no need to get impertinent and abusive400miles said:If only you weren't so god damn ugly.
Evan's doing a bit more on his proposal and studying some stuff for his MW what about you?400miles said:Anyway, ignoring her, Thomas wonders what everyone's doing?
Erin is very secure thank you, also she does not feel that she has sworn much in this thread at all. She wonders exactly how threatening Evan intended that little warning to be, and since he is obviously in the process of writing his MW, she gives him some friendly advice: learn how to establish tone effectively.kami said:Do you know what you remind me of? An insecure little child who has just discovered swear words and uses them as frequently as possible without understanding what they are saying. So this is the last time. Do. Not.Crititicise.Marcus or Justin or Lynn or anyone else in this thread that you are not and never will be part of due to your deplorable behaviour.
*dead silence from all IPR members*crazyhomo said:quick impertinent survey time!~ everyone who's had sex raise your hand!
you so didn't understand what evan was saying. Perhaps that's why you were disappointed with your MW's final marks, you just didn't understand plain English.glycerine said:Erin is very secure thank you, also she does not feel that she has sworn much in this thread at all.
thomas is impertinent400miles said:*Notices Glycerine didn't raise her hand*
I got 50. And no that's a great mark, I just remember you being really disappointed.glycerine said:Erin asks 400miles what mark they received, and asks if they think 48/50 is really such a terrible mark?
Worked all day, drove him insane. What about Marcus?goldendawn said:Marcus is bored. What did Thomas do today?
It's like she's trying to prove my point for me.glycerine said:Of course Erin *was* disapppointed, but now that she has the validation of a fellow IPRer she can see clearly now, for the rain is gone!
She congratulations Thomas on his mark regardless.