pharcyde a fairly old group, they broken up now though some members still make songs.
their two albums (when they were all togheter) are 'biazarre ride II the pahrcyde' and 'labcabiniforncation' they are both personal classics and are full of songs like runnin that ull love
check out 'passin me by' or 'soul flower (remix)' ull love em
the producer of most of their beats, a guy named 'jaydee' works alot with a group named 'slum village' they are also dope check em out, 'tainted' 'tell me' feat D'Angelo, 'selfish' feat kanye west
u'd be suprised to know that the pharcyde are from the west, and came out of the west at a time when gangsta rap was predominant, shows how different their sound was back then, but jazzy hip hop dates way back...A tribe called quest is also a good group that had a jazz feelin to em, sometimes.....also gangstarr delved into it too ud like (the rapper from gangstarr) put out to albums called 'jazzamattaz 1' and 'jazzamattaz II' its implied what they are like

well his hosting it and has a bunch of artists doing their thing over jazz beats. ud love it.
and ud LOVE the roots probably
check out
the roots - the notic
the roots - what they do
the roots - mellow my man
ah they are such talented musicians and they kill it live, speically capt'n kirks guitar solo