Annegelic i got into B/Arts @ UOW in the main round but i've only just decided i wanna do B/social science lol I would have gotten it in the main round if i would have put it as my 1st pref. Screwed up there lol.
Annegelic said:hiphop why didn't you accept your main round offer ? and what was it, anyways ? say you do get an offer in the late round for social science, you could easily accept that one and reject your 1st offer. and say you DON'T get a late round offer, you could use your main round offer as your ticket in.. then make the grades and later on transfer to social science. win-win, mate.
btw im in the same situation. my main round offer was social science, but i wanted to do arts or communication. i accepted it tho and attended the advisory session thing. hoping to get late round offers for either arts or comm =/
kag86 said:That's like the best news I've heard all day! I hope they announced that after everyone's pref had to be done (yest). Like now they can't be changed. Hopefully not to many ppl got to hear bout that before, more chances for me to get a spot then!!!
LOL that sucks. it would either totally make your day or kill it...hiphophorray123 said:just realised the 3rd is my 18th birthday...i find out if i got into university the day before my birthday :S
i know ! it's a whole 2 weeks wait between rounds. plus.. it's 9 PM, not AM.. and you can't check first thing in the morning >.<kag86 said:Well hopefully most ppl were happy with their 1st offer and haven't changed their pref for this round. That will give all of us a better chance. It's just the wait is killing me!!!!!!!!