Ape man? - If someone tried to steal my stuff I'd probably break his arm to.
The economy is strong, but i could be stronger. We are importing stuff we don't need. Meat and some crops we already produce in great quantities. We need to supply oursleves first ebfore we worry about the rest of the world. And no free trade agreement. It costs more on ship costs than train or truck, hence it's cheaper to use homemade stuff where possible.
We have oil (I think), we have coal, we have uranium, we make steel, and I think (If the CSIRO is right) we have a lot more gold to be found.
Our economy would go way up if the government realised that the countries who buy from us need our products alot more than their money.
Our major trading partners should be those who can offer us something we don't have, in return, or those who don't have what we offer.
Japan is on the forefront of technology, but they have a large mob on a little island. Food for technology, hence barter which is trade at is simplest.
Or china, or middle eatsern countries who can't produce enough food and need us.
We need, nor want, the US meat, they can keep it and their free trade agreemenet.
A free trade agreement with the yanks would be in their favour, it would ruin our econonmy. Destroy our farming industry and send the profits overseas.
Besides, we are an isolated isalnd with a small population. Should World War III ever erup (which may be the holy war), we will need to produce our own stuff and support ourselves. Being dependant on other countries leaves us fucked.
Housing is a problem. Get out of the city, move to the country. Life's better and housing is cheaper.
Immigration is a problem. We should send them to the country, make them become part of the mainstream society and not end up in their little ethnic groups, where they don't become Australian and not part of the larger community.
Illegal immigrants may be dangerous. What an easier way to sneak into the country if you're a terrorist.
Free uni would mean that the really intelligent people would ned up in uni not the really rich. Raising HECS fees creates a poverty trap.
You need to look at politics from both sides. Still I say vote neither Liberal nor Labour. Vote some independant, so that the major parties need their interest for Bills to be passed.