Well, we have transitioned into Year 12 IPT now, and a look at the new HSC Syllabus is really worrying some of my friends and I. Im sure our teacher is really great at teaching this revised course, but there are no textbooks to accomodate for the changes. What do you suggest we do? I guess I was just planning to use a variety of text/excercise books and fill in the blanks created by the syllabus. Thanks for all the help.
PS: What are all the possible IPT books that I can have a look at. I have seen cambridge, excel, hienaman, jacranda, and maquarie. Any more worth mentioning? Thanks again!
PS: What are all the possible IPT books that I can have a look at. I have seen cambridge, excel, hienaman, jacranda, and maquarie. Any more worth mentioning? Thanks again!