started off mad boring but got so good towards the end
hermitude - I expected some raw hip-hop beats but all i got was sum shit that wasn't that good...probably got better when i left though.
papa vs pretty - sounded pretty shit, the lead singer looks 10
yves klein blue - 'polka' got the crowd going, apart from that i was bored as i was last time i saw them.
tame impala - i've gotten into them more since seeing them a couple of times before....i like their stuff...well some of it....awesome cover of 'remember me' and yeh left after that.
dorian concept - was pretty good, would have been better if i was up the front and dancing but wasn't really in mood as still bit sick
rusko - WAKE THE FUCK UPPPPPPP....loved it....did a mad dubstep remix of 'day n nite' by kid cudi and 'breathe' by the prodigy...'cockney thug' was awesome.
stereolab - sounded shit fuck them
four tet - wasn't in the mood for it but sounded good.
tim fite - ........ ....... . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . what kind of drugs does this guy take? one of the most entertaining/wierdest things i have ever seen. deeper into the set the songs were actually not THAT of the singer came into the crowd and got on one knee and serenaded ruby...and then serenaded ashton and then tried to give him a blowjob....for real
at the start 'sexy leroy'

tied a rope around the front of the crowd....

and the lead singer was like 'when sexy leroy pulls this rope just go with it just fucking go with it!!' but i never saw 'sexy leroy' pull the rope.
then like the final song the guy, tim fite, was like 'ok guys i want you all to build a forest in this venue....were all gonna plant trees now c'mon' and then made the whole crowd do some wierd hand thing where we wiggle our fingers and pretend we are growing trees

lol he also mentioned jadakiss (a rapper) in one of his lyrics, i lol'd.
fucking weird cunt....but i enjoyed it....strangely enough...
buraka som sistema - oh, i feel absolutely in love with their music a few days ago...but unfortunately i only caught 2 or 3 tracks....the MC looked so cool and he kept shouting out 'african raveeee woooo' lol. left to find ash and ruby who were at AIH
architecture in helsinki - listened in the background sorta while i tried to find ruby and ash, got there during the end of 'that beep' sounded decent live.....ive seen 'heart it races' live before and its awesome....but once they started we knew we had to leave to get a good spot for girl talk
girl talk - what a fucking party should be. seriously, he is so damn good at making fun. sooooo goood. he made kelly clarkson pretty much one of the highlights of the night.....awesome awesome awesome awesome awesome. i want to own him and have him playing in my room everynight. what i don't like though is stupid dumb stupid fuck bitches who want to get close to the stage and yet DONT MOVE...c'mon don't be shy just fucking jump around and have fun....if you're going to just stand there and get pissed off when other people wanna jump around then STAY UP THE FUCKING BACK....same with tall guys who just stand there...fuck off at least have fun if your going to have your hair in my face, which i don't mind, as long as your moving constantly.
parties in alleyways are awesome.