sorry, obviously I am misunderstood. When I said luxuries, I didn't mean
just a lifetime MIMS subscription.
I hope I haven't damaged anyone's egos because I know one thing they didn't.
Also I totally agree with you about QLD being retarded, that is partly why I made that
Although I can never be sure about
your personal motives for doing med, I am sure that if the average salary for a specialist was 20k a year, there would be very few doctors out there. Having a passion for something is good, until you can't feed yourself.
I'm glad someone respects the British system, as our own is heavily based on it.
I am a little confused at your exacerbation of the rich/poor socioeconomic class mentallity. First you winge that you are the son of a poor courier, then you say that money is "of no concern". Add to that the fact that one day,
you could be one of those 'snobby rich doctors'.

HUH????? Which is it?
I've seen many mods flaming Noobies because they are too lazy to do some of their own research.
I actually do take notice of this - so I talk to my GP about medicine, ask stupid questions about huge books in his shelf, ect.
At the end of the day, I might be annoying, disrespectful, a smart arse, but at least i can be bothered to find some things out for myself.
After all, if I didn't, I be asking you guys, so ease up.