mail.sas.upenn.edu
Simpson, William Kelly Yale University william.simpson@yale.edu
Siuda, Tamara L. University of Chicago t-siuda-10@alumni.uchicago.edu
Snape, Steven University of Liverpool snape@liv.ac.uk
Société d'Egyptologie de Genève Geneva seg-sg@swissonline.ch
Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Montreal chapter ssea_mtl@hotmail.com
Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities Head Office, Toronto ssea@bigfoot.com
Sofra, Stefania Rome stefania.sofra@panservice.it
Solkin, Victor Ancient Egypt Studies 'MAAT' Moscow vvs@maat.ru
Soukiassian, Georges IFAO, Cairo gsoukiassian@ifao.egnet.net
Sourouzian, Hourig Cairo hsourouzian@link.net
Sowada, Karin University of Sydney ksowada@zeta.org.au
Spanel, Donald New York donaldspanel@verizon.net
Spence, Kate University of Cambridge kes1004@hermes.cam.ac.uk
Spencer, Jeffrey British Museum, London aspencer@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Spencer, Patricia Egypt Exploration Society patricia.spencer@ees.ac.uk
Stadelmann, Rainer Cairo rstadelmann@link.net
Stadler, Martin University of Würzburg martin.stadler@mail.uni-wuerzburg.de
Stadnikov, Sergei Humanities Institute, Tallinn sergei.stadnikov@mail.ee
Stefanovic, Danijela University of Beograd dstefano@f.bg.ac.yu
Steinborn, Florian Humboldt-Universitaet Berlin fpunkt@gmx.de
Steinmann, Frank University of Leipzig egypt@rz.uni-leipzig.de
Stephan, Joachim Celle, Germany Stephan-Celle@t-online.de
Sternberg-el Hotabi, Heike University of Goettingen hsternb@gwdg.de
Stief, Norbert University of Bonn uzr106@dbnrhrz1
Strudwick, Nigel British Museum ncs3@cam.ac.uk
Strudwick, Helen Fizwilliam Museum, Cambridge hms12@cam.ac.uk
Suita, Hiroshi Kansai University horus@ipcku.kansai-u.ac.jp
Sullivan, Peter Wellington NZ egyptian@xtra.co.nz
Sutherland, Louise University of Manchester louise.sutherland@virgin.net
Swartz, Lynn University of California,Los Angeles swartz@humnet.ucla.edu
Swelim, Nabil Cairo nswelim@brainy1.ie-eg.com
Sweeney, Deborah Tel Aviv University deborahs@post.tau.ac.il
Szpakowska, Kasia University of Wales Swansea K.Szpakowska@swansea.ac.uk
Tait, John University College London ucrpwjt@ucl.ac.uk
Tavares, Ana CNRS tavares@cepam.cnrs.fr
Taylor, John British Museum, London jtaylor@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Teeter, Emily University of Chicago eteeter@uchicago.edu
Tefnin, Roland Universite Libre de Bruxelles rtefnin@ulb.ac.be
Testa, Pietro Italy pietrotesta1@tin.it
Thill, Florence University of Lille 3 thill@univ-lille3.fr
Thomas, Nancy Los Angeles County Museum of Art NThomas@lacma.org
Thomas, Susanna University of Liverpool susanna.thomas@liv.ac.uk
Thompson, Dorothy J. University of Cambridge djt17@cam.ac.uk
Thompson, Kristin University of Wisconsin - Madison kmthomps@facstaff.wisc.edu
Tiradritti, Francesco Museo Egizio Torino ftiradritti@tiscalinet.it
Toivari-Viitala, Jaana Helsinki University jtoivari@hotmail.com
Trapani, Marcella Museo Egizio, Torino marcella.trapani@museoegizio.org
Trampier, Joshua University of Chicago joshtrampier@yahoo.com
Trello, Jesus Madrid jesus.trello@uam.es
Tristant, Yann Centre d'anthropologie, Toulouse yanntristant@free.fr
Trivan, Boris Zrenjanin Yugoslavia boris_trivan@yahoo.com
Troy, Lana University of Uppsala lana.troy@egyptologi.uu.se (will also pass messages to others in Uppsala)
Tuttle, Richard Eastern Washington University rtuttle@iea.com
Uchida, Sugihiko Meirin College, Niigata, Japan s-uchida@meirin-c.ac.jp
Ullmann, Martina University of Munich karnakzement@compuserve.com
Valloggia, Michel University of Geneva Michel.Valloggia@lettres.unige.ch
van den Berg, Hans University of Utrecht wepwawet@wepwawet.nl
van den Brink, Edwin Tel Aviv edwin@israntique.org.il
van der Plas, Dirk University of Utrecht vdplas@ccer.nl
Vandersleyen, Claude Universite Catholique de Louvain claude.vandersleyen@skynet.be
van Dijk, Jacobus University of Groningen dijkharv@wish.net
van Elsbergen, Michael University of Mainz elsbergen@web.de
van Haarlem, Willem M. Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam W.M.vanHaarlem@uva.nl
van Walsem, Rene University of Leiden R.van.Walsem@let.leidenuniv.nl
van Wetering, Joris University of Leiden jflvwetering@yahoo.co.uk
Vartavan, Christian de Paris vartavan@aol.com
or vartavan@tele2.fr
Vasiljevic, Vera University of Belgrade V.Vasiljevic@f.bg.ac.yu
Veldmeijer, Andre Amsterdam VeldBurg@hotmail.com
Velten, Alexandra University of Mainz velten@uni-mainz.de
Ventura, Raphael Tel Aviv University rafi_v@mofet.macam98.ac.il
or: rafi_v@beitberl.beitberl.ac.il
Verbeek, Christina Cologne neferhotep@gmx.de
Vergnieux, Robert University of Bordeaux robert.vergnieux@u-bordeaux3.fr
Verhoeven, Ursula University of Mainz verhoeve@uni-mainz.de
Vinson, Steve State University of New York at New Paltz vinsons@newpaltz.edu
Vishnoi, Vikas New York vvishnoi@msn.com
Vleeming, Sven University of Trier Vleeming@Uni-Trier.de
Walker, Roxie Bioanthropology Foundation, Isle of Man roxie@murgatroyd.com
Walz, Terry Middle East Research and Information Project, Washington DC twalz@pop.mindspring.com
Warburton, David University of Aarhus warbt@yahoo.com
Ward, Cheryl (formerly Haldane) Florida State University, Tallahassee cward@mailer.fsu.edu
Weber, Manfred University of Cologne Manfred.Th.Weber@Uni-Koeln.de
Weeks, Kent American University Cairo weekstmp@yahoo.com
Wells, Ronald University of California, Berkeley rwells@nature.Berkeley.edu
Welsby, Derek British Museum dwelsby@thebritishmuseum.ac.uk
Wendrich, Willemina UCLA wendrich@humnet.ucla.edu
Wenke, Rob University of Washington wenke@u.washington.edu
Wente, Edward University of Chicago e-wente@uchicago.edu
Wenzel, Diana University of Mainz dwenzel@uni-mainz.de
Werner, Edward Jupiter, Florida ekwerner@gate.net
Whitehouse, Helen Ashmolean Museum, Oxford helen.whitehouse@ashmolean-museum.oxford.ac.uk
Widmer, Ghislaine Paris-Lille ghislainewidmer@yahoo.fr
Widstrand, Carl Ottawa and Carleton Universities cwidstra@ccs.carleton.ca
Wildung, Dietrich Ägyptisches Museum, Berlin aemp@smb.spk-berlin.de
Wilfong, Terry University of Michigan twilfong@umich.edu
Wilkinson, Richard University of Arizona egypt@u.arizona.edu
Willems, Harco University of Leuven harco.willems@arts.kuleuven.ac.be
Williams, Bruce University of Chicago bb-williams@uchicago.edu
Wilson, Gaye University of Sydney horus@hawknet.com.au
Wilson, Penny University of Durham Penelope.Wilson@durham.ac.uk
Wilson, Sarah Lare Forest Park mutirdis@hotmail.com
Wimmer, Stefan München balata@web.de
Winand, Jean University of Liege J.Winand@ulg.ac.be
Windus-Staginsky, Elka Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences windus-staginsky@bbaw.de
Winter, Erich University of Trier winter@uni-trier.de
Wohlfarth, Susanne München Sennefer96@web.de
Wolinski, Arelene Mesa College, San Diego awolinsk@sdccd.net
Wuttmann, Michel IFAO, Cairo mwuttmann@ifao.egnet.net
Yellin, Janice Babson College yellin@babson.edu
Yousef, Hussein M. A. Cairo University, Beni Suef Branch hyousef@main-scc.cairo.eun.eg
Zakrzewski, Sonia University of Durham S.R.Zakrzewski@durham.ac.uk
Zibelius-Chen, Karola University of Tübingen Karola.zibelius-chen@uni-tuebingen.de
Ziegler, Christiane Musée du Louvre, Paris see Louvre
Zivie, Alain CNRS, Paris az.hypogees@wanadoo.fr
Zonhoven, Louis University of Leiden L.M.J.Zonhoven@let.leidenuniv.nl
Zulian, Marcelo Universidad de Moron, Argentina mzulian@unimoron.edu.ar

( there are many more but these are the main egyptolists that i use)


May 5, 2004
Re Egyptologists

That is a TRULY AWESOME list!!! I am staggered! Well done!!!



Jul 8, 2003
Uni Grad
Bradley is a great source. She has resershed to share her findings with us... she isn't saying i know all this information.... if u haven't noticed... all her quotes are referenced as to where they have come from.... she has read information and put it into her own words... using direct quotes from historians and the like.... it isn't like she doesn't give referances and take all the credit for her book...... grow up... if ur saying bradley isn't good enough.... the examiners want to know that u can reference and have reserched the information that u rely.... they are not going to look at it and say oh u used bradley no marks for u.... they look for in depth information... besides if u have so many sources like the person has posted above u'll be spending ur exam trying to remember which quote comes from where... u should only use at least 4 sources.... quote... and reference.... your only need 10 quotes... otherwise u'll never remember everything..... it is silly putting bradley down... she has put hours of work into a book to help us.... something she reserched and spent probably years doing.... so respect the people who hand us the information....

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