english extension 1 requires a lot of readng into texts and exploring their contexts, relating the issues raised in such texts to the cnotext of the time, e.g. the author's personal context, the social/economical/scientific/political/philosophical/educational context of the time, etc. It takes a lot of independent investgiation and discpline, because the taecher isn't really supposed to help you that mcuh.
Pesronally, I love EE1 way better than Adv--I keep reading too much into Adv and there's nothing behind it. But yeah, try EE1, then drop to Adv, and then to Standard if yuo're not capable. It's easier to drop down than to go up. Seek advice of past HSC candidates, both at your school, other friend's, on this board, and also yuor teachers, but never choose a subject just because of a teacher: it's a very bad idea.
Good luck!