jboyd said:
I have an assesment to do on king lear and the different interpretations. I have decided to write to show it as a family drama but i dont know how the play shows it as a family drama.
could anyone help me
Only cause i fukin hate Lear as well will i help you.
It is a psychological drama because it focuses on the collapse of a family rather than a king. It highlights the dysfunctionalities of a family (Sibling rivalry, competition for fathers love).
From an analysis of Eyres production the opening scene depicts it to be a opsychological drama because:
- the scene is so microcosmic and is set around a table instead of a court (emphasising where most family discussions occur).
- Both sisters are positioned at opposite ends (portraying sibling rivalry)
- Cordelia is at the head of the table (normally the position a queen would assume leading us to the notion that she is Lears favourite).
- Red backdrop emphasises the love, passion and anger of the family dynamics.
- As Lear speacks "which one of you shall say doth love us most" he prods Goneril, strokes Cordelia and kisses Regan -> this forces the idea that they are all competing for his love and affections.
Thats all the help i will give you