Israel's Sharon in serious condition (3 Viewers)


Sep 27, 2003
Wow, it must take a particularly retarded person not to understand that there are various groups people that do not abide by the doctrinal philosophies of their respective religions. It is as prevalent in Islam as it is in Christianity or Judaism.


Sep 27, 2003
TerrbleSpellor said:
..... But they gave some back to the palestinians. Sharon did this against what the citizens of the affected area wanted.. He wants to work towards peace.. And you celebrate when you hear he is sick? Make sense to me! (not)
Get a clue asap kthxbi.

Its not the fact that Sharon didnt want to work towards peace. Its the fact that the United States don't want to work towards peace, and, due to Sharon being a subservient pawn in US foreign policy since his rise to leadership, it is quite sensible to be thankful that he is gone.

And so you ask, why dont the US want to work towards peace. Well it makes a lot of sense when you really think about it. While the conflict goes on, the US interests are stable. The Israeli state is relies on their support. The US thus gain a significant strategic resource in the region. If there was peace, the US could not fund the Israeli's as there would be no need, the US would be pushed out the region, and all strategic resources would cease.

So you see, its not Sharon being against peace. Its the US.


Sep 27, 2003
TerrbleSpellor said:
Yeh, except an extremist/terrorist like zahid can't very well say that he follows it radically, but then doesn't follow one of its core principles (like not lieing... or killing.. or being cruel to other humans).

Muslims always reject that they ever seperate themselves from Islam, but they do it all the time when they open their mouths.

A true muslim for example, would have no problem with the jews being in Israel. Especially a muslim from Bangladesh, and who has nothing to do with this region. It is clear that Zahid is taking an "US vs THEM" approach, which, if he were a white person, would result in him being called a ... racist?

But you have to remember that he isn't white, so he can't be a racist.
By your same reasoning, you could well suggest that George W. Bush is an extremist as ithe Bible recurrently points out the necessity for peace and acceptance of different cultures, philosophies and religions.

The rest of it is retarded so i will abstain from making you look even stupidier than you already made yourself look.


Socialist Member
Aug 12, 2005
in sydney
captain said:
Edit: Plus the Israelis are stupid for even giving you some back, I mean do they think if they give enough back that the Muslim extremists are magically gonna stop calling for the elimination of the Jews? It's like what the European leaders did with Hitler back in the day, appeasement.
i can say that's right the muslims won't stop fighting.., why because the jews are not giving us the important stuff.. GAZA who wants gaza... were after al-qudas here.. and the most annoying thing is that they also restrict the muslims activites near the DOME OF THE ROCK.. which is very sacred to te muslims its like some one who a wound and the jews are just rubbing salt into it...
Last edited:


Socialist Member
Aug 12, 2005
in sydney
TerrbleSpellor said:
How many freaking holy sites to Muslims need?

And as for rubbing the salt into the wound, i think its a bit more then that (security wise), but even if it was so, I could understand why. Muslims are such arrogant shits that they would deserve such treatment. You don't need this as a holy site, that's what you have Mecca for.

Don't Muslims find it strange, that where ever they go, they are hated?
no not really the prophet has claimed that there will be days when being a muslim is like a person holding a hot coal in his/her hands.. i believe these are the days.. also about the holy sites, there are many but the MAJOR ones are mecca,medina, and al-qudas


Sep 27, 2003
TerrbleSpellor said:
George Bush doesn't exactly do everything in the name of religion.
And yet religious conservatives constitute the overwhelming majority of his key supporters. Evidently, he must thus appease them.

But seriously, you are a retard. In fact, you are a retard in a coma without the faculties for thought-process. There is no other way to describe it. Stop attempting to debate things you obviously know nothing about.


Sep 27, 2003
TerrbleSpellor said:
So the large portion of people who voted for him are all religious conservatives?
Firstly, a "large portion" of people didnt vote for him. Remember that less than half of the country actually votes. Thus his mandate is of less than 33% of the population.

Quite the contrast actually..

Assuming that you're not a WASP, i have 2 things on you. That being i have the perspective of a WASP, of which i could never ask you to accept or understand, and 2, i have more insight than any foolish WASP's who hold your views.

Therefore i hold the highground.
Secondly, "quite the contrast" makes no sense whatsoever. The rest is pointless banter which i will leave alone to underline your stupidity.

Thirdly, i just checked out the photo thread. No wonder youe so stupid. Youre fucking ugly!@ :rofl:


Feb 2, 2005
its interesting to see you terriblespellor laughing at the notion of "islam=peace", beacuse here in australia, jews are the most arrogant bastards in this country.
Israel has nuclear and yet they refuse to accpet that they do, what does this show, it shows that they are not peaceful nation, and nation built on the religon of judaism and thus jews are fucken peace breakers.

but as i a said, these british motherfucker are the main problem, they created this huge mess and spread it to the entire world. they fucked up countries like india and pakistan, the entire continent of Africa, and the middle east. The americans have now taken over their job of ruining the world.

palestine was initally under turkish rule, then arabs fought the turks and took over the land, but then the british bastards, and the that gay jew, migrated in mass and took over the land slowly. how can you as a palestinian take that, ur entire homeland wiped out and given to some gay german jews! how would you like that? if imagine these blind asians, from korea come down just migrate in huge, take industries and land in Australia. As an aussie how would you feel?
And then just to rub in it, the koreans give back the desert part in the middle of australia, to you? how would you feel? - typically wat a jew would do, not even an asian would do that!

on that note have you ever seen an asian jew?


Feb 2, 2005
TerrbleSpellor said:
Which is why they stick to their own mini nations, support terrorist organisations, don't mix with other people, and ask employees of companies why they are wearing christmas attire, and ask them to take it off as its offensive to their religion. Its also why they can't understand why its not acceptable to rape women.
Psst, some damn christians dont come around asking, 'do you celebrate christmas?' and 'how come you done celebrate christmas'? look i dont have to celebrate christmas and its fucken annoying when people go around asking these questions.

Do you know why they ask their employer/employees to removes that type of attire, its a working environment, and its also a sign of discrimination.

Jews are surrounded by millions of arabs. They need nuclear weapons.
Jews are peace breakers? They don't let off suicide bombs in cafe`s. Once again, there is no other peace breaker besides bigoted Muslims.
you didnt read, arab countrys admit they nuclear weapons, where as israel doesnt. in the same way that israel needs nuclear weapons, the palestinans depend on their violence.

Now these "British motherfucker" are the main problem. It was the USA.. Then the Jews.. hell, everyones the fucking main problem, EXCEPT THE MUSLIMS OF COURSE!
It was a result of these events that muslims extremists grew and multiplied, you have the jews, poms and americans to blame.

Once again, doesn't it strike muslims as strange that no matter where they go, people hate them?
people dont hate muslims! how can you say that? i will tell you something, more people hate jews than muslims.

Australians are the nicest people on earth, we have the best sense of humour on the face of the planet, and we hate Muslims.. So go look in the mirror :) The problem doesn't lie with anyone but Muslims.
ur not australian cos ur not nice! and ur contradictingurself!

Why did the jews choose Palestine? Maybe because they have always had a connection with that place? It isn't the jews problem that Muslims are intollerant of every religion on the face of the planet besides their own. Why should jews move out because some crazy arabs say so?
dude all three religions had a connection with palestince! muslims are the least intorllerant. some of my closest friends are muslims, and some their freinds are hindus and christians!

Do the Palestinians really expect the jews to throw up their hands and say "yep ok, we're leaving now".. This would be the same as the aboriginals expecting white people to say that they are leaving.. It's never going to happen, so just get on with life.
'white people'- u mean the poms. the poms left and the australia became independeant and after many years they have realised they did huge mistake, and every year they a reconcilation week. I dont see israelis doing anything like this.

I don't like the feeling of being invaded by a pack of locusts who are trying to bully us out of our own crop, no :)
wells thats wat the JEWS did!

Umm.. no, because jews don't typically exist in that area of the world. There are Indian jews though.
why not? islam and christanity has spread through out the world


there's too many of them!
Jul 2, 2004
withoutaface said:
Shut up Captain PC.
Captain PC is a reasonable summon in the face of idiocy. Really, surely even you sigh at flagboy.


Premium Member
Jul 14, 2004
leetom said:
Captain PC is a reasonable summon in the face of idiocy. Really, surely even you sigh at flagboy.
Even I sign at flagboy? Nationalism is at odds with almost every belief I have.

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
Do the Palestinians really expect the jews to throw up their hands and say "yep ok, we're leaving now".. This would be the same as the aboriginals expecting white people to say that they are leaving.. It's never going to happen, so just get on with life.
The Palestinians have the ability to conitinue with a protracted war of national liberation. They will be able to fight untill Israel no longer exists. The Aboriginal nation does not have same ability.


Active Member
Oct 10, 2003
HotShot said:
its interesting to see you terriblespellor laughing at the notion of "islam=peace", beacuse here in australia, jews are the most arrogant bastards in this country.
Israel has nuclear and yet they refuse to accpet that they do, what does this show, it shows that they are not peaceful nation, and nation built on the religon of judaism and thus jews are fucken peace breakers
thats a gross generalisation and you know it.. I know some very nice jews nad palestinians.. both feel lik they have been short changed in the conflict.. like every other group of ppl there is a portion tat behaves terribly.. noone is immune to it.. dun act like ure shit smells better..

HotShot said:
but as i a said, these british motherfucker are the main problem, they created this huge mess and spread it to the entire world. they fucked up countries like india and pakistan, the entire continent of Africa, and the middle east. The americans have now taken over their job of ruining the world.
so did the french.. but learning from the past the Israelis and the Palestinians should stop other nations from butting in too much to their business.. i think the US does..

HotShot said:
palestine was initally under turkish rule, then arabs fought the turks and took over the land, but then the british bastards, and the that gay jew, migrated in mass and took over the land slowly. how can you as a palestinian take that, ur entire homeland wiped out and given to some gay german jews!
technically the arabs got beaten during the 7 day war.. israel won more land than they had before (portions of egypt which was returned... theres an interesting problem solving question about this..).. palestine was not a nation initially it was a precinct/province under jordan ... but the past should be in the past right?

there was the assistance of the US.. but again its always in their interest.. US isnt stupid.. they paid/trained Osama bin Laden to fight the Soviet troops to curb communism and look what they have now...

HotShot said:
how would you like that? if imagine these blind asians, from korea come down just migrate in huge, take industries and land in Australia. As an aussie how would you feel?
And then just to rub in it, the koreans give back the desert part in the middle of australia, to you? how would you feel? - typically wat a jew would do, not even an asian would do that!
IMHO Asians are worse than Jews.. we are very industrious.. but will never get involve in politics.. countries lik Indonesia businesses are heavily owned by chinese and their money is crucial for the economy.. same with malaysia.. indians in Fiji.. (but they are more political compared to the Chinese) they pay taxes and will live peacefully

honestly they will become the mainframe... and the moment the locals fuck up.. they will leave.. if u lost that many medical doctors, dentists, and business owners.. ure country would be without a healthcare system or economy.... would u feel owned?

HotShot said:
on that note have you ever seen an asian jew?
there are ... they are from an area in shanghai, China when they fled through russian to escape the german forces during the late 1930's..

I must admit.. the difference between other religion and islam is their level of cohesion...
if u were muslim.. despite ur colour you would feel right at home with each other being ure brother/sister.. it is why zahid and other muslims feel the pain of the palestinians... its why i think its the largest growing religion in the world
its an admirable feature...

religious sects is also favourable within islam..there are only 2.. sunni and shiite.. as oppose to the mutli-doctorine principles in other large religions lik christianity..

although unlike say the roman catholic and anglican churches there is no large hierarchy preventing certain groups from being called "extremist" and distancing/separating themselves from the mainstream.. so essentially very few muslims will condemn another muslim..

the reason that Arabs have not back down is their pride its very strong.. this needs to be acknowledged by the world.. and peace will not come unless both sides settle this..

the Palestinians need to control their factions more and condemn future violence.. because as with the Israelis both parties do not want to seem weak despite reprisals.. its again the Israelis pride..
... its a cycle of violence...

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
TerrbleSpellor said:
Also, if im stuck in this so called coma, shouldn't you show compassion to me abo-solution*? Don't the greens advocate compasion for those with a disability?

Just as they advocate diversity...... except in politics.

Choosey choosey!! Quite the "pick and choose" party aren't they? They complain about global warming... which is why they travel to parliament on their bicycles!?

Load of shit the Greens are, and everyone knows it.

What the fuck are you talking about?


Sep 27, 2003
For all wondering about TerribleSpellor go here.

I mean, its generally not my intention to denegrate people's arguments through referring to their physical appearance, but I just think this really speaks for itself.


Apr 25, 2004
absolution* said:
For all wondering about TerribleSpellor go here.

I mean, its generally not my intention to denegrate people's arguments through referring to their physical appearance, but I just think this really speaks for itself.
whats that have to do with anything.

why dont u show yuor pretty face before trying to make others look bad

Comrade nathan

Active Member
Mar 30, 2004
TerrbleSpellor said:
Hey lets all be like *abolosution. Lets argue for a disgusting minority which are in no way justified, then when we realise that we are wrong, we'll slip into denial, and attack the person who is correct.

And lets try to make fun of a pic of them that can't really be made fun of! Shhhheeeeet, i hope it hurts their feelings! :uhhuh:
Before you were attacking the Greens. When you explain what the Greens have to do with the discussion, i think then absolution will remove the picture.

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