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Ip (1 Viewer)


Apr 1, 2003
coffs harbour
hey im doing performance for my ip.. ive got a piece about... um... how bout i just post it eh?

Anyway.. im looking for another bit i can adapt to put at the beginning, im thinking something on the lines of a mental institution, any ideas? email me

Any opinions, pointers, critcism welcome. Id be willing to do the same for anyone else.


[Bob and Daphne are in the nursery area of a city hospital. The audience is where the babies would be; the actors are on the other side of the 'glass'. Bob tells Daphne that his father had just shot himself and that Bob was the one who found him and brought him to the hospital. After Daphne has expressed her sympathies and is about to leave, Bob reveals that he was only joking. This is the 'last straw' in a conversation that has been, to say the least, disconcerting for Daphne]
[BOB: [Still laughing.] Look, I'm sorry. [She turns away] I'm sorry! I couldn't resist. It was a joke.]
DAPHNE: How could you say something like that? About your father?
[BOB: It was a joke! What? What's the big deal? You never told a joke about you father? Come on.]
[She turns to face him]
DAPHNE: You want to hear a joke about my father? One night, when I was twelve years old, my father decided to decorate the house for Christmas. He'd never done it before, but this year he had just gotten a raise at work, and I guess he wanted to show off to the rest of the neighbourhood. So about a week before Christmas, dad went out and bought up all of the lights and decorations he could find. It had all been pretty much picked over by then, there wasn't much left, but he still got a lot. One store owner was so glad to get rid of everything so close to Christmas, that he threw in an old mannequin and Santa costume that had been cluttering up his store room. Dad brought it home and built his whole display around it. [Pause--smiles at the memory of it.]
We didn't have a big brick chimney like you see in books and movies, so instead of that, he put Santa on the roof of the porch, peering into the window of my parents' bedroom. Around all of the windows, he put red lights. Green lights around the edge of the roof. And combinations of the two all criss-crossed up and down and in all of the bushes and trees...It was beautiful.
I remember it was really cold that year, so he did all this with these great big boots and gloves...a huge coat that he had just bought with the money from his raise, and I couldn't imagine how, with all those heavy clothes on, he could climb up that ladder and hang all those lights, but he did. He hung all of them, and in between each string of lights, he would come down the ladder, pick me up off the ground, spin me around, and sit me up on his shoulders to get a better look.
It took almost a week to finish it, to get it just the way he wanted it, but when he finally lit it all up, the whole town came out to see it. Everyone! Cars driving around the block over and over again just to look at our house. I was so happy. I was sure that this was going to be the best Christmas in the history of Christmases; living in this...cocoon of colour and light, with the rest of the world lining up outside to admire it.
On Christmas Eve, dad went downtown to this bar that he used to hang out in. He liked to spend Christmas Eve with his buddies, because, on Christmas, all the aunts and uncles would be over, and I guess being hung-over gave him an excuse not to be a good host.
[Small pause.] So, anyway, by the time he got home, it was way past midnight, mom and I were in bed, and mom had turned out all the Christmas lights for the night--she couldn't sleep when they were on, because they would shine in through her window--so the only light was from the street light at the end of the block, and, I guess, in the darkness, after drinking all night, dad forgot about the Santa mannequin...mistook it for a burglar or something because I woke up to hear shouting out on the lawn...gunshots...breaking glass.
I ran into Mom and Dad's room, because I didn't know what was happening, but mom and dad weren't in bed. And it was cold, like someone had left the window open, so I looked...and there was my mother, just lying there on the floor, in the middle of all this shattered glass and blood. She must have been standing at the window when...
[Pause--Bob is frozen. Daphne stands staring into space--reliving the story as she tells it]
...and I just stood there....I couldn't move. I couldn't say anything. I was still half asleep. It was like a dream. But then I heard the front door open, and footsteps running up the stairs. I was terrified. I thought that whoever had been shouting out on the lawn must be coming to get me now, and I couldn't hide. There was no place to hide. And the only thing I could think of to do was lay down beside my mother and play dead. I thought whoever it was wouldn't hurt me if they thought I was already dead. So, when dad got to the door of the bedroom, he saw me and my mother and all that blood, and...he said...something...it didn't register at first, I was so scared, and concentrating so hard on not moving...and then he stumbled backwards out of the room, and I heard him crying and saying, "no, no, no,"...over and over again..."no, no..."
[Pause.] And I recognized his voice. I realized it was dad. But before I could say anything there was another gunshot.
[Pause.] And then he wasn't crying anymore.
[BOB: God...]
[Pause] I guess he didnt have time to leave a funny note like your dad.


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
Well it seems im the first to reply...
That is a really good piece. You could do alot with it. Movement might be a problem, i mean you cant just sit down or stand stationary through the whole thing, although im sure you know this.
Another question, how long does it go for as it is? Time is a bitch!

Im doing performance too, i havent finalised anything yet. but im looking at death and eternity...
The piece im lookin at at the moment is "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead" You might of heard of it...
there is a particular scene that starts with Ros. saying: "Do you ever think of yourself as dead, lying there in a box, with a lid on top..." I can drag that on for about 4 mins. I'm trying to tie that in with the story of Arthur Stace, the guy who went around the city writing "eternity" everywhere.. heard of him?

Well i've written too much now. Anyhoo Good luck!


New Member
Apr 30, 2003
To be honest with you, darling- i've seen the particular monolugue that you've posted done several times... more often that not they weren't done fantastically well. Leon had a point about the movement- make sure you're physical, because that's what the markers- and the audience no doubt want to see. I noticed the girls which have performed this before fell into holding an epic pose for five minutes- looking up into the sky, thinking of their father and crying, reliving particular moments periodically... shortly reverting back to the epic pose. Plus- i remember my teacher always telling me that these markers are going to be seeing about 50 billion performances, and chances are that they'll see alot of the same thing. Don't fall into that, just live truthfully if you know what i mean. And good luck.


Mrs. Brandon Bruce Lee
Apr 26, 2003

omg! I'm freakin out!
I had a great (and very hard) monologue all planned out and then I just found out that I'm not allowed to have a gun!
The whole point and tension in this play is THE GUN!!!
I can't very well keep someone hostage with nothing in my hands!!!! I need to shoot someone on the board of studies..... *plotting*
Ha! I just realised my own joke...
- not allowed to have a gun......going to shoot someone....pfff...I crack myself up..
*walks out of room*
And now, a few emotions to represent my feelings:

:chainsaw: :chainsaw: :argue: :argue:
:mad: :mad:


New Member
May 18, 2003
Sassasas, i hve to agree with lisha. i read the last line of ur script an recognised it from that, thats how many times ive seen it!
ur gonna have to work out a way to really stand out a make it different. if ur looking for something along the lines of a mental institution, i know someone from last yr who adapted parts from the movie 'girl interupted' n it turned out really good! jut think of any movies or books u have seen with what u looking for n draw inspiration from that!

miss macbeth, dun stress! lol easier said than done i know.....but ur a creative drama student, u can come up with something to overcome a lil problem like props.
some of my class had their whole performance ideas planned *such as rape, teen preganancy, physical abuse etc* n the school told em they cant do it coz apparently it makes the school look bad or some crap lol!
so dun worry, at least its only a prop that u cant use n not ur whole idea/theme

good luck guys:)

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