English is complete BS. In year 10 i didnt learn a single thing, except maybe the definitions of a few language techniques, which im never going to use.. Now almost 9 weeks into year 11 the only thing i've learnt is a rough idea of the storyline to Othello. I seriously get really pissed off when i think about how it is compulsory. It is F**king retarded. I dont think it should even be an elective course, letalone a compulsory course, and even less so compulsory to the UAI!
Now Maths, that should definetely be a compulsory subject, at least the general course. Everybody in the whole of Australia needs Maths.. Even if they don't have a job, they'll need to be able to work out the basic stuff for their money purposes. Also, most jobs need a decent understanding of Maths. And how many jobs do you need to know the storyline and so called "film techniques" (which i think most weren't planned by the producer) of Othello and Romeo and Juliet? I can think of one: English Teacher.