is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public schools? (1 Viewer)


Oct 11, 2005
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

UnIqUe_PrInCeSs said:
I heard that all students in private school will definately get a UAI of 75 and over.
That's not true, you still have to work hard at a private school to get a decent UAI. However, the work ethic and learning environment is better for the students, as in general they have better resources that enhance the students' learning.


New Member
Jun 24, 2005
you people all suck.

but i must agree, i goto a catholic school (but its not private..) its systemic (under the catholic eduication office) and its great :)

i mean, who cares about most of the other factor's, like school environment, etc.. all it revovles around is the teaching staff..

most teachers in the public school system dont want to be there. because they have some (NOT all) delinquent students, who dont want to be there, and just want to make life hell for everyone, including the teachers.

at my school, the learning condition is alright (dont get me wrong, its great, but it's not King's or anything like that..)... but on the other hand, we have teacher's who arrive at like 6:00am for morning sessions (if you want/need/request them)... and stay till 6:00pm for the same thing...

some of my greattt teacher's have full loads, 7 out of 7 periods, yet still find time to help, or look over something with me... or anything like that.

so all i can say is shh. you all suck. goto a school with teacher's that care, and student's who want to learn. it will make a world of difference.

Ma puce

New Member
Feb 16, 2006
I don't know about you "Always", but I attend a private school aswell and I don't cheat. That's a big call to make... and frankly a wrong one too.


Aug 1, 2004
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

luscious-llama said:
Hmm...that won't work in uni.
its not that hard to cheat in uni not that ive done it


Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

UnIqUe_PrInCeSs said:
I heard that all students in private school will definately get a UAI of 75 and over.
How could it be impossible for a private student to get a UAI of <75... :/

jackkelly said:
you people all suck.

but i must agree, i goto a catholic school (but its not private..) its systemic (under the catholic eduication office) and its great

i mean, who cares about most of the other factor's, like school environment, etc.. all it revovles around is the teaching staff..

most teachers in the public school system dont want to be there. because they have some (NOT all) delinquent students, who dont want to be there, and just want to make life hell for everyone, including the teachers.

at my school, the learning condition is alright (dont get me wrong, its great, but it's not King's or anything like that..)... but on the other hand, we have teacher's who arrive at like 6:00am for morning sessions (if you want/need/request them)... and stay till 6:00pm for the same thing...

some of my greattt teacher's have full loads, 7 out of 7 periods, yet still find time to help, or look over something with me... or anything like that.

so all i can say is shh. you all suck. goto a school with teacher's that care, and student's who want to learn. it will make a world of difference.
Obviously your teachers have been spending too much time with their cocks up your ass, because they've seemed to missed teaching spelling.


Aug 24, 2005
Ma puce said:
I don't know about you "Always", but I attend a private school aswell and I don't cheat. That's a big call to make... and frankly a wrong one too.
You may not cheat personally, but many private schools make ridiculous allowances.

Let me tell you what happened during the last set of hsc assessments.

A friend of mine did not turn up for her assessments because of a 'scratchy throat'. Her mother rang up the school in the morning saying her daughter 'couldn't possibly sit her exam that day'.

Is that fair? She was probably (definitely) at home getting a few extra days studying time. Is that not cheating?

I have friends at comprehensive high schools and their teachers CALL their doctors to confirm they genuinely were feeling poorly enough to miss an assessment. I'm assuming 'feeling poorly' would not include a bad throat.


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
always said:
You may not cheat personally, but many private schools make ridiculous allowances.

Let me tell you what happened during the last set of hsc assessments.

A friend of mine did not turn up for her assessments because of a 'scratchy throat'. Her mother rang up the school in the morning saying her daughter 'couldn't possibly sit her exam that day'.

Is that fair? She was probably (definitely) at home getting a few extra days studying time. Is that not cheating?

I have friends at comprehensive high schools and their teachers CALL their doctors to confirm they genuinely were feeling poorly enough to miss an assessment. I'm assuming 'feeling poorly' would not include a bad throat.
I thoguht you were being hilarious about the cheating thing, but yeah, you can't 'cheat', but there are compromises. Calling up on the day of the exam and saying thats a bit ludicrous, but if you phone ahead I think its an alright call to make. And a bad throat can be pretty bad.

kangarulz said:
i go to a private school, and its the culture that i find that helps people to achieve better marks. theres alot of competition and its like a push to be at the top of the class, whereas i talk to my mates from public schools and theyre all like 'oh u nerd u study" and they always try and push to be the bottom of the class yet want to achieve good in their hsc. at my school, the average size of each grade is about 40, and each class ranges from 5-20 people.
we get alot of one on one help, like i have a terrific mentor who i meet with each week for like 40 mins, and we just talk about school, life, everything. and she gives me advice on how to tackle things, and coz shes my teacher in one of my subjects, its like extra help too. then we have extra maths, chem, physics, english and bio helps at lunch time and after school.
the teacheres do all they can for us, giving away alot of their time to help us
You know, you are really stupid. However, you are rich, buy me tequila.

ghey captain said:
lol is it tru dat u get ur uai as soon as u sign up for ur skool and u don't even hav 2 sit teh exams and teh BOS has a list of what uai ppl from each skool gets?

Because, you know, people aren't individuals and in control of their own results at all, right?
Yes, it is true. They chuck paper with names out of a bucket and the ones which go the furthest get a 100. Those in private schools get gold plates as opposed to paper, hence their plates going further, and hence them getting 100 UAIS, so in conclusion, urrite.

alexvincent said:
Who do you think you are you ignorant pompous prick? Private school students are not normal as they make up only 1/3 of all secondary students in the state. If there ever was a "normal average student", it would be a public school student.
1/3 is a fuckload, I'm sure its not that high. Also, I am perplexed as to why you would need to reference to a public school student as a "normal average student".

alexvincent said:
To suggest that all public school students don't use condoms when they have sex while private school students do is ludicrous.
I did not say all. But there a much greater proprtion of mothers and skanks in public schools than there are in private schools. But you know, I'm too ugly to have had sex, so I wouldnt know. Also, I dont intend to use a condom, must be my public school nature.

alexvincent said:
Maybe the inequality of UAI results is indicative of the inequality of the education funding from the Federal Gov't who prefers to fund these elite schools most while there are public schools who have 5 textbooks amongst a class of 30 students. These private schools receive 2/3 of the education funding though only making up 1/3 of the student body in the state. This allows them to maintain their 8 rugby fields while public schools don't have an adequate library.
And the observatory, and the winemaking fields, and don't forget the 28 laptops in every room. Yes, I am digusted too. I wear public education on my sleeve everyweek against snobby private schools. The truth may hurt, but the fact of the matter is private schools have better students. I see you go to Patrician Brothers Fairfield, so you must be rolling around in some facilities while there are demountables collapsing at my local high school. I know you're looking for equality, but wake up to yourself, it unfortunately doesnt happen in this world. People are better than others, and im sure that its not their fault that they were exposed to dumbassness when they were young, but they grow up to dumbasses for sure. Private school students are even more dumbass because they need to prove that theyre "normal" by public standards and go long ways to do it. Inequality. It's all karma. To quote Danny Bhoy on Australians "Hard, but fair."

alexvincent said:
That's what I think you stupid git.
I think your intrawebs is lose.

Neck up, son.


Aug 24, 2005
Bookie said:
I thoguht you were being hilarious about the cheating thing, but yeah, you can't 'cheat', but there are compromises. Calling up on the day of the exam and saying thats a bit ludicrous, but if you phone ahead I think its an alright call to make. And a bad throat can be pretty bad.
I've known her since kindergarten. I know her throat was barely any worse than usual.

alexvincent said:
Is it true that at like private schools they teach their students to like say "like" at like a rate of like 5 times per minute? 'Cos like when people speak like that, it's like they're like one of those bimboes from like American TV shows and movies.

Like, don't go there girlfriend.

You like?

[P.S. I know I'm like generalising, but like it's satirical]
hahaha! Very funny.


Mar 23, 2005
I don't believe that you have to be rich to go to a private school. sure enough, theres scots school where u get the rich kids, but at mine, parents slave their asses off just to be able to afford for it - none of the parents have jobs like lawyers, doctors etc, theyre all farmers or teachers.
we're paying an average of $5000p.a. i know its $5000 more than what the public schools are paying.. but to say that you have to be of the high-socioeconomic level isn't true


Dec 16, 2005
Bookie said:
I see you go to Patrician Brothers Fairfield, so you must be rolling around in some facilities while there are demountables collapsing at my local high school.
What school I go to isn't the point. My point was that the Gov't discriminates when it distributes its education funding (at the expense of public schools).

Anyhow, systemic Catholic schools are not funded as much as public schools are. My school has facilities from school fees and annual fundraisers but is still 'that school down by the creek in the Western suburbs'. Our facilities are no match for private schools'. Moreover, our school is an outstanding exception amongst Catholic schools. Most Catholic schools are underfunded and they can't fundraise like we do, or receive substantial school fees like we do. As a result, they have facilities like a lot of poor public schools.

Latham's education policy would have decreased inequality dramatically. I was all for it. Were you Bookie? If I had to guess I would say that you were/are a Latham supporter. You've got that good Aussie irreverance in you that Latham had (emphasis on 'good'). Might I say without offense that he also supported homosexual rights (Howard doesn't).

"Neck up son"? I like it. Mind if I use that one?


Mar 1, 2005
But the truth remains you're...
alexvincent said:
What school I go to isn't the point. My point was that the Gov't discriminates when it distributes its education funding (at the expense of public schools).
Oh of course, most certainly. Schools like Riverview and SCEGGS are so far ahead of others its not funny, and to know that the government is giving more money to them than to 'government' schools. Brilliant isn't it?

Anyhow, systemic Catholic schools are not funded as much as public schools are. My school has facilities from school fees and annual fundraisers but is still 'that school down by the creek in the Western suburbs'. Our facilities are no match for private schools'. Moreover, our school is an outstanding exception amongst Catholic schools. Most Catholic schools are underfunded and they can't fundraise like we do, or receive substantial school fees like we do. As a result, they have facilities like a lot of poor public schools.

Latham's education policy would have decreased inequality dramatically. I was all for it. Were you Bookie? If I had to guess I would say that you were/are a Latham supporter. You've got that good Aussie irreverance in you that Latham had (emphasis on 'good'). Might I say without offense that he also supported homosexual rights (Howard doesn't).
Lathams policies would most certianly have decreased inequality,. but people vote for what affects them, and personally for me, i wouldve voted for Howard. But i dont give a shit about politics :S

"Neck up son"? I like it. Mind if I use that one?
Yeah, just dont get "hung up" over it. Get it? Neck, hung?


May 10, 2005
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

The HSC doesnt discriminate. It is fair for every person, regardless of sex,race,social status,financial status,etc,etc.You just have to have a good memory to do well in the HSC, thats all.


Aug 23, 2004
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

as reiterated throughout this thread, it's mainly the environment that encourages private school students to do better (same goes for selectives). I tell you private schools do the most amount of spoonfeeding ever (since I did my HSC in one), and hence their Yaer 12 graduates bascially flounder during uni time, as I'm painfully experiencing now. I can only say I'm glad I'm not like those poor Kindy-Yr 12 ppl who have never known anything else apart from a private school (and the same one at that) their entire life.


Active Member
Oct 22, 2004
Western Sydney
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

My theory is a really bright student will do well just about anywhere with the right attitude, no matter what school they go to (worse comes to worse, they will teach themselves). But a borderline student with a marginal attitude may find a school with better facilities and with a better learning environment more stimulating and be somewhat encouraged to do better.


New Member
Feb 15, 2006
Its not the school its the students, yeah at public schools i recon you get my distractions from the bluggers - their only there because their to bloody lazy to get a job... But i definately think its up to us, and the UAI we achieve is probably what we deserve...


UAI 2006 83.70
Dec 16, 2005
Coffs Harbour
i think that they (private + public schools) are basically the same, but private schools get heaps more resources (like individual laptops!!?). like what i said in a previous thread

a few years ago, some1 from our school (i think it was chelsea herman) got 99.95 for her uai and our school is deemed to be the best in the region, we got an award for being one of the best regional schools in the state and woopi (woolgoolga) is a public school. so u don't have to go to private schools to get the top marks. (no offence meant to those in private schools)

our school has pretty good teachers too, relating to our schools in our region (but there are some exceptions when i say teachers @ our school... like every other i suppose...)


it's true that private school kids get better UAIs i think, they get into the courses they want in university. but public school kids do better in uni when they get there because they know how to research and find stuff better, coz in high school they didnt have the same access to resources. i go to a public school, if you want to do well, you have to apply yourself.
the teachers at my school are really helpful, they usually take time out to help you if you have a problem with something. on of my friends got tutoring from one of the maths teachers, it helped her heaps.
lol, we have a secret coffee stash in the history/legal classroom, we're in there enough
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New Member
Sep 5, 2005
yeah, i go to a private skool and its cos every1 has tutors and the teachers feel so pressurized to get their students to do well cos otherwise their parents are on their backs. there's so much competition as well, its kind of scary. its like if someone got a uai of 70 or something, it would be almost like failing cos it feels like if u go to a private skool, u should be able to get at least 90. its fully retarded.


Ára bátur
Nov 5, 2004
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

samcg said:
it's true that private school kids get better UAIs i think, they get into the courses they want in university. but public school kids do better in uni when they get there because they know how to research and find stuff better, coz in high school they didnt have the same access to resources. i go to a public school, if you want to do well, you have to apply yourself.
the teachers at my school are really helpful, they usually take time out to help you if you have a problem with something. on of my friends got tutoring from one of the maths teachers, it helped her heaps.
lol, we have a secret coffee stash in the history/legal classroom, we're in there enough
We have an ancient history glucose (read: sugar) container.
God bless good teachers.

vojnik said:
The HSC doesnt discriminate. It is fair for every person, regardless of sex,race,social status,financial status,etc,etc.You just have to have a good memory to do well in the HSC, thats all.
Maybe the exams. Not the assessments.
To do well I define as doing 90+.
The hsc is not completely fair for all.
But that may be a good thing because come University/TAFE/Workplace/Private College, there's not going to be any spoonfeeding, "sickies" or anything like we've come to expect from a supportive high school
You're on your owwwwwwwwwwwwn
[alternatively you can befriend and bribe a nerd/genius.]

kangarulz said:
I don't believe that you have to be rich to go to a private school. sure enough, theres scots school where u get the rich kids, but at mine, parents slave their asses off just to be able to afford for it - none of the parents have jobs like lawyers, doctors etc, theyre all farmers or teachers.
we're paying an average of $5000p.a. i know its $5000 more than what the public schools are paying.. but to say that you have to be of the high-socioeconomic level isn't true
At every fucking private school there'll be someone from a non priviledged background. But the majority of parents sending their children to these schools are from a higher socioeconomic level than the average joe.
Farmers and teachers are still well off.
And that's coming from experience, all the teachers i've had have been able to send their children overseas on exchanges and things. And I go to a public school.
I also am familiar with some farmers, sure that they have bad years and what not and its not like they have a choice to send their kids to a private boarding school because of their location. Yet they're still able to afford it.

Another thing to take into consideration in this debate or whatever you'd like to call it is that there are elite private schools and the average private school.
I guess the topic of this should be changed to "Is it true that elite private school students tend to get higher UAI's than public schools?
Because the answer would be far more definate than 100 people lobying their cases in defiance against their attending of a private school. I understand.

Still I enjoy hearing everyone's opinions and Bookie's reactions. Ha.
Fuck elite private schools.
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Jan 6, 2006
Re: is it true that private school students tend to get a higher UAI than public scho

Depends what private school.. if your talking about something like Kings.. i think they do about average.. but if your talking about sydney grammer they come in top 5 (correct me if im wrong).

and all you public people.. quit complaining like pussies and do the work and it'll all pay off

I go to a public school and you dont see me complaining..

wimps.. bitches .. etc
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