Judgement of question please (1 Viewer)


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
Please rate my answer towards this 7 mark question

Compare the contribution of Einstein and Planck to the reconceptualization of the model of light and their differing views on social responsibilities of scientist ?

The first idea about black body radiation is that energy is absorbed or emitted continuously meaning it could occur anytime and increase as the wavelength shortens. But this is invalid as it would violate the conservation of energy by which energy increases without a limit meaning there is no loss of energy. This is where the scientist Max Plank contribute his knowledge by explaining that energy only comes in small lumps which are called Photon/Quanta. Which can be determined by the equation E=hf which E is the energy if the photon,h is the plank's constant (6.63x10^34) and f is the frequency. Einstein's contribution is that he explains that energy comes in packet and photon is part of a packet and it is the smallest amount of radiation energy needed. Also the amount of energy in a photon is proportional to its frequency. The intensity is proportional to its number of photons. This is also explain by Einstein the photoelectric effect.

Planck's social responsibilities is that he is an nationalist who is devoted towards his country and loyal to the government. He was the first scientist to sign a document about supporting the government hence he is devoted his work and research towards the support of war. Einstein didn't support any government which he has refused to sign any document regarding the support of Germany and its involvement in the war but instead signed a document for a peaceful world. He was a pacifist who doesn't want any of his work to be part of killing of others.

Please and Thank you.
Last edited:


gg no re
Aug 3, 2014
it doesn't really address the question well.

break it up into 2 paragraphs

IMO, 4+/7


gg no re
Aug 3, 2014
It is lacking detail and going of on a tangent at times. It's more stating facts without explaining


Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2013
Uni Grad
It is lacking detail and going of on a tangent at times. It's more stating facts without explaining
Like should I have included that
The electromagnetic energy is associated with oscillation of the atoms is quantised.

Quanta of energy is absorbed or emitted when an atom has changed from one quantised energy to another quantised level.

Should I have included about the furnace example ?

Is there any wrong information I have wrote ?


Stare into my eyes.
May 6, 2012
I would have written something like this:

The reconceptualization of the model of light was achieved by the contributions of Planck; overcoming the problem of the "UV Catastrophe" and Einstein; explaining the photoelectric effect.

I was also taught NOT TO write in huge chunks of info, rather space things out with headings.

UV Catastrophe
A black body is one that absorbs or emits all incoming radiation.
Classical physics previously predicted, using the wave model for the radiation of energy, that as the wavelength of a wave decreased, the radiation intensity of that wave would also increase.
This meant that intensity of the radiation emitted would approach infinity as wavelength continued to decrease.
This is a violation of the Conservation of Energy since there exists a finite amount of energy in the universe.
Planck overcame this problem, providing a foundation for Einstein by suggesting in his hypothesis that the radiation emitted and absorbed by a black body occurs in discrete amounts called "quanta", expressed in the mathematical equation E=hf.

Photoelectric effect
The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a surface of a conductor when electromagnetic radiation hits it.
Classical physics had failed to explain certain aspects of it: Intensity, frequency and time delay problem.
Einstein extended the idea about the quantisation of energy in black bodies to all light, suggesting that light occurred in discrete packets.
*insert his contribution e.g all or nothing, the packets are called photons etc.*

Planck was a nationalist and used his scientific research to support political Nazi movements.
He supported the Nazi regime and was appointed president of the Kaiser-Wilhelm institute for scientific research which contributed to the war effort.
Einstein, however, was a pacifist and preferred world peace. He maintained that scientific research should be removed from social and political forces, and devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt and encouraged the development of the Manhattan Project, an American nuclear research effort aimed at preventing the scientific development of a nuclear bomb which would be misused in order to advance the Nazi political and social goals.
Einstein is noted for his total opposition to all war, and later regretted urging the development of the atomic bomb.


Active Member
Jun 1, 2014
I would have written something like this:

The reconceptualization of the model of light was achieved by the contributions of Planck; overcoming the problem of the "UV Catastrophe" and Einstein; explaining the photoelectric effect.

I was also taught NOT TO write in huge chunks of info, rather space things out with headings.

UV Catastrophe
A black body is one that absorbs or emits all incoming radiation.
Classical physics previously predicted, using the wave model for the radiation of energy, that as the wavelength of a wave decreased, the radiation intensity of that wave would also increase.
This meant that intensity of the radiation emitted would approach infinity as wavelength continued to decrease.
This is a violation of the Conservation of Energy since there exists a finite amount of energy in the universe.
Planck overcame this problem, providing a foundation for Einstein by suggesting in his hypothesis that the radiation emitted and absorbed by a black body occurs in discrete amounts called "quanta", expressed in the mathematical equation E=hf.

Photoelectric effect
The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from a surface of a conductor when electromagnetic radiation hits it.
Classical physics had failed to explain certain aspects of it: Intensity, frequency and time delay problem.
Einstein extended the idea about the quantisation of energy in black bodies to all light, suggesting that light occurred in discrete packets.
*insert his contribution e.g all or nothing, the packets are called photons etc.*

Planck was a nationalist and used his scientific research to support political Nazi movements.
He supported the Nazi regime and was appointed president of the Kaiser-Wilhelm institute for scientific research which contributed to the war effort.
Einstein, however, was a pacifist and preferred world peace. He maintained that scientific research should be removed from social and political forces, and devoted to the pursuit of knowledge. Einstein wrote to President Roosevelt and encouraged the development of the Manhattan Project, an American nuclear research effort aimed at preventing the scientific development of a nuclear bomb which would be misused in order to advance the Nazi political and social goals.
Einstein is noted for his total opposition to all war, and later regretted urging the development of the atomic bomb.
+ Planck refused to issue public proclamation on the treatment of Jewish Scientists & Einstein urged US for US visas to European Jews.
+ Description of results resulting from Planck i.e. hf= * + 1/2 mv^2 - threshold freq & work function, instantaneous emission and role of intensity. And talk about just incase stopping voltage experiments since its says contribution and contribution is through supporting evidence.
+ Classical wave physics understanding of photoelectric effect since its asks for reconceptualisation.
Either than that I would estimate a 6/7 .


Active Member
Jun 1, 2014
Please rate my answer towards this 7 mark question

Compare the contribution of Einstein and Planck to the reconceptualization of the model of light and their differing views on social responsibilities of scientist ?

The first idea about black body radiation is that energy is absorbed or emitted continuously meaning it could occur anytime and increase as the wavelength shortens. But this is invalid as it would violate the conservation of energy by which energy increases without a limit meaning there is no loss of energy. This is where the scientist Max Plank contribute his knowledge by explaining that energy only comes in small lumps which are called Photon/Quanta. Which can be determined by the equation E=hf which E is the energy if the photon,h is the plank's constant (6.63x10^34) and f is the frequency. Einstein's contribution is that he explains that energy comes in packet and photon is part of a packet and it is the smallest amount of radiation energy needed. Also the amount of energy in a photon is proportional to its frequency. The intensity is proportional to its number of photons. This is also explain by Einstein the photoelectric effect.

Planck's social responsibilities is that he is an nationalist who is devoted towards his country and loyal to the government. He was the first scientist to sign a document about supporting the government hence he is devoted his work and research towards the support of war. Einstein didn't support any government which he has refused to sign any document regarding the support of Germany and its involvement in the war but instead signed a document for a peaceful world. He was a pacifist who doesn't want any of his work to be part of killing of others.

Please and Thank you.
Missing info (Didnt talk about Classical physics interpretation of photoelectric effect therefore -1),( Lack of information on the support e.g. antiwar manifesto, US visas and Manhattan project, atleast 4 bits with Planck included for one mark & lack of comparision -1) and lack of coherence (-1). 4/7

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