Someone help me pronto!!
Ok, i went to accept my offer.
But before I've even completed theyre saying "You now have the option of transfering to Architecture/Arts or Architecture/Science."
I know i definately DONT want architecture/science.. or do i?
But i thought I WAS doing architecture arts?
Like im so confused!!
It appears to be the same course...
but this one (Arts/Arch) is 6 years??
But it looks the same??
But they have a different UNSW course code
And i cant actually find Arch/Arts to have its own UAC code.
Is it a combined degree?
Am i confused much? YES!
I mean my uac application says Ive been accepted in: Bachelor of Architecture, B Architecture/ B Arts, B Architecture, B Social Science - Full Time at University Of New South Wales.
So all of a sudden i have the option of choosing to ALSO have a "Combined Degree, BArch with additional qualifications" ?
Heres what my book says:
The Architecture Dept contains a percentage of open electives which can be replaced by the course in the aditional program, the combined degrees only require:
B Arch/ A Arts: ONE additional session of study to gain the additional qualification of Bachelor of arts
B Arch/ B Social SCience: ONE additional session of study to gain the additional qualification of Bachelor of Social Science.
Did i get more than i asked for?
Or is this just a standard i didnt know about?
Im not accpeting any yet cuz i dont know which i want to do.
I just wanted arch. But if i can get a combined(?) degree for half a year more, well why not?
Help me!!
Have i just overcomplicated a simple issue?
Or is there genuinely a need to be confused.
Once again HUH!? and HELP!
Ive done my reading and im not feeling any wiser for it. Just more confuddled than ever.
Someone help me pronto!!
Ok, i went to accept my offer.
But before I've even completed theyre saying "You now have the option of transfering to Architecture/Arts or Architecture/Science."
I know i definately DONT want architecture/science.. or do i?
But i thought I WAS doing architecture arts?
Like im so confused!!
It appears to be the same course...
but this one (Arts/Arch) is 6 years??
But it looks the same??
But they have a different UNSW course code
And i cant actually find Arch/Arts to have its own UAC code.
Is it a combined degree?
Am i confused much? YES!
I mean my uac application says Ive been accepted in: Bachelor of Architecture, B Architecture/ B Arts, B Architecture, B Social Science - Full Time at University Of New South Wales.
So all of a sudden i have the option of choosing to ALSO have a "Combined Degree, BArch with additional qualifications" ?
Heres what my book says:
The Architecture Dept contains a percentage of open electives which can be replaced by the course in the aditional program, the combined degrees only require:
B Arch/ A Arts: ONE additional session of study to gain the additional qualification of Bachelor of arts
B Arch/ B Social SCience: ONE additional session of study to gain the additional qualification of Bachelor of Social Science.
Did i get more than i asked for?
Or is this just a standard i didnt know about?
Im not accpeting any yet cuz i dont know which i want to do.
I just wanted arch. But if i can get a combined(?) degree for half a year more, well why not?
Help me!!
Have i just overcomplicated a simple issue?
Or is there genuinely a need to be confused.
Once again HUH!? and HELP!
Ive done my reading and im not feeling any wiser for it. Just more confuddled than ever.