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Israel and Palestine (1 Viewer)


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

LOL, stop making me laugh! You ask for a source, you got one. It's the Israeli government. If you don't accept it because it is Israeli tough, normal people do, the media does, our own government does, yet it is you who don't. Why don't you do some research and find another source if you're so keen.
What's funny about his question of a zionist government? There is known bias in Israel, it's an apartheid state. There is no reason infact, why somebody should take any source from the Israeli government as more than propoganda and lies.

"50 people are killed in just one or two weeks of violence between hamas and Fatah. I don't even know why i debated about these people who are more than happy to kill and blew up their own people. Go cry me a river."
They would be even more happy to have their country back, break all these militias and end the intifada which they have on those who occupied their land.

"Stay on topic Israel & Palestine..."
It's funny that you mention both of these in the same sentence. Because since the first exist, the second no longer does exist. It's a complete contradiction actually, the country of Israel was formed by stealing palestinian peoples land.

Um, Fatah and Hamas are political parties in the Gaza Strip and West Bank (disputed not occupied territory), how is that not related to the current thread
You mean the part of the palestinian peoples land that the Jews have yet to occupy? Alright.. I guess I can agree with that. Heh.


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
because I love exposing your ignorance on Palestinian-israel issue. I heard your folks don't use tissue and use sands to wipe ass, you better mind your own dirty ass first before thinking about my bootylicious ass OK :D
Wait so where did you hear that from? Do you have any sources on that? It's probably just more evidence that the Zionist government spoonfeeds you propoganda.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Wait so where did you hear that from? Do you have any sources on that? It's probably just more evidence that the Zionist government spoonfeeds you propoganda.
No its just someone being an idiot an insulting another idiot - no Zionist conscpiracy here so move along.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“What's funny about his question of a zionist government? There is known bias in Israel, it's an apartheid state.”

I gave the source from a country that dropped the pamphlets – go back to living in Dreamland where the Zionists rule and the Palestinians are just the victims, lol. There is bias in Israel just like there is in any source, hence why I suggested you do a bit more research. And Israel is not an apartheid state goddamit, which this video!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpjQEvmtNdk it shows how Israel is clearly not an Apartheid state so drop the line.

“There is no reason infact, why somebody should take any source from the Israeli government as more than propoganda and lies.”

Maybe in your dream world…

“They would be even more happy to have their country back, break all these militias and end the intifada which they have on those who occupied their land.”

Actually no they wouldn’t hence why all these organisation were created before the 6 day war. If they wanted to end the Intifada, all the would have to do is to renounce violence and recognise Israel, it’s that simple and then the peace process can continue. I won’t even bother with the notion of ‘occupation’ because I have addressed it repeatedly, you’re just to thick to understand it.

“It's funny that you mention both of these in the same sentence. Because since the first exist, the second no longer does exist. It's a complete contradiction actually, the country of Israel was formed by stealing palestinian peoples land.”

Um, no. Palestine and Israel were formed at the same time, it is just that the Palestinians rejected this and the UN and Israel didn’t. So they started a war and lost, and this is where their troubles began.

“You mean the part of the palestinian peoples land that the Jews have yet to occupy? Alright.. I guess I can agree with that. Heh.”

So you’re trying to say that Israel is planning to attack and invade Gaza? Trust me no one wants that piece of shit. Again if they were planning to do it why havn’t they done so? I can assure it is not because Hamas is a great fighting organisation. Plus the land is DISPUTED.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I gave the source from a country that dropped the pamphlets – go back to living in Dreamland where the Zionists rule and the Palestinians are just the victims, lol.
The Palestinians are victims though. They're victims of having their own country and land stolen from them by europeans who were kicked out of their country. It's as if the worlds most hated people from all over Europe and parts of the middle east took their homes, and now oppress them. Zionists do rule over the Palestinians with little international intervention, and it's unfair to them to be subject to such humility and torture. (What did they do to deserve it?) If you're going to bring up the Arab-Israeli war, then you should know it's a human right to defend your home when it's being invaded.

There is bias in Israel just like there is in any source, hence why I suggested you do a bit more research. And Israel is not an apartheid state goddamit, which this video!!! It shows how Israel is clearly not an Apartheid state so drop the line.
Can a muslim man marry a jewish woman?
Are muslim and jewish people treated equally under law?
Do jewish and muslim people have the same opportunity to find employment and promotion?
Are they able to hold/attain any high position without being elected for it? (Disregard the tiny minority who hold positions in the judiciary system.) Not police mind you, but a seat in the High Court? HEH! That's not equality.

Are they allowed to leave the country and visit their family in the west bank and gaza strip?
Are their family allowed to visit them in Israel?
Can they travel to and from the country? (Which is a human right, right to movement.)

Are you saying the people who live in West Bank and Gaza Strip have no country? Where do they live? What is it? How could something so horrific be created? It's like an extended version of an Auschwitz gas chamber.

Maybe in your dream world…
Why would I dream of that? It's a reality, and it's a nightmare for these people. Have some sympathy.. (Only animals and sociopaths don't.)

Actually no they wouldn’t hence why all these organisation were created before the 6 day war.
Anybody has a right to defend their country when it's being overrun or invaded by foreigners. It's a human right.

If they wanted to end the Intifada, all the would have to do is to renounce violence and recognise Israel
Why should they? Why should they accept the Jews occupying their country? Should they accept it just because they're bullied into it by bombings, demolitions and unjustified attacks?

It's that simple and then the peace process can continue.
Single state agreement, or no state agreement. That's the only way the peace progress can begin.

Israel has no right to exist. The land belongs to the palestinians, the people of the land. (Once you recognise this, we'll be able to have an intelligent conversation.)

Lets play our little game. (You know which one.)


Re: Israel & Palestine

Top Ten Reasons To Become an Orthodox Jew
from the
Somayach Top Ten List

10. You will become an instant topic of conversation
and amusement amongst all former friends

9. You will no longer have to eat your Aunt Harriet's homemade
pork rinds

8. Bums, vagrants, total strangers and missionaries will
strike up conversations with you on the subway about theology,
philosophy and the meaning of life (if in New York add - while
their accomplice steals your wallet)

7. You will never have to decide between chicken and beef
on airline flights (except on El Al where there is no
difference between them anyway)

6. You will become a close friend and confidant of all
the staff at Food City Kosher Department

5. You will have the privilege of donating half your
income to a Jewish day school (and your firstborn)

4. You will understand all of Jackie Mason's jokes

3. You will no longer have to agonize over French, Creole,
Thai, Sushi, Italian or Indian cuisine. Your choice becomes
upholstered cardboard (also known as kosher pizza),
pseudo-Chinese, or triple-bypass deli sandwiches on rye
(with added cholesterol and a pickle on the side)

2. Men - your bald spot will always be covered
Women - you can have your hair done and it doesn't even
have to be on your head

1. For one entire day every week you cannot be reached
by phone, cellular, pager or E-mail


Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

I agree, they were cheap shots. (I prefer humanely killed meat thank you.)


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“The Palestinians are victims though. They're victims of having their own country and land stolen from them by Europeans who were kicked out of their country.”

First, stop with your lying, the Jews were never kicked out, they chose to come to the British Mandate of Palestine, which is their right. Secondly as I have said many times to you, these people bought the land from the Arabs living there. The rest came from the UN Partition Resolution in 1948.

“It's as if the worlds most hated people from all over Europe and parts of the middle east took their homes, and now oppress them.”

Took? Aren’t you forgetting that they were bought, or according to you, is this now illegal?

“Zionists do rule over the Palestinians with little international intervention, and it's unfair to them to be subject to such humility and torture.”

Rule over them? I thought that was what the PA was made for. Really I don’t think you have researched this at all.

“If you're going to bring up the Arab-Israeli war, then you should know it's a human right to defend your home when it's being invaded.”

Being invaded, if that is the case then all the wars that the Arabs started is fine by you. This is because that was the excuse given by Nasser, by Arafat, by King Hussein, by Nassralla, etc… Lol! You are so in the wrong.

“Can a Muslim man marry a Jewish woman?”

Yes, but I fail to see how that has anything to do with race. Did anyone not tell you that Islam and Judaism are not races?

“Are muslim and jewish people treated equally under law?”

Yes, Israel is a secular state. Once again I fail to see how that has anything to do with race.

“Do jewish and muslim people have the same opportunity to find employment and promotion?”

Yes, no discrimination is allowed based on people’s faith, skin colour, gender, race. Very much the same in Australia. Once again that question has nothing to do with race, it has to do with religion.

“Are they able to hold/attain any high position without being elected for it? (Disregard the tiny minority who hold positions in the judiciary system.) Not police mind you, but a seat in the High Court?”

Have you failed to notice the many Arab political parties in Israel? Or did something as simple as that slip your mind? Seriously you need to research far more about Israel instead of just labeling it an Apartheid state.

“Are they allowed to leave the country and visit their family in the west bank and Gaza strip?”

Yes, I have a friend who has many relatives living in the West Bank and she still visits them all.

“Are their family allowed to visit them in Israel?”

Yes, however as you would notice there are many check points and road blocks that EVERYONE must pass through for the sake of SECURITY.

“Can they travel to and from the country? (Which is a human right, right to movement.)”

Israelis using an Israeli passport are not allowed to travel to Muslim countries mainly for the fact that Muslim countries don’t allow them in and because these countries don’t recognise Israel. This is an issue of security. However Israelis using another passport are.

BTW, did you even watch the video or is it some evil Zionist conspiracy, lol (for those reading it is not)?

“Are you saying the people who live in West Bank and Gaza Strip have no country? Where do they live? What is it? How could something so horrific be created? It's like an extended version of an Auschwitz gas chamber.”

Hell no. I am saying that the Palestinians have no country and never had. The people that live in Gaza are Arabs who are now called Palestinians (Yasser Arafat came up with this name in 1964). The people in the West Bank are a combination of Israelis and now-called Palestinians.

“Anybody has a right to defend their country when it's being overrun or invaded by foreigners. It's a human right.”

My point is why weren’t these organisations created in 1948 when Israel supposedly ‘took’ over Palestinian land, in actual fact the UN partitioned the land which is not occupation. Are you suggesting that when one side starts a war and loses that they should get their lost territory back? Keeping in mind that the territory to the left of the Dead Sea was meant to be Israel while everything to the right was meant to be an Arab state? BTW, I wasn’t aware of the Palestinians every having a country, they [being the Arabs] rejected the one in 1948.

“Why should they?”

Because the majority of the world does. Because Israel has a right to exist. Because Israel is a sovereign country, need I go on?

“Why should they accept the Jews occupying their country?”

Has there ever been a country called Palestine run by Palestinians, no. Your point is demolished by that simple fact.

“Single state agreement, or no state agreement. That's the only way the peace progress can begin.”

Single state? So now you want Israel to commit demographic suicide? The whole point of Israel was so that it could be a Jewish state for Jews to come to in order to escape the anti-Semitism prevalent in the rest of the world. If an Arab majority comes in, what do you think will happen? BTW do you just ignore Hamas saying we must wipe Israel from the map, there will never be an Israel? Lol, they won’t take a single state solution, even you must realise that.

“Israel has no right to exist.”

If you truly believe this, stop posting on this thread because your opinions are not needed. This thread is named ISRAEL and Palestine because Israel exists and has a right to exist. So if you don’t recognise Israel’s right then get off and stop spreading your lies, maybe then we can talk about your IQ level.
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Comrades, Comrades!
Sep 13, 2003
Re: Israel & Palestine

First, stop with your lying, the Jews were never kicked out, they chose to come to the British Mandate of Palestine, which is their right. Secondly as I have said many times to you, these people bought the land from the Arabs living there. The rest came from the UN Partition Resolution in 1948.
How many countries have the Jews been banished from? They chose to come in and displace people from their land, I know that part of the story. But as to you trying to justify why they should give up the majority of their land to europeans Jews is completely ridiculous. They didn't buy any land, which Palestinian agreed/benefited monetarily from the Israeli occupation? Name the people who were paid for their country. (This is a myth, and a rumour.)

Took? Aren’t you forgetting that they were bought, or according to you, is this now illegal?
Rumour/Myth - Can you prove this? They bought almost nothing, but they all immigrated under the British Mandate, they came by the ship loads, and slowly they displaced the Palestinians through assassinations (their zionist movement) The Palestinians didn't get paid for their country, they were made to lose control, lose the right to their country, and finally made refugees in the region by european Jews who were persectuted.

Rule over them? I thought that was what the PA was made for. Really I don’t think you have researched this at all.
Actually, their lives are controlled very much by outsiders. And when they chose to elect Hamas they were heavily criticised. (That's democracy right? *laughs* )

Being invaded, if that is the case then all the wars that the Arabs started is fine by you. This is because that was the excuse given by Nasser, by Arafat, by King Hussein, by Nassralla, etc… Lol! You are so in the wrong.
The majority of those wars were influenced by the zionist occupation of the Palestinian peoples land. And the western influence which was conjured by Jewish lobbyists in the united states. Those wars are just, as they fight to give a home back to the millions of Refugees who have fled to their lands.

black]Yes, but I fail to see how that has anything to do with race. Did anyone not tell you that Islam and Judaism are not races?[/COLOR]
Actually you're wrong. A muslim man could not marry a Jewish woman by Israeli law. I'm wondering how much you know about the country you defend so adamantly, have you researched it?

Yes, Israel is a secular state. Once again I fail to see how that has anything to do with race.
Wrong again. It's well known that muslim people receive much harsher punishments. Recently a Jewish soldier shot a peaceful muslim as he protested an illegal arrest. He was shot in the back, as he was walking away (unarmed). The soldier was found innocent, and wasn't imprisoned.

Yes, no discrimination is allowed based on people’s faith, skin colour, gender, race. Very much the same in Australia. Once again that question has nothing to do with race, it has to do with religion.
That is another lie. It is almost impossible for a muslim man or woman to be promoted, and they are discriminated against because of their religion. I could easily list a number of executives/chairman in Israeli business and Media, etc. There would be almost no muslims holding those positions. They're discriminated against harshly, saying otherwise is obvious that you know nothing about Israel. (They're considered to be pigs. Employing them is looked at badly, almost as if you had commited treason.)

Have you failed to notice the many Arab political parties in Israel? Or did something as simple as that slip your mind? Seriously you need to research far more about Israel instead of just labeling it an Apartheid state.
I did not dispute that there were political parties in Israel, I asked whether they had any positions where the 20% who would vote for them, would inevitably get them such a position. I asked whether they were promoted by the Jewish people, for their efforts. They aren't, because in Israel they're considered to be second class citizens.

Yes, I have a friend who has many relatives living in the West Bank and she still visits them all.
Another lie.

No use going on, you're ignorant and ill-informed. You're another zionist who will adamantly defend the illegal occupation of the Palestinian peoples land. What's the use even arguing with you? It's not like you're going to get convinced about the truth of the issue. You've already made it apparent in another thread that you're just trying to brainwash the "people" as if people would even listen to the rubbish that you continually regurgitate.


Feb 25, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

“How many countries have the Jews been banished from?”

These countries opened their doors back to the Jews who emigrated back. Why do you think Britain had a Jewish Prime Minister (Disreali)? Really, why do you think there was so many Jews in Europe during the Holocaust? You clearly have no idea about the history you claim to know so much about.

“They chose to come in and displace people from their land, I know that part of the story. But as to you trying to justify why they should give up the majority of their land to europeans Jews is completely ridiculous.”

First there has always been a Jewish pretense in Palestine. Secondly they never gave up anything! They were originally promised Jordan but they rejected it. They were promised land in Palestine they rejected that. They then INVADED Israel in order to DESTROY it.

“They didn't buy any land, which Palestinian agreed/benefited monetarily from the Israeli occupation? Name the people who were paid for their country. (This is a myth, and a rumour.)”

Of coarse they bought land. Arabs let them buy land off them, what you are doing is denying history. Read this http://palestinefacts.org/pf_early_palestine_zionists_land.php

“Actually, their lives are controlled very much by outsiders. And when they chose to elect Hamas they were heavily criticised. (That's democracy right? *laughs* )”

Haha! They are controlled by their own government. Or is Hamas now an international organisation? You dumbshit. They were criticised because they elected a terrorist organisation. I am sure you would be angry if Al Quiada was elected to Australia, or maybe for you would be happy?

“The majority of those wars were influenced by the zionist occupation of the Palestinian peoples land.”

No, the majority of these wars were because the Arabs couldn’t bear to have a legitament Jewish state in their midst. Don’t forget the Israel is 1% of the Middle East.

“And the western influence which was conjured by Jewish lobbyists in the united states. Those wars are just,”

What 4 on 1 with the process of pushing the Jews into the sea? Haha you wish.

“as they fight to give a home back to the millions of Refugees who have fled to their lands.”

The Arabs originally told them to leave!

“Actually you're wrong. A muslim man could not marry a Jewish woman by Israeli law. I'm wondering how much you know about the country you defend so adamantly, have you researched it?”

Actually you are wrong they can. Still what does that have to do with race?

“Wrong again. It's well known that muslim people receive much harsher punishments. Recently a Jewish soldier shot a peaceful muslim as he protested an illegal arrest. He was shot in the back, as he was walking away (unarmed). The soldier was found innocent, and wasn't imprisoned.”

Want to state your source? Who said this person was peaceful. Once again you seem to confuse race with relgion. Helpful hint: THEY ARE DIFFERENT!

“That is another lie. It is almost impossible for a muslim man or woman to be promoted, and they are discriminated against because of their religion. I could easily list a number of executives/chairman in Israeli business and Media, etc.”

Really you seem to have no idea about Israel. Please stop talking about things you don’t understand.

“(They're considered to be pigs. Employing them is looked at badly, almost as if you had commited treason.)”

No I think you’re getting confused about Hamas calling Jews pigs and apes.

“They aren't, because in Israel they're considered to be second class citizens.”

Really you should stop talking about matters you don’t understand. I have demonstrated that Israel is a secular state. I have repeatedly shown you that there is no racism in Israel please stop spreading lies.

“Another lie.”

Haha, you wish.


New Member
Aug 29, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

so im doing a legal studies assignment on a human rights issue thought id do terroism? any ideas of research like where to find articles?


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
Actually you're wrong. A muslim man could not marry a Jewish woman by Israeli law. I'm wondering how much you know about the country you defend so adamantly, have you researched it?
black]Yes, but I fail to see how that has anything to do with race. Did anyone not tell you that Islam and Judaism are not races?[/color]
Actually you're wrong. A muslim man could not marry a Jewish woman by Israeli law. I'm wondering how much you know about the country you defend so adamantly, have you researched it?"

This does not prove Judaism is a race.
Also, where are you getting this from about marriage? I don't think thats right. From a Jewish law perspective this is correct but I thought that as long as it was not same sex marriages then it was alright. Please provide a source to the exact place where it says this i.e. not a newspaper article.

OOOH! Maybe you mean no one will perform the marriage ceremony for them, yes that may be true, no rabbi or muslim cleric would perform this ceremony...
...and just for the record, between you, Jews and Muslims, I think you stand alone in bringing this up as a point of contention...find me an orthodox Jew and a Muslim that want to get married!


Jul 20, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
How many countries have the Jews been banished from? They chose to come in and displace people from their land, I know that part of the story. But as to you trying to justify why they should give up the majority of their land to europeans Jews is completely ridiculous. They didn't buy any land, which Palestinian agreed/benefited monetarily from the Israeli occupation? Name the people who were paid for their country. (This is a myth, and a rumour.)

Rumour/Myth - Can you prove this? They bought almost nothing, but they all immigrated under the British Mandate, they came by the ship loads, and slowly they displaced the Palestinians through assassinations (their zionist movement) The Palestinians didn't get paid for their country, they were made to lose control, lose the right to their country, and finally made refugees in the region by european Jews who were persectuted.

Rule over them? I thought that was what the PA was made for. Really I don’t think you have researched this at all.
Actually, their lives are controlled very much by outsiders. And when they chose to elect Hamas they were heavily criticised. (That's democracy right? *laughs* )

The majority of those wars were influenced by the zionist occupation of the Palestinian peoples land. And the western influence which was conjured by Jewish lobbyists in the united states. Those wars are just, as they fight to give a home back to the millions of Refugees who have fled to their lands.

Actually you're wrong. A muslim man could not marry a Jewish woman by Israeli law. I'm wondering how much you know about the country you defend so adamantly, have you researched it?

Wrong again. It's well known that muslim people receive much harsher punishments. Recently a Jewish soldier shot a peaceful muslim as he protested an illegal arrest. He was shot in the back, as he was walking away (unarmed). The soldier was found innocent, and wasn't imprisoned.

That is another lie. It is almost impossible for a muslim man or woman to be promoted, and they are discriminated against because of their religion. I could easily list a number of executives/chairman in Israeli business and Media, etc. There would be almost no muslims holding those positions. They're discriminated against harshly, saying otherwise is obvious that you know nothing about Israel. (They're considered to be pigs. Employing them is looked at badly, almost as if you had commited treason.)

I did not dispute that there were political parties in Israel, I asked whether they had any positions where the 20% who would vote for them, would inevitably get them such a position. I asked whether they were promoted by the Jewish people, for their efforts. They aren't, because in Israel they're considered to be second class citizens.

Another lie.

No use going on, you're ignorant and ill-informed. You're another zionist who will adamantly defend the illegal occupation of the Palestinian peoples land. What's the use even arguing with you? It's not like you're going to get convinced about the truth of the issue. You've already made it apparent in another thread that you're just trying to brainwash the "people" as if people would even listen to the rubbish that you continually regurgitate.
I would like to argue against all your points but it would mean nothing cos it'd be too long too read...even I wouldn't read it. So very simply you have made your point: you dislike zionists and you wish to let the world know with every living breath you have...please join the line behind those from Darfur and Kosovo and East Timor.

I ask you one question. I do not want any "Israel caused this and that" added, just answer the question: If there was a terrorist organisation next to Australia, for whatever reason, no matter how many acres or towns you believed Australia stole, if this organisation commited acts that endangered the lives of Australian citizensnow and had killed numerous Australian citizens in the past, would you condemn the Australian Government's actions for forcefully stopping these actions, even if it meant people, alot of people, would die?

You are a human being. You have a desire to survive. If you tell me that you would be willing to forfeit the right to safety so that another child does not die...you are an admirable person, I say that without any sarcasm, if only there were more like you.
But sadly most Israeli's are selfish and really prefer life over death, so it is not Israeli's you have to blame, it is rather the human desire to live.


Aug 17, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

lambeychops said:
so im doing a legal studies assignment on a human rights issue thought id do terroism? any ideas of research like where to find articles?
Right here


New Member
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

sam04u said:
The Palestinians are victims though. They're victims of having their own country and land stolen from them by europeans who were kicked out of their country. It's as if the worlds most hated people from all over Europe and parts of the middle east took their homes, and now oppress them. Zionists do rule over the Palestinians with little international intervention, and it's unfair to them to be subject to such humility and torture. (What did they do to deserve it?) If you're going to bring up the Arab-Israeli war, then you should know it's a human right to defend your home when it's being invaded.

Can a muslim man marry a jewish woman?
Are muslim and jewish people treated equally under law?
Do jewish and muslim people have the same opportunity to find employment and promotion?
Are they able to hold/attain any high position without being elected for it? (Disregard the tiny minority who hold positions in the judiciary system.) Not police mind you, but a seat in the High Court? HEH! That's not equality.

Are they allowed to leave the country and visit their family in the west bank and gaza strip?
Are their family allowed to visit them in Israel?
Can they travel to and from the country? (Which is a human right, right to movement.)

Are you saying the people who live in West Bank and Gaza Strip have no country? Where do they live? What is it? How could something so horrific be created? It's like an extended version of an Auschwitz gas chamber.

Why would I dream of that? It's a reality, and it's a nightmare for these people. Have some sympathy.. (Only animals and sociopaths don't.)

Anybody has a right to defend their country when it's being overrun or invaded by foreigners. It's a human right.

Why should they? Why should they accept the Jews occupying their country? Should they accept it just because they're bullied into it by bombings, demolitions and unjustified attacks?

Single state agreement, or no state agreement. That's the only way the peace progress can begin.

Israel has no right to exist. The land belongs to the palestinians, the people of the land. (Once you recognise this, we'll be able to have an intelligent conversation.)

Lets play our little game. (You know which one.)
u have no right to exist because u are a complete idiot, ur rooting for a race which is currently killing its own people...kinda stupid wouldnt u say?????????????


New Member
Apr 2, 2006
Re: Israel & Palestine

nathan71088 said:
I would like to argue against all your points but it would mean nothing cos it'd be too long too read...even I wouldn't read it. So very simply you have made your point: you dislike zionists and you wish to let the world know with every living breath you have...please join the line behind those from Darfur and Kosovo and East Timor.

I ask you one question. I do not want any "Israel caused this and that" added, just answer the question: If there was a terrorist organisation next to Australia, for whatever reason, no matter how many acres or towns you believed Australia stole, if this organisation commited acts that endangered the lives of Australian citizensnow and had killed numerous Australian citizens in the past, would you condemn the Australian Government's actions for forcefully stopping these actions, even if it meant people, alot of people, would die?

You are a human being. You have a desire to survive. If you tell me that you would be willing to forfeit the right to safety so that another child does not die...you are an admirable person, I say that without any sarcasm, if only there were more like you.
But sadly most Israeli's are selfish and really prefer life over death, so it is not Israeli's you have to blame, it is rather the human desire to live.
U r very smart, but id just like to add that Sam04u is an idiot


Mar 21, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

I just watched SBS news which quote critics of arabs that they use Palestinians in arab lands such as Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia are treated worse than anywhere else and are used as a scapegoat to promote hatred against Israel.

An interesting note is All countries gave Palestinian refugees citizenship except Arabs countries. Palestinians have citizenship in germany, Ireland, UK, Australia, USA argentina etc but they cannot be citizens of any arabs countries isnt it amazing ;) Now thats what I'd call brotherly love or lack thereof. :D


New Member
May 22, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

"They chose to come in and displace people from their land"
No, they chose to come and live amongst them. In fact, before the arab peasants launched their major offensive against the Jews in 47, most arab and Jewish villages coexisted economically.

"They didn't buy any land"
What do you think the JNF was for then? Collecting money so they could boast about their account balanace? A lot of the land was bought at exorbitant prices, such as the land on which Tel-Aviv is now built (the Jews paid prime real estate prices for sand dunes).

"which Palestinian agreed/benefited monetarily from the Israeli occupation?"
The palestinians that the Israelis bought land off. But it is true, most of the arab land bought was from absentee landlords in Egypt and Jordan, land which no one was living on. When it comes down to it, by 1946 (using the official British Survery of Palestine (1946) as a source) the palestinian peasants only owned 3.3% of the land, while absentee landlords owned something like 16%. The Jews owned something like 12% (4 times the privately owned arab land), and much of the rest was desert, legally owned by the British.

"Name the people who were paid for their country. (This is a myth, and a rumour.)"
Yeah, ill just take out my copy of every financial transaction between arabs and Jews from the 1880's to 1947 which I have lying around my house somewhere..

"Rumour/Myth - Can you prove this? "
The British survery does it conclusively

"and slowly they displaced the Palestinians through assassinations "
'Assasinations'? What on earth are you talking about?

"The Palestinians didn't get paid for their country, they were made to lose control"
What control? They were never sovereign over anything but 3.3% of the land.

"and finally made refugees in the region by european Jews "
Actually, they were made refugees by the arab armies that annexed the land that was set over for a palestinian state by the UN partition plan. In fact, if theb arabs didn't attack in 1948, the palestinians would have recently celebrated the 59th anniversary of their state's creation, a state that would have been larger than the West Bank and Gaza put together..

"Actually, their lives are controlled very much by outsiders. "
Sorry, but the palestinians have their own government. The fact that it prefers to finance terrorism as opposed to providing for their social needs is their own problem.

" And when they chose to elect Hamas they were heavily criticised. (That's democracy right? *laughs* )"
Yes, when the majority of palestinians voted in a group whose charter says that negotiations are a waste of time, they were rightfully criticized. The fact that they are a democracy does not mean that any decision the people make as a whole must be good, it means that they are responsible for the decisions they have made, not just their government.

"The majority of those wars were influenced by the zionist occupation of the Palestinian peoples land"
The wars of 48 and 67 were launched BEFORE the 'occupation'. Were they influenced retroactively by their outcomes? Or maybe you are just arguing that Israel was responsible for causing the wars for no other reason than it existed.

"Those wars are just, as they fight to give a home back to the millions of Refugees who have fled to their lands."
If the palestinians wanted a home, then they would have agreed to the camp david agreements in 2000 giving them 97% of what they asked for. They refused, prefering a battle to annihilate or drive every last Jew from Israel. Is that 'just' as well?

"Actually you're wrong. A muslim man could not marry a Jewish woman by Israeli law."
Yes they can. What they cannot obtain is a marriage under Jewish orthodox religious law (or religious muslim law for that matter), in any country. But there are plenty of civil interfaith marriages in Israel. Making things up does not help your case..

Recently a Jewish soldier shot a peaceful muslim as he protested an illegal arrest. He was shot in the back, as he was walking away (unarmed).
In other words, a soldier came to arrest a muslim, and that muslim tried to resist arrest and flee (that is your euphemism for 'protesting an illegal arrest, right'. The soldier shot him as he was fleeing, as policemen shoot fleeing criminals ALL THE TIME in western countries.

"That is another lie. It is almost impossible for a muslim man or woman to be promoted, and they are discriminated against because of their religion. "
Yeah, I guess those 10 arab members of the Israeli parliament were 'discriminated against' as well..

"(They're considered to be pigs. Employing them is looked at badly, almost as if you had commited treason.)"
Er.. its the muslims that talk about Jews as the sons of pigs - and it is palestinian terrorist vigilantes, not Israelis, that murder people who have been 'collaborating'. You really ought to stop projecting the faults of those you are defending onto others. Its not healthy..

" They aren't, because in Israel they're considered to be second class citizens."
I guess then that 'second class citizen' is your way of saying 'equal civil, legal and political rights'..

No use going on, you're ignorant and ill-informed. You're another zionist who will adamantly defend the illegal occupation of the Palestinian peoples land. What's the use even arguing with you?
Admitting defeat already?


Active Member
Feb 19, 2007
Re: Israel & Palestine

BritneySpears said:
I just watched SBS news which quote critics of arabs that they use Palestinians in arab lands such as Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia are treated worse than anywhere else and are used as a scapegoat to promote hatred against Israel.

An interesting note is All countries gave Palestinian refugees citizenship except Arabs countries. Palestinians have citizenship in germany, Ireland, UK, Australia, USA argentina etc but they cannot be citizens of any arabs countries isnt it amazing ;) Now thats what I'd call brotherly love or lack thereof. :D
SO?? i would like you to provide a source on what you said, you "watching" the news doesnt really count.
I watched the news the other day and i saw 5 israeli soldiers raping/harassing a 5 year old school boy....

Im personally concerned about the israeli treatment of palestinians. If it wasnt for the creation of israel, and the jewish settlement in palestine, the palestininas would be living happily in their land, and they wouldnt be treated badly by other people.

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