LaraB said:
well that's a first! As an agnostic myself - i have never encountered an agnostic who championed the "sacred" nature of the family i.e. marriage.
my bad if my use of words with religious connotations confused you. sacred was the best word i could think to describe where something is held in high regard for moral reasons. i dont mean it in a religious way.
It's quite ironic , and in a way it doesn't make sense to me, that an Agnostic would say that the root, in a way, of social disorder is a lack of highly religious tradition

Even more so defending it by labelling it as sacred - again a highly religious notion lol.
again, i don't mean it as a religious thing? i don't really think marriage is a religious thing anymore when you look at it. sex before marriage, gay de facto unions, divorce being quick and easy etc etc. i think its a social thing now. sure, still has religious aspects to it eg doing it in a church with a minister, but more and more marriages (by legal definition) are becoming secular eg, having nothing to do with a church or priest, not necessarily being practicing christians etc
Quite humourous actually
err k? haha
I say end discussion because it is getting nowhere.
i don't really see two members having a civil disagreement and exchanging different ideas means its going no where, but k
Half the discussions stems from a disagreement as to the use of certain words, so if you disagree with my use of words, despite my having explained the meaning of their use and thus the context, it's not going to go anywhere but in circles.
i'm not sure what you mean? you disagree with me thinking the parents are partly (a large part, IMO) to blame. doesn't mean we have to stop the thread, does it? forums are made for discussion
I mean... apart from that, i completely 100% disagree with your definition of what is a "good" family... what it is to be a responsible person... what motivates persons to act the way they do etc etc.
i never said that the "traditional" family structure i described was good, or the right way a family should be, or what we should go back to. i simply used it as an example to show how family has an effect on society. back then with a different "stronger" family structure, things like this where at a minimum. i was trying to illustrate cause and effect between the family unit and society as a whole, because i think there is a link there.
our difference in what it means to be responsible clearly just comes from the different values we hold. again, hopefully that doesn't mean because i have different views you won't discuss with me?
Whether or not you are, you come across as defending the bullshit Howard party line of "the world will be a better place if we go back to the nuclear family with a father who works and a mother who's a cooing cleaning baby factory - that way kids will grow up proper" and i could never for any reason ever agree with an argument that even seems to head in that direction.
well, i'm not defending that at all. i myself live in a broken home. all i was trying to do was show how family in the traditional sense fucking up leads to society fucking up. i was trying to show you there is a link between family and society, because i believe that the family is the basic building block, the smallest atom if u will that makes up society. everyone in society has some sort of a "family".
and lol, if you don't want to argue with people i wouldn't post in this particular forum. i meant no offence to you hopefully you took none.
its a bit narrow minded to simply cut yourself off because i have a different opinion to you. just because you think the opinion i put forward (not necessarily the one i support, i just advocated it to illustrate a point) is wrong doesn't mean it doesn't have value. society is made up of differing values.