Well, I do have pictures in mine - the most text I put in each page is about half a page...I already took out the footnotes in my estimate of 1900 (I think it's now 1850
) - the footnotes were about 120 words. As for the percentages in my survey...that's where almost all my footnotes came from - references to my survey.
Seeing as "sticking to the word limit" isn't really one of the descriptors, does that mean the marker technically can't mark you down for exceeding 1200 words?
Btw. In regards to uni, do they inform you of how to write in a proper report style or do they assume you learnt how to do it at school e.g. I would never really have thought not to put pictures in, until you suggested not to. But for something like economics/business reports, it would be OK to include pictures, graphs, diagrams etc right? (i.e. a lot of the things from the appendix could actually be included in the report)
In uni, they wouldn't set such a low word restriction would they? An "average" thesis would be ~5000 words wouldn't it? It's just that after having to do a damn 3000 word short story for English, anything <1500 words just seems so little, especially since my Eco. teacher also sets word limits of ~2000 words.