I was interested to know.... why are some of the upper caste members of BNW allowed to visit the savage reservation? Surely this would risk stability in the world state and cause questions to be raised!?
Be careful. The only reason that Bernard had access to the Reservation in the first place was that he worked in the Psychiatric or something or other style of work and he already knew that the World State was a sham - you know, the way he says 'seventeen thousand repetitions make one truth. Idiots!' and the like except i don't know the number ANYWAY. I suspect they would have let Helmholtz in as well if he'd wanted to.
The fact that Lenina went into the Reservaion didn't at all threaten any social stability - in a way it shows the extent to which the citizens in the World State have lost their individual freedoms through the behviour of the State. You could see while Linda was in the Reservation that she pretty much despised its features. And why would they have bought John and Linda in if such an effect were to be caused? Nobody takes the Reservation seriously; they see it as primitive and nothing like the luxurious way of living that they are used to. The World State is so satisfied with their New World that they would not even dream of going back to the ideals of the Reservation.
When John and Bernard visit Eton in "BNW" they see how the children are taught that Savage Reservations are places that are not civilised; thta it is dirty, as opposed to being sterlized and close to "Fordliness".
Anyway, that was my two cents. I just didn't want this thread to be lonely.
Kabbasi is right
Although, i think it's a good point to raise.
To understand where we are going, we must undertstand where we came form.
I think that applies ot it as well, as Bernard was unsure about the new world, and didn't really fit in.