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Important: Survey (2 Viewers)


Apr 28, 2004
If you could spare any time could you please fill out this questionnaire for me? You can just reply to this threat or PM me

Greatly appreciated!


Views on public versus private education- SURVEY

Please answer all questions honestly, as the answers will be used in social research for my personal interest project. All responses remain anonymous. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. Age (please specify) _____________________

2. Sex (please circle) Male Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School Independent School Catholic School


4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)

Yes No

6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not?

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

Nicole Kokalevski


Apr 28, 2004

OMG thank you soooooooooo much!!!!

do u mind if i use u as a resource/interviewee?


hey every1, how r u?
Dec 30, 2003
1. Age 17
2. Sex Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 11

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not. No as they only show "one side to the story" dint rreally pooint out the bad of the private and good of public.

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not? ??? dont understand???

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? um well i am at a public school and think its good. its not like i hate private schools, but i dont see the point, seeing my public school is cool

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?
friends and location

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?
um it has made our school "better", as in to compete more with private schools. made me think public schools are better, coz the media never shows right sie of the storuy

Nicole Kokalevski[/QUOTE]


sorry, you've missed me
Dec 1, 2003
1. Age - 17
2. Sex - Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Independant school (??)

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)


5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not? no - i attend a private school

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not? -- yes deffinetly, i always joke with friends (both priv and pub) bout how dumb they r, n they do the same back bout how snotty nosed we are

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school? religious and financial reasons,

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?
it hasnt --> although its made me lean towards teaching at a priv school when i finish uni
Dec 16, 2003
North Shore
wow... lotsa 17 y/o females so far... im another

1. Age: 17.5
2. Sex: Female
3. What school do you attend? Government School
4. What year/grade are you in? Year 12
5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education?
6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? i think they put too much emphasis on the percentage, and don't accurately report the amount this reflects on a daily living basis. They also focus on the fact that the teachers have held industrial action each year for the last few years, but not that their demands have not been met in these years. So i don't think they're completely accurate, and i dont trust them.
7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? No. Nothing different about my school than any other public school.
8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Yes. As SRC i believe that my school is better than the snobby schools that surround us and get lower UAIs... (i didn't really follow the question - what would i be biased about?) Sure we get the bad rep because some run around Strathfield in tiny skirts, but they are the ones who are committing real crimes (vandalising cars etc.)
9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school? Traumatic experiences being the only "poor" (scholarship) student in a rich school (yr 6)
10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level? Too much talk, too little action. It makes me hate John Howard for allowing the Universities to charge more and not caring enough about education, and buying stupid tanks. I have to miss school because Bob Carr can't pay the teacher's more without going into major debt because John Howard won't fund the education budget properly. It just becomes another burden he has to carry until he realises that Australia's population is getting older and his supporters are dying off... the unfortunate thing is that the students attending private schools are the ones who vote for him because they are happy with the current system. I hope Australia gets some decent leadership (e.g. WHITLAM WHITLAM WHITLAM) or i might want to enter Parliament and fight for everyone's rights.


Come on join the joyride
May 19, 2004
hunter valley
1. 16 years old

2. Female

3.Government School

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 11

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?
No i don't, because the fact of the matter is that they are only showing one side to each part of the schooling system, not the negative aspects of the private schools or the positive aspects of the public schools.

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not? Yeah, our school, because the government are so bias, can't even afford paper to give us sheets on our assessment tasks anymore. The teachers are having to buy their own reams of paper because the government 'can't afford' to give them anymore.

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not? no way, a schools a school, i couldnt care less if it was public or private, but i do believe that they all deserve the same rights and the same funding

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school? i didn't choose, i dont live in sydney or newcastle or anywhere where there is a choice of which school you want to go to, i went to my school because it was the only one i felt comfortable going to, and i didnt want to have to travel to a different town.

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

like whiterabbit said, we have to miss days at school because the teachers aren't getting paid enough, not only does this affect me but it affects everyone, especially the year 12 students studying for the HSC, they need every day they can get. Also, we have had this debate at school, im kinda on the fence about it, but John Howard has practically said that those people who go to public schools don't know anything about values, this makes us feel de-graded and affects how we enter the classroom.

im no good with surveys, but i hope this helped.


dirty trick
Oct 21, 2003
The Ludovico Centre
Views on public versus private education- SURVEY

Please answer all questions honestly, as the answers will be used in social research for my personal interest project. All responses remain anonymous. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. Age (please specify) 16

2. Sex (please circle) Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School

4. What year/grade are you in?


5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate?
Inaccurate in certain aspects, it fails to take into account both sides of the private/public education sector

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school?
Effect? Frankly it has little effect on the academic outcome of the students, a few chairs in place won't encourage any underachiever to excel...though it does increase the scrooge-effect of the teachers etc. we can't even afford to photocopy a book so handwritten pages of notes is a reality for me!

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?
I guess I should be in a position to denounce or critisize but I dont give a shit, a fine education is by good teachers and diligent students. No amount of funding is going to improve the quality of teachers or the enthusiasm of the class, it's an entirely different matter...though it would be good if we didn't have to share a textbook between 8 people...

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?
my financial circumstances landed me here, I had no choice...only convenience of location

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?
I think its unfair for the goverments neglect of the funding of those needier schools, but who's going to do anything about it? whinge fucking whinge. It isnt going to change anything...


Dec 8, 2003
LVB said:
If you could spare any time could you please fill out this questionnaire for me? You can just reply to this threat or PM me
*replies to the threat* :)

Views on public versus private education- SURVEY

Please answer all questions honestly, as the answers will be used in social research for my personal interest project. All responses remain anonymous. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. Age (please specify): 17

2. Sex (please circle): Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

Media coverage is evidently biased... the media puts a slant on it all, pushing the benefits of private education and disadvantages of public education... which is fair enough, it's a capitalist world out there, they want to reap in emotions + readers/viewers.

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not? Yes... it must help somewhat. $$$ --> resources --> academic edge.

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?
Well, i'm very pro public education :) it's more of a public school culture thing though as opposed to biased views on academic outcomes. I like the atmosphere at public schools, but I think that private schools have an edge over non-selective public schools because as i mentioned before, $$$ --> resources --> academic edge. and they obviously have a greater $$$ supply than public schools.

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?
Convenience - it's near by + a couple of siblings went there + the school had a good reputation. oh + i didn't want my parents forking out $$$$ to go to a private school. fewer resources can be compensated for by getting them elsewhere + effort.

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?
personally, it hasn't. it hasn't changed my attitude towards either public or private schools, nor significantly affected my education: i take what i'm given and make the most of it.
Last edited:
Dec 16, 2003
North Shore
i'd like to add to my rant - this is part of the media coverage...

The media focuses too much on tiny, pointless victories making the public education system out to be in better shape than it is. Having a flag in a school is relatively pointless compared to more important things (e.g. many schools dont have computers and/or access to the internet). This just misleads the rich people who support/fund the government, so that it won't be an issue on the politician's agendas...

sorry dude, but i'll probably be adding more to this when i feel roused enough...


Clinical is OVER
Feb 4, 2004
back in sydney
Please answer all questions honestly, as the answers will be used in social research for my personal interest project. All responses remain anonymous. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. Age (please specify) 17

2. Sex (please circle) Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)
Catholic School

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?
I think that it is fair some public schools are disadvantaged ie through resources but honestly when they go on about results and all that you are talking about the students that go to school. Honestly there are some drop kicks in both public and private schools

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not?
Yes we got a whole new complex plus computer rooms and restored art rooms + new offic block

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?
no because it doesnt bother me

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?
My parents made me i dont think i would care either way

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

Honestly it doesnt bug me but what does annoy me is the fact that we have the public schools playing the hardluck story on the tv and then in our school newsletters we have the executive giving statistics and arguments trying to tell us why we are disadvantaged by not getting as much govt funding as public schools. they put it almost every issue why cant they get over it


Jun 9, 2004
Northern Beaches
1. Age (please specify)

2. Sex (please circle)

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate?

No, most media controlled by the governemtn which in turn is controlled by Australias elite who in turn are involved in Private Schools

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school?

Yes, hardly enough equipment for science means we cant do all pracs which affects my knowledge

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools?

Yes, pro-public anti-private

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?

Public, shit loads cheaper and better atmosphere

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

See Q.7


Feb 11, 2004
1. age = 16
2. sex = female (can't circle)
3. school = government
4. grade = 11
5. yes
6. no, cuz media coverage is often not 100% accurate. if it is, not everything will be exposed to the public, thus emphasis can be placed on one side of the subject making that side seem more positive/negative.
7. yes considering the government is funding very little for public compared to private. students attending public schools don't pay large amounts to have a position within in the school whereas students attending private pay large sums. our school's facilities and resources aren't tops because i guess we're public and "don't have the money" since the government is giving more money to the private.
8. no, i don't have any negative views on my opposing schools. they're just students who attend the school and merge into the system.
9. friends and location. and parents never thought of me studying under a private education system.
10. missed school days due to the strikes but it hasn't caused me much damage.


Nov 7, 2003
Somewhere over the rainbow
Views on public versus private education- SURVEY

Please answer all questions honestly, as the answers will be used in social research for my personal interest project. All responses remain anonymous. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. Age (please specify) 17

2. Sex (please circle) Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Independant school as a day school, Public school for saturday school

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

im sure anyone who has studied frontline is cynical of the media.. but yeh some independant schools get way too much funding (like kings..) and some public schools get heaps below what they should be getting.. my saturday school is pretty much on the same level as my day school in terms of resources.. they have fields, a hall/gym thing, internet cafe (well my school doesnt have that) and computers in every room.. but some public schools r just lacking in everything

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not?

umm i guess it pays for teachers wages and without them i wouldnt be learning anything.. but yeh its not like we can get extra buildings and stuff built from government money, we had a 6 million dollar refurbishment 4 years ago and every term since then they ask for a building fund contribution to pay off the refurb..

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?

well i am at both and i have many friends at both.. but it doesnt really make me think less or more of them due to their school..

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?

Ummm well i could have gone to my school, northmead or catherine mcauley.. my brothers turned me off mcauley because they went to marist and said the girls there were ummm [insert rude word] and ive been brought up in the catholic tradition so i was hoping to continue it.. but yeh i guess olmc just sounded better than northmead meh

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

umm well i havent really had any strikes affect me so i havent missed out on school or anything.. but im hoping to do primary education and possibly teach in public schools so i kinda hope i dont have to go through this whole debate thing when i get older..


Apr 13, 2004
1. Age (please specify) 17_____________________

2. Sex (please circle) Male (Female)

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School Independent School (Catholic School)


4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 (Year 12)

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)

(Yes) No

6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?
Not necessarily accurate, but not that reliable either. You need to consider their motive which is to sell. Do you really think the media could sell their story if nobody wanted to read about them? You also need to consider who the audience is, is it targeting a certain group in society or is it trying to attract the general population?

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not?
A profound effect? It really depends on the school. To my knowledge, catholic schools get about 80% of government funding. It depends on how the school uses the money. No offence to those in state schools, but they're supposed to be 100% funded by the government, and it turns out that it's the private schools that have all these resources and have to pay for the bulk of their education. Has anyone ever questioned where exactly the money really is going?

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?
I've never been in a public school, I've only heard from students who've been to both sectors. They find it quite a shock to go from private to public. I think it's a personal choice, and if you can actually afford to go to a private school, coz not everyone can.

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?
A private school if I can afford it. We have so much extra cirricular activities. There's just so much to do, at least we won't be restricted. There will always be something there to stimulate us mentally and physically.

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?
I feel obliged to have had the opportunity and the money to be able to attend a private school. Unfortunately, if education is supposed to be free, then how come those who are able to pay for it, seem to be able to get more out of it. It's a bit of an imbalance in society. What do you think?

Hope these answers help, and good luck.


But pieces of what?
Jun 12, 2004
1. Age? 16.25

2. Sex? Male

3. What school do you attend? Catholic School

4. What year/grade are you in? Year 11

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? Yes

6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

I don't watch the news it's a load of bullcrap. Sit down and think for a minute: how much of what you see on the news affects anything in your daily life? For me, it is 0%. I doubt it'd ever go past 5% for others. death, decay, destruction, corruption, blah, blah. What about positivity? If it is ever on the news, even it is in a corrupt form, and never accounts for more than about 5%, again.

7. Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Profound? No. That said, my school wouldn't be running if it didn't. That said, if my school didn't get funding, and weren't running, then the public schools int he area would be overloaded and not capable of handling the load, as has happened twice before when some loonies went nuts and tried to close down private/Catholic schools. And 'm not very biased - I'm atheist.

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Nope. I'm biased towards the school that teaches the best. If only my parents thought the same way.

9. Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school? I didn't choose. But my parents are vehement that no better schools exis in my area. I believe this is true, which is why I don't want to go to ANY school in my area. However, I do not like the religion that is force-fed me. If I could choose, it would be a private selective school (co-educational).

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

It hasn't. If people want to yell over the top of each other and try to sue each other or whatever the hel it is they are doing, fine by me. But you won't find me caring. Oh, and you should note that at my "private Catholic school", the last thing you'll find is elitist "public schools suck" attitudes, both from students and teachers.


Parlez Francais!
May 6, 2004
Lost in Translation...
1. Age (please specify) 17

2. Sex (please circle) Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School Independent School Catholic School

Independant school

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)


6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

No, as they like to potray systematically private schools in a bad light, designating them as a place where 'rich kids' like to accept fat handouts from the government, and only rarely do they seem to convey these institutions otherwise. I think it is biased and catering to those who already have preconcieved notions and stereotypes about those schools and their students.

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not?

No. close to 99% of our monetary resources come from school fees paid by the parents and from the private school's own private financial ventures, and from donations by members of the school community. What we recieve from the government is a pittance in comparison.

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?

I think it is impossible to have no position at all, and the same goes for attitude. All schools no matter their type like to foster a pride for it within their students, and as such, mindsets can be formulates. Personally, I think that the Australian society is blessed with a good education system, public and private. However, I agree that sometimes I do not like the attitudes of governmant school students towards myself, and admittedly vice versa.

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?

It was not my choice, but my parents. That being said, I believe from recieving a private school education, that I have had great access to all sorts of academic and other sorts of opportunities, and I think the environment I have been in has benefitted me greatly.

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?

At this point in time, I do not feel greatly affected by it, as I am confident that it will have no consequences on my own future. But it angers me that the myopic views cast on this issue are determined to make it an issue of 'us against them' childishness.


Up the mighty red V
May 30, 2003
Views on public versus private education- SURVEY

Please answer all questions honestly, as the answers will be used in social research for my personal interest project. All responses remain anonymous. Thank you for your co-operation.

1. Age (please specify) ________18___________

2. Sex (please circle) Male Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School Independent School Catholic School


4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12 finished last yr

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)

Yes No

6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not? pretty true, i mean, sure the media sensationalises everything, but i think in this case their pretty spot on

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not? my school was always pretty lucky as far as gov't schools went, but there was also a lot more money that could have came our way and instead went to 'other' schools

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not? not all 'opposition' schools, but generally i think gov't schools should receive a chunk of the money the 'opposing' schools get

9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school? i didnt have any choice in the matter. but im glad i went to a public school.

10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level? it hasnt.


Has decided to retire
Sep 14, 2003
tywebb said:
I made a submission to the Inquiry into the Provision of Public Education in NSW:
I was thinking of doing the same thing but changed my mind...an interesting read given I went to school in Dubbo (St Johns) and taught at Dubbo South and Wellington High... certainly shaped my professional career
Jan 24, 2004
northern beaches
1. Age (please specify) _____________________
2. Sex (please circle) Male Female

3. What school do you attend? (Please circle the most relevant description)

Government School Independent School Catholic School
independent+catholic school

4. What year/grade are you in? (Please circle)

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 Year 12

5. Are you aware of the media coverage during the last 6 months regarding the decline of public education and the positive aspects of private education? (Please circle)

Yes No
6. What are your opinions on the media coverage? Do you consider them to be accurate? Why/Why Not?

7.Do you believe that government funding has a profound effect on your specific school? Why/Why Not?

8.Does your position at either a public or private school make you biased toward all opposing schools? Why/Why Not?
no, i don't have any negative views on my opposing schools. they're just students who attend the school and merge into the system. ;)
9.Why did you specifically choose to go to a private/public school?
i didn't, parents did and plus it's close
10.How do you feel the education debate has affected you on a personal level?
ok...took a day off. thats about it.

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