I'm friends with a few yr12s and they say it's hell and I've also heard A LOT of people drop society and culture cause of the pip. Idk, I'm stressing out about it so much now because I'll have to constantly worry about a major work on my back and it doesn't seem worth it based on what I've heard. Does anyone have any personal experience or do their friends think the same anything pls.
This PIP becomes a no brainer when you manage your time wisely- this is the biggest mistake people do...they don't have an adequate plan of they want to accomplish with the PIP.
- you should spend an adequate amount of time on the pip a week 1-2 hours is pretty solid when your starting off, and you can slowly increase this over time..
-besides proper time management, you should have a timeline. At the start of term 4, you should write things you need to accomplish throughout the ten weeks and the leading to the final stages of your pip. (There's some pretty good timeline if you search, or maybe ask your teacher to make one)
-starting early is another thing I would recommend, especially if your pretty set on your topic...legit start drafting your main methodologies and asking for feedback, so you distribute it and get an extensive amount of responses.
-an i advice i wish id given myself is gathering resources early and doing at least one annoted resource a day, no matter how annoying it is your future self will love you.
Like the above said, the only time it becomes kinda stressful is when trials start to come around and everyone is sending drafts to the teacher, finalising, etc. So overall just manage your time wisley
