Justin is by far more saintly than Evan. His MSN screenname proves it.
Evan once again uses his Loki powers to de-santify Justinjhakka said:Justin is by far more saintly than Evan. His MSN screenname proves it.
See? Now that you are de-sainted, you can become like many enlightened others and worship the....glitterfairy!jhakka said:Evan is right.
Justin already found it:Airness said:Viva Voce for James - police interrogation with good cop/bad cop.
But what's this? Are we conducting a "Poessession" like quest for the origins of the third person style of articulating on this thread?
I'm intrigued! (yea i used 1st person. hehehehehe....)
How was the Viva Voce?jhakka said:Justin has found roughly where third person narration seemed to start off permanently.
It was either Alan's comment, though the others didn't continue it for a few posts:
Or it was Lynn's post:
Justin would be inclined to say it was Alan's, though.
Overall it was pretty good =)jhakka said:Justin already found it:
How was the Viva Voce?
heheheh great difficulty indeed! I'm 183 =) Not that tall for a guy but tall enough. And what's this about power wielding? Does this thread have a heirachical social structure? If it does, i shall probably be the peasant ^^ujuphleg said:Susan is more inclined to believe that the use of 3rd person can be accredited more to Lynn than to Alan because whilst Alan used 3rd person, everyone else ran with it after Goddess Lynny used it. Therefore, in terms of power wielding Lynny wins.
Susan greets James squared and pats them on the head (probably with great difficulty as Susan, like Lynny is short)
Yet another convert!!! Mwahahahahahahahaha!fleepbasding said:Fleepbasding can't even begin to imagine the many complex and deep topics that have past before him in this thread but enters at his own peril.
this thread gives me somewhat of a headache.kami said:Yet another convert!!! Mwahahahahahahahaha!
Evan says hello to Fleepsbasding *waves* and tells him there is much fun to be had in I-PR, as new escalators have just been installed near the entrance of the thread![]()