Last minute PIP question (1 Viewer)


New Member
Jun 27, 2008
So, I've just about finished everything, just wrapping up a few bits and pieces now, but, as the due date approaches, I'm stressing about pretty much everything. My biggest thing is that my entire PIP has been done wrong. I'm also worried my chapters are completely wrong, so that's what I'm posting here about.

My topic is (broadly) suntanning, with the hypothesis being 'how and why the tanning habits of adolescents (14-22) have changed over time, focusing on my community'. The very early plans had five chapters, which was cut down to four, then three. However, when I wrote the actual PIP, I realised I only really needed two - and I decided I'd much rather have two in depth ones than a heap of kind of vague ones.

So, the two chapters are;

Chapter One - Bronzed to Belong?; which looks at the factors that have driven adolescents over time to desire a tan at all, encompassing Australian stereotypes, macro and micro worlds, and socialisation to name a few aspects.

Chapter Two - Faked or Baked?; which looks at what methods of tanning are used ('natural', tanning lotion, coconut oil, fake tan), why these methods are employed, and how they've changed over time.

So, um, I guess what I'm asking is, do they sound okay? It's obviously too late to go back now...all I'm really after is a bit of reassurance or a 'hell no, you're completely screwed'. At least then I'll know ;)

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