my irp question is 'does the lack of financial assistance from the government impact the well being of elderly pensioners?'
what are some possible ideas for questions that i can include in my survey?
As most pensioners feel they dont receive enough from the government you have to watch out for being biased.
Try asking if they have any super annuation.
Or life savings, which they use to help them.
Also as to get the pension you msut have limited assets etc, it might be a good idea to ask if they own a house or anything, which would impact on how much money they can recieve.
Do they live with relatives? If so are they getting 'carers funds'?
You chose a pretty extensive topic to do in 2 weeks
You might also want to think about the fact that pensioners are generally the baby boomers, and there is not enough 'younger' people to generate enough tax to pay them alot. Too many oldies and not enough of us to give them lots of money on the pension.
I hope this helps a little bit, i'd have tried to add more ideas but im in a bit of a rush

If you need any more help or a proof reader PM me.