You have to bear in mind that EE1, rather than being harder or easier (I hated it in Yr 11, still not too fond of it in Yr 12 but am doing very well and doing well in exams) is different.
I still don't 'get' the 2U course after 2 years. But I know the EE1 course (my part of it, anyway) better than the back of my hand. It's a LOT more specific that my Eng Adv course, which helps. Easier to master, anyway, since all your prescribed texts will be quite similar in some way. Depends on what you're doing though.
But hey. I say do it for Yr 11 - if you still hate it at the end of that, drop it. If not, keep it
I dropped an entire subject after Yr 11..
PS: Something I feel is really important to add is that more than any other HSC subject I've studied, EE1 is the one that's actually changed the way I think. I know it sounds corny, but after studying RFTG for 2 years, I'm a lot more aware of global and local issues. It's also changed the way I read. I don't read - I analyse! lol.