lol oh no... exam is tommorow and no notes? ok this is basic, but its a start
- sovereignty
- self determination
- struggle with TNC's
- struggle to maintain affinity with the land
- cultural integrity
- self identification
Law Reform Agencies:
- UN (IP's not allowed in)
- United Nation permanent forum for indigenous peoples (only UN agency for IP's)
- ILO (created ILO convention 169. - sets out rights and shit)
- Domestic Gov. (Australia - Native Title Tribunal)
- Courts (Mabo, Wik)
- ICJ (does fuck all actually)
- WIPO (trying to protect intellectual property such as Aboriginal paintings etc)
- WGIP (i forget what they do lol)
- European Union (put diplomatic pressure on Botswanian gov. to stop trying to Urbanise the IPs of Botswana)
- NGO's (Red Cross, Amnesty International, MEDIA!!!!)
- UNESCO (forget what that does lol)
- MABO (given)
- Nisga'a (Canadian gov. gave them a shitload of land to rule over in mainland Canada - example of SD)
- Inuits (Canadian IP's, example of cultural integrity because they still hunt and shit, but now they use SNOW MOBILES!!! lol)
- Maoris in NZ - the gov. reserves 2 seats in parliament especially for Maori's
- Any of the cases i desribed above
Legal Instruments -
- UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- National Native Title Tribunal Act (Cth)
- ILO convention no.169
- UN Draft Declaration of Indigenous People's Rights
- Anti Discrimination Act (NSW) 1977
- there is more, but i cant remember them at the moment sorry
Media Cases:
- Good Weekend Article 2002 "A white shade of Black" - details case of white guys claiming they were abo *they might have been* trying to vote in the ATSIC elections. Relates to self identification
- just make shit up lol... ummm.... SMH 3/8/2002 - ATSIC did.... (u get the point?)
- anything about Mabo lol
Umm... i think thats about it for the moment, i cant really think of anything right now.. but then again i just woke up!
if u need to know more, add me to ur MSN.. ill be on until about 11pm tonight