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IRP- Young drivers Questionnaire PLEASE fill in! (1 Viewer)

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New Member
Mar 17, 2007
My Question is :Main influences on young drivers (17-25 years old) that engage them in risk taking behaviours....

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold ______________________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?__________________________________________________ ___________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? _________
__________________________________________________ ________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go _______________________________________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain __________________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ______________

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?__________________________
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? __________________________________________________ ____
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other __________________________________________________ __________



Aug 21, 2006
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold Learners_____________________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?__Three times a week?

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? _
Peer pressure, media portrayal of young drivers, bad habits they have seen their parents have, Inexperience in such an environment________

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go _______________________________________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain __Yeah - at first, however, after a while you can't blame other people for your own inability to concentrate; you just have to ignore the noise and find some way to focus on driving well

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?__
None - I'm way too chicken to do something stupid
Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)_No
Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
_I think there are plenty of options for this kind of thing already but the problem is not making the general public aware that these programs are available.
Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? __I think they are trying to and I think that it hard for them to try and improve young people's driving skills because a fair few of them aren't going to change even if the PM came up to their door and slapped a fine on them. Parents and friends should be making a bigger effort in this area,

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver


New Member
Mar 5, 2007
My Question is :Main influences on young drivers (17-25 years old) that engage them in risk taking behaviours....

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold Provisional (P1)

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week? everyday or at least 6 days a week

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
Friends, the media inexperience etc.

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?
Other drivers especially fully licenced drivers expect you to be perfect and when you make a mistake they get really aggressive

Have you ever sped? Yes
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go 10-15 km

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain yes and no. If i have one passenger in the car i can sometimes get distracted trying to talk to them etc. But if i have more than one passenger they can talk to each other while i concentrate on driving

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving speeding
Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
Yes because too many young people die on the roads
Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? No i don't think the problem is being affectively addressed

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other __________________________________________________ __________


Jan 29, 2005
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold P2

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?Everyday

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? Driver training, peers

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers? Not so much now but when I was on my L's driving too close, cutting me off, etc

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go60

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain Of course it is, there are people talking being loud, you also want to talk or get distracted by said banter and it is harder to concentrate

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving? speeding, reckless driving

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)No accidents

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
Hell yes. The RTA are fucking stupid. They don't teach you how to drive a car. As long as you can do silly things like drive at 50kmh and do a parallel park, SURE, HERE'S YOUR LICENSE. I completed an Driver Education couse at Eastern Creek Motorway a few months ago and that was realyl good. They taught you about things and I got to feel what emergency braking is like in a controlled environment.

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? No. Greater need for DECENT practical driver education

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other Safe Educated Driver at most times, Stupid Boyish Risk Taker on occasions


May 29, 2006
My Question is :Main influences on young drivers (17-25 years old) that engage them in risk taking behaviours....

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold?


How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?

At least once a day to get to and from school. Weekends at least once a day. I also drive to my church Youth Group on a Friday Night. I'd say in the region of 20 trips per week, all at around 15 minutes each, depending.

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?

Other drivers, peers, luggage/passengers on board, police presence.

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?

Tailgaters make me want to go faster to get them off my arse. Other than that, pretty much no. Truckies are annoying too.

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go?
Time for me to be incriminated, I guess.
I often drive through town in a 60 zone at 65.
Fastest I have ever been is 100km/h in a completely empty 50 zone (country for the win).
Fastest I have ever been is 120km/h on the freeway. (30km/h over).

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No
I have never and will never drive whilst directly under the influence (i.e. on the night of drinking), however I have driven home whilst hungover.

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain
Yes, they can be distracting depending on certain situations. If they are talking to you, there is a mild distraction. If they are being stupid, it is a larger distraction. Another common misconception is that it is only young people that distract. I find that I am distracted as much, if not more than young people by older people such as parents and relatives.

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

I felt pressured to offer a safe ride and ensure that they got home safely. I carry my band and other friends around a lot of the time and they have never negatively pressured me in any way, shape or form. Mind you, this is not direct pressure from the people themselves, this is pressure placed on myself by myself due to their presence.

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No
Think about it....

What type of risks have you taken while driving?
If speeding is a risk, there it is. That's it.

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)


Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
The DART is incredibly easy to pass and is not a comprehensive enough test of one's driving skills.

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working?
The government and media are doing a fine job of addressing the problem, however the media tend to make gross generalisations based upon the actions of a small majority. As such, a negative stereotype is placed upon young drivers and has manifested itself into society's thinking so much that it has become a topical issue when it really should not have. Compare the driving system we have now to the system we had 30/40 years ago. It's a lot better, except for teh stupid DART test.
The government are doing fine to encourage safe driving behaviour, although the ads are a little too biased for my liking.

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other Relatively Safe Driver. I can drive safely when I need to, but being the male that I am, I am bound to try a few things, although I don't try things such as drifting etc. The only time I will not drive safely is when I am the only person in the car and the road ahead is empty and safe. If I have other people in the car with me, I keep to speed limits and drive like a grandmother, essentially.


New Member
Jun 7, 2006
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold? red p's_______________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?every day_________________________________________ ___________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? peer pressure _______________________________________________ ________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go _______________________________________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain depends if they are trying to annoy you. If they are just talkin to you then no they aren't distracting. You as a driver need to set rules in your car and blok out those distractions.

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving? none

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
yes we need to learn how to handle the car in unexpectant conditions. becasue most people wouldn't know how to handle the car. __________________________________________________ ________________________________

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? yes i believe they are doing the best they can in circumstances. drivers will be drivers so you'll never stop it fully but i think it is to an extent__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other __________________________________________________ __________
Apr 18, 2006
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What licence do you currently hold _P1___________________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?_______________14, about 15 hours a week?______________________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? ________peer pressure, i guess_____________________________________ ________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?__the question asked 'have i ever', and now it asks how do i? :S In the past, i have coz i was fairly new to the road so i felt the need to match the other people's speed etc.
Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go ___40________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

I have never and will never drive whilst directly under the influence (i.e. on the night of drinking), however I have driven home whilst hungover. (copied from someone else, but it applies)

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain _________no___
__________________________________________________ ______________

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?____speeding, thats it really, only read risk was being caught by coppers
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)_____no_____
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
_____________yeah, i beleive the test should be harder________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? __________I think there is too much sensationalism especially from Murdoch publications, this is influencing society's view. I belive the govt./cops don't care about welfare as much as they do about their hip pocket (fines for P plats on the inside of the car FFS)__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other __Relatively Safe Driver. I can drive safely when I need to, but being the male that I am, I am bound to try a few things, although I don't try things such as drifting etc. The only time I will not drive safely is when I am the only person in the car and the road ahead is empty and safe. If I have other people in the car with me, I keep to speed limits and drive like a grandmother, essentially (again copied, but applies)


May 21, 2007
behind the fridge...eww, its slimy
emmmmmmmmmy said:
My Question is :Main influences on young drivers (17-25 years old) that engage them in risk taking behaviours....

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold red p's

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week? Everyday at least 30hr

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
other drivers on the road

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?
tail gated
pressured to speed

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go
doesnt matter, point is that i sped, not proud of it!

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain
ppl moving roumd in backseat can be distracting, but a god driver learns to deal
Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol


Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?
over-taken unsafely, sped

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)
mistake, made wrond turn mostly negligence

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
i believe that all drivers, even those that have their full licence need to step back and evalute their driving or get someone else to do it as ppl dont often realise their mistakes!

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working?
no! p platers are targeted when we are usually influenced by other ppl on the road

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver
i'd like to think i was safe, most of the time but in bad traffic i do become a risk taker at times!
there you go!!


Aug 14, 2005

What licence do you currently hold: P1

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week? 6 times a week.

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
Friends, peer pressure

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers
Honking, annoyed even though i was trying to let someone into the lane i get pretty pissed off that alot of older driver are often impatient.
Tail gating and being encouraged to speed by othre drivers usually older drivers.

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes

How many km/h over did you go 87km/h over

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain Yes, loss of concentration because your talking, they put music on, peer pressure.

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Go faster

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol NO

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? NO

What type of risks have you taken while driving? Dangerous overtaking.

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? NO If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?

Yes, to prevent P plate fatailites, discourage speeding.

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? NO, Not entirely, NO

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other Safe Driver
Last edited:


chyeah baby
Aug 5, 2007
south coast
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What licence do you currently hold ___leaners______________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?___about 3 times a week _______________________________________________ ___________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? ___parents______
__friends________________________________________________ ________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go _110______________________________________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain ___not really it depends on the person whos driving, to me it wouldnt matter_______________________________________________ ________
__________________________________________________ ______________

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?___speeding_______________________
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)__no_________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
_____yes, because soem people are unaware of the dangers_____________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? __yes yes and yes ________________________________________________ ____
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced safe driver
Other __________________________________________________ __________


Jan 29, 2005
lama33 said:
Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go _110______________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced safe driver
Other __________________________________________________ __________
Last edited:
Mar 3, 2005


What licence do you currently hold: P1

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?__6/week

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? _
Peer pressure, Inexperience

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? No

Have you ever sped? Yes
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go: 20

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting?

yeah, people talking, laughing etc ensures that you're not TOTALLY concentrating on driving. in saying that it has about as much effect on me as turning on the radio i guess, which isn't much at all.

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes

If yes…
Did you feel pressured by the passengers? No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?__
making odd turn/crossing intersections where i should have given way (its marginal though).

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? No

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?

yes, because while most young drivers are able enough, they can make stupid decisions.

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working?

they probably aren't doing enough, despite the new legislation. well i think the speeding rule is a good one and will work over the long run (i know i always watch my speed), but the curfew rule and extra 70 learner hours is pointless to be honest.

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Safe driver

Ahmed A

Apr 6, 2006


What licence do you currently hold P2______________________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?_Mainly on the weekends... about 8 or nine different times._________________________________________________ ___________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
The main influence is peer pressure. Wen u hav another p plater tailgating u, tryin to get u to speed up to "race" it is quite intimidating.
Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers
(answered in other question)

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go
approx 80km/h
Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain
hell yeahh. u feel lyk a king! but not me im ova all that (lies lies lies)
Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving? fast turns, speeding thru intersections etc.__________________________
__________________________________________________ _______________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)nope___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
100% yes its wat is needed to stop this immature mentality of speeding and racing on public roads as being fun__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? 100% no____
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
easily influenced Safe driver


Tomcat Pilot
Mar 9, 2006
Miramar, CA


What licence do you currently hold: C P1 and R LRN

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week? Atleast once per day.

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
Depends on the situation, peer pressure when friends are around though, definitely.

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go 160 in a 60, 180 in a 110.

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain No because I'm not shit.

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes
If yes… Like, all the damn time. It's perfectly normal.

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? No
I chose consciously to drive fast because I knew they'd enjoy it.

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? No

What type of risks have you taken while driving? Mostly just driving fast, not necessarily speeding though. I like to try and take bends without slowing down.

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)
A lady crashed into the back of my car at an intersection because of her negligence. I was still on my Ls at the time.

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
Young drivers should be taught how to handle a car properly, not how to do hillstarts and 3-point turns.

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? Young people are always going to be drive dangerously. More people should die so they don't breed.

What type of driver would you call yourself?


no more talk
Aug 7, 2007
The Opera
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What licence do you currently hold Green P2 but need to get Fulls________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?At least once a week___________________________ ___________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers? Don't know don't care, especially about other people hogging my road___________________________ ________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers? Slow drivers make me want to overtake them, on the rare occasion someone is tailgating for me to go faster I speed up and change lanes to let them pass
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go I'm not going to incriminate myself, bugger off______________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain They talk to you and you have to answer breaking your concertration on the road________
__________________________________________________ ______________

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving? Taken turns too fast, jumping in gaps between cars to prevent having to wait behind a queue of cars, traffic lights or slow drivers
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc) Only ever had minor accidents in the car park not involving any other cars_______
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
Not really, but not everyone can drive to the standard of others and no amount of training can fix that___________________ ________________________________

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? Populist crap, new P and L plate laws are rubbish___________ ____
__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other King Of The Road______________________________ __________


Jun 9, 2007
My Question is :Main influences on young drivers (17-25 years old) that engage them in risk taking behaviours....

17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold P1

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week? Everyday

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
Friends, family, TV

Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go _______________________________________

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain Nope

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…
I have many times and they weren't a distraction. I did have to tell my friend to turn down the music thought.

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
Yes, and not only for P platers. I'm always getting overtaken while I'm doing the speed limit byt people who haven't got P plates. Full licensed drivers should set a good example for P platers by doing the right things themselves and not speeding and gives us ruled and curfews.
P plates should be educated on the consequences of speeding and other reckless activities so they are more aware.

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? Kinda. The new ads with the pinky are trying to scare boys into not speeding and doing stupid things but I don't think it's working. I think the ads should show people the consequences of speeding like death and injury to friends, that would make people slow down I think.

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other __________________________________________________ __________


May 1, 2007
emmmmmmmmmy said:
My Question is :Main influences on young drivers (17-25 years old) that engage them in risk taking behaviours....


What licence do you currently hold learners

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?lets just say i got my l's roughly a year ago and i only heve 5 hours up
What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
mobile phones
Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes
truck drivers comming towards me, there too fast
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?
i just feel they dont have the curticy to slow down for other people on the road

Have you ever sped? No

Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain only when they are being loud and mucking around

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes
If yes…my boy friend, his sister and my sister in the back

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? No

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)___________________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________________

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
no, people just need to be more carfull

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working? no matter what they do there will always be sooeone breaking the law
What type of driver would you call yourself?
Safe driver

...answered above


Mar 27, 2007
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25



What licence do you currently hold _L's_____________________________

How often do you usually drive a car or other motor vehicle? How many times a week?__Once or twice a week__________________________________ ___________

What do you believe are the main influences that affect young drivers?
movies and the cool hotted up cars and friends
Have you ever felt pressured by other drivers on the road? Yes No
If yes…..
How do you feel pressured by these drivers?_______________________________
__________________________________________________ ________________

Have you ever sped? Yes No
If yes…..

How many km/h over did you go
ill admit im not one that sticks to the speed limit very ofter i have a bit of a 'lead foot' bout 10-15 kms ova
Have you ever driven under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Yes No

Do you believe that passengers in the car while you are driving, is distracting? Explain i think the one drivin needs to be able to hand other distractions arond them it all comes down to who is drivin if they finid it distracting or not.
__________________________________________________ ______________

Have you ever driven with friends? Yes No
If yes…

Did you feel pressured by the passengers? Yes No
If yes…

What were they pressuring you to do? Speed Race another vehicle

Drive under the influence of drug/alcohol

Other __________________________________________________ _________

Did you give into the pressure and do what they said? Yes No

What type of risks have you taken while driving?
just speading i guess

Have you ever been involved in a car accident? If yes specify what it was due to (e.g speeding, drink driving, Negligence etc)

Do you believe that more driver education and driving course are necessary? Why?
yes i think drivers need to learn how the handle the car they are driving as well as everything else that is going on around them

Do you believe that society and the government are doing enough to encourage safe driving behaviours? Do you believe they are addressing the problem? Do you believe it is working?
i do believe they are tryin to adress the problem but i feel they are doing it the wrong way, they are makin driver cranker and doing this that are makin it harder for them to drive with out breakin the law so they just do it anyway. eg 1 person in the car after 11... what about young families??? they dont think about this kind of thing

What type of driver would you call yourself?
Risk taker easily influenced Safe driver

Other __________________________________________________ __________

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