Illegal Immigrants (1 Viewer)

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Oct 30, 2011
You're a member of an ethnic minority in a South East asian country; the government of the day doesn't like your ethnicity. You can be forcefully evicted, your land can be confiscated and you aren't considered a full citizen of your country. You're not entitled to a birth certificate or a passport.

You go to Malaysia or Indonesia, but you find the corruption and racism are just as bad and you can't get access to refugee procedures. You manage to get an ID card from UNHCR but corrupt cops take it off you.

You work illegally in Indonesia for a few years, constantly in fear of being put in detention because you're stateless. You manage to save up ~$1000 and get on a boat to Australia.

Where do these people fit in your scheme here?
I dont see them lieing about their names or point of origin; so they would be processed relatively quickly and ascertained to be "real" refugees. But I was under the impression we were discussing the Afghan "Asylum Seekers".
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On The Road To Serfdom
Dec 2, 2009
they get on a fishing boat

again the assumption that random islands in indonesia have a nice port where you check in like it's fucking circular quay is retarded
lol, so true, if they can have epic piracy there, I'm pretty sure with a population of like 250,000 they gonna miss some people trying to hop skip to AUS


Oct 30, 2011
they get on a fishing boat

again the assumption that random islands in indonesia have a nice port where you check in like it's fucking circular quay is retarded
I was under the impression that Afghanistan was landlocked.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
@Mrs Thatcher
I live in Sydney; and lets analyse this.
16 years of economic growth is hardly related to a state government, but lets look at some of their implemented policies.
40% of total in management tax for people who are disabled and claim the state as their ward. (So 40% of the money from insurance companies given to people who suffered from accidents would end up in the state purse, if the injured did not claim the state as their ward the insurance company would proceed to sue [I know a few people who went through that mess])
If they eliminated corruption in the police force why were there two charges of corruption amongst the police not a month ago?
For all the investment in road transport it now takes me longer to get to school that it used to; none of the major upgrades occured in Liberal held seats.
Then there are the tennancy laws which reduced private property to the level of public housing in the eyes of the courts.

I dont see how at least 1,000,000,000 dollars going missing is an insignificant indiscretion.

And Im not even going to comment on the bureaucratic mess that the EU thrives in.
Have a look at it; it elects its own seats to create and implement its own policies what sort of a democracy are you calling that?
The economic growth is intrinsically related to the economic management of that state government, this was not a state that was buoyed by its own major mining boom or that was feted by the unsustainable pork barrelling of the Howard commonwealth, it was the disciplined management of the Carr and Iemma governments and their investment in infrastructure to support emergent industries in the state over that period. With respect to disability payments you have oversimplified a complicated issue in a disgraceful way.

When it comes to corruption charges in the police force happening two months ago, you know something, this is no longer Bob Carr's NSW it is Barry O'farrells. That being said exceptions will always emerge the point is that they are actually being caught and prosecuted now, unlike in 1996 where the Royal Commission's findings showed that corruption in the NSW police force was rampant and unchecked until Carr passed the legislation granting the police commissioner greater powers to crack down upon it and making the commissioner directly accountable to the cabinet.

As for the matter of how long it takes you to get to school, diddums... The fact is I have never been anywhere in the world which didn't think it's local public transport was lousy, Sydney is a large place with a high population time taken to travel is just a reality. The state governments investment in infrastructure however was both targeted and at a record high, if you want you culprit for the under-funding of NSW infrastructure I suggest you look at John Howard and Peter Costello. When John Curtin took control of income tax from the states it was done so under the assumption that the federal government would use that revenue to assume much of the infrastructure burdens of the that which had been traditionally assigned to the states and indeed that happened under Menzies,under Whitlam under Hawke and under Fraser. Not under the neoliberalism of John Howard however.

On tenancy laws I've written extensively about them at university, simply put you are again oversimplifying the reforms in a disgustingly deceitful way, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you just don't know what your talking about, as in most things.

Not going to respond to throwing around arbitrary figures like that.

Finally I didn't say the EU I said the members of the EU, as in the domestic governance of European nations.


Oct 30, 2011
The economic growth is intrinsically related to the economic management of that state government, this was not a state that was buoyed by its own major mining boom or that was feted by the unsustainable pork barrelling of the Howard commonwealth, it was the disciplined management of the Carr and Iemma governments and their investment in infrastructure to support emergent industries in the state over that period. With respect to disability payments you have oversimplified a complicated issue in a disgraceful way.

When it comes to corruption charges in the police force happening two months ago, you know something, this is no longer Bob Carr's NSW it is Barry O'farrells. That being said exceptions will always emerge the point is that they are actually being caught and prosecuted now, unlike in 1996 where the Royal Commission's findings showed that corruption in the NSW police force was rampant and unchecked until Carr passed the legislation granting the police commissioner greater powers to crack down upon it and making the commissioner directly accountable to the cabinet.

As for the matter of how long it takes you to get to school, diddums... The fact is I have never been anywhere in the world which didn't think it's local public transport was lousy, Sydney is a large place with a high population time taken to travel is just a reality. The state governments investment in infrastructure however was both targeted and at a record high, if you want you culprit for the under-funding of NSW infrastructure I suggest you look at John Howard and Peter Costello. When John Curtin took control of income tax from the states it was done so under the assumption that the federal government would use that revenue to assume much of the infrastructure burdens of the that which had been traditionally assigned to the states and indeed that happened under Menzies,under Whitlam under Hawke and under Fraser. Not under the neoliberalism of John Howard however.

On tenancy laws I've written extensively about them at university, simply put you are again oversimplifying the reforms in a disgustingly deceitful way, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you just don't know what your talking about, as in most things.

Not going to respond to throwing around arbitrary figures like that.

Finally I didn't say the EU I said the members of the EU, as in the domestic governance of European nations.

Firstly; how do you differentiate between the economic gains due to the state and federal government's policies? If you want to discuss infrastructure take a look at cherrybrook, but yes it has been horribly underfunded. Also in the lead up to the last state election all the bus routes in Northern Sydney were re-catagorised; in the confusion surrounding this event quite a number of busses appear to have ceased to operate; This was under Mrs Keneally; whom I note you have avoided mentioning.

With regards to the tennancy laws, my only knowledge on their front is through a court case involving the attempted removal of a tennant from a property where the: rent had not been paid in 9 months; three windows were smashed and the tennant had refused to pay (Glass is an exception to the usual "acceptable wear" clause) the pipe under the kitchen sink was later discovered to have been smashed so serve as a place of disposal for marajuana, the tennant was refusing access to the house for maintainence, and a number of the light covering had been used as "bongs" Nails had been driven into the walls, there were smoke stains on the roof despite the contract forbidding smoking inside the residence; an extra person was living in the house, despite the contract being for 4 people, not 5 (Neither the landlord nor the estate agent were informed of this) animals were kept in the place of residence despite the contract forbidding pets, the carpet was duly stained due to this. The tennant had also failed to maintain the garden despite his claim to do so as a partial waiver to rent (again in the contract).

Despite all of this the court did not let the landlord remove the tennant from the premises, and it took a further two years to successfuly extract them, the tennant got the majority of the bond back, and the landlord had to pay for the repairs.

I would be interested to hear what you think of the tennancy laws though.

To continue you have not rebutted the ludicrous "management fees" levied by the Carr Government following a diver injuring themselves at Manly in 2001.

And for a point; London's transport system is exceptional, I would highly reccomend it.

The 1bn dollars was the largest hole found in labor's paperwork.

I would point out with regards to your dismissal of such a sum, that thankfully Australia is not as corrupt as countries such as Italy or Greece and while they may be having trouble with sums 100 times the amount I don't believe that is any excuse to ignore it.

On a final note; throwing money at problems does not guarantee any form of solution.
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Active Member
Aug 3, 2008
Firstly; how do you differentiate between the economic gains due to the state and federal government's policies? If you want to discuss infrastructure take a look at cherrybrook, but yes it has been horribly underfunded. Also in the lead up to the last state election all the bus routes in Northern Sydney were re-catagorised; in the confusion surrounding this event quite a number of busses appear to have ceased to operate; This was under Mrs Keneally; whom I note you have avoided mentioning.

With regards to the tennancy laws, my only knowledge on their front is through a court case involving the attempted removal of a tennant from a property where the: rent had not been paid in 9 months; three windows were smashed and the tennant had refused to pay (Glass is an exception to the usual "acceptable wear" clause) the pipe under the kitchen sink was later discovered to have been smashed so serve as a place of disposal for marajuana, the tennant was refusing access to the house for maintainence, and a number of the light covering had been used as "bongs" Nails had been driven into the walls, there were smoke stains on the roof despite the contract forbidding smoking inside the residence; an extra person was living in the house, despite the contract being for 4 people, not 5 (Neither the landlord nor the estate agent were informed of this) animals were kept in the place of residence despite the contract forbidding pets, the carpet was duly stained due to this. The tennant had also failed to maintain the garden despite his claim to do so as a partial waiver to rent (again in the contract).

Despite all of this the court did not let the landlord remove the tennant from the premises, and it took a further two years to successfuly extract them, the tennant got the majority of the bond back, and the landlord had to pay for the repairs.

I would be interested to hear what you think of the tennancy laws though.

To continue you have not rebutted the ludicrous "management fees" levied by the Carr Government following a diver injuring themselves at Manly in 2001.

And for a point; London's transport system is exceptional, I would highly reccomend it.

The 1bn dollars was the largest hole found in labor's paperwork.

I would point out with regards to your dismissal of such a sum, that thankfully Australia is not as corrupt as countries such as Italy or Greece and while they may be having trouble with sums 100 times the amount I don't believe that is any excuse to ignore it.

On a final note; throwing money at problems does not guarantee any form of solution.
I don't want to get bogged down too deeply in the debate about the merits of the NSW labor government, for the record I did not vote for them, I only raised its achievements in response to your assertion that it was somehow evidence of the inability of democracy to safeguard against corruption. You point out that I haven't defended Kenneally, not sure if you are aware but Kenneally lost the only election she contested, why? Well I'd say because some of the practices of the government like the missing billion dollars you made reference to were sufficiently dubious enough for the voters to lose confidence in it. It was a government which had performed functionally for over a decade, whatever you thought of its policies on infrastructure or tenancy they weren't abuses of power. The fact is this: That in its final term where for the first time in over a decade it became apparent that there were some abuses of power occurring in the government which the party leadership was not willing or not able to properly rectify, (nothing so serious as to actually hamper the ability of the government to govern properly, Warlords? wtf?) the party received it's lowest vote in post war history. That to me and anyone with a pulse should provide some compelling evidence against your claim that NSW Labor is somehow demonstrates the inability of democracy to safeguard against corruption.


Oct 30, 2011
If you wish to further discuss examples of corrupt democracies, perhaps Italy or Greece would be more to your flavour.

I am still interested in your views on the tennancy laws.

antonio primo

Sep 28, 2011
keep it up stillthinkin and it'll be back to afghanistan for you with the rest of your co-ethnics


Dec 22, 2010
keep it up stillthinkin and it'll be back to afghanistan for you with the rest of your co-ethnics
I'd like to see you try buddy

Sometimes I feel sorry for people like you, who haven't experienced anything beyond the four corners of the little room that you sit in while you attack people on the internet because that's the only place you have the balls to voice your opinion without any repercussions.

So please before you use the only two brain cells that are left inside that empty skull of yours to comment, think about what you have to say. And this time make sure it's a little more colourful than a one line sentence that took you four hours to construct.
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Oct 30, 2011
Its funny how all he can do is make insulting comments as opposed to constructively adding to the discussion.


Oct 20, 2011
Its funny how all he can do is make insulting comments as opposed to constructively adding to the discussion.
Yes, some people such as Antino Primo talk utter nonsense. My guess is the guy dropped out of high school before the HSC.

antonio primo

Sep 28, 2011
I'd like to see you try buddy

Sometimes I feel sorry for people like you, who haven't experienced anything beyond the four corners of the little room that you sit in while you attack people on the internet because that's the only place you have the balls to voice your opinion without any repercussions.

So please before you use the only two brain cells that are left inside that empty skull of yours to comment, think about what you have to say. And this time make sure it's a little more colourful than a one line sentence that took you four hours to construct.
wah wah wah

go have a big cry baby


Dec 22, 2010
Its funny how all he can do is make insulting comments as opposed to constructively adding to the discussion.
this isn't even the first time, that guy is a serial insulter who gets some sick twisted satisfaction from making insulting and racist and sexist comments about other people. Please do us all a favour and kindly leave the forum so we do not have to hear you meager little opinion without any justification again!


Dec 22, 2010

It died a while back but it was good to hear your opinion, you make some really good arguments


Premium Member
Aug 2, 2007
Thread closed because it has descended into an abusive shit storm.
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