I'm at 98.3 - is a 99.6 possible? (2 Viewers)


Prophet 9
Aug 6, 2008
boncho90 said:
Wow, so I'm browsing BoS for tutoring resources and I stumble across this thread I created so long ago :eek:

Just to bring this thread closure, I ended up getting a UAI of 99.65. I remember being so shocked when I found out, because I honestly thought a jump from 98.3 to 99+ was impossible, especially with my 'poor' ranks.

I guess this is a message (..if anybody will ever read it) to HSC students -don't underestimate your ability and second-guess your potential.

In particular, for selective school students, our schools tend to be stricter and estimated marks can grossly deviate from actual marks, perhaps in an attempt to give us something higher to aim for (but in my case, just created more stress and selfdoubt). For example, my school gave me an estimated mark of 83 for english advanced, which made me completely give up on the subject, but I surprisingly ended up with a 95.

I guess what I'm trying to say in my convoluted way - keep in mind that the stressful environment created by the HSC can drastically alter your confidence and perception of your aptitude. You're better than you think you are, and are probably at the level/close to that elusive UAI you seriously doubt you're going to get.
lol nice, success story !!

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