lol, actually, its just me, iwannarock and scarecrow doing law, I dont think Rob has transferred yet (I dont think he can until the end of the year, and even then he's not a proper law student).
Every law degree is a double degree, it has to be, you cant just do B-LLB anymore. You basically do your 'first' degree first; you finish it by third year. But scattered through the first three years are law subjects. Then, from fourth year in, you just do law.
So if you look up the actual program for B Social Science/LLB it will show you exactly what you have to do, and when you have to do it.
I'm doing Psych/LLB, so in first year I only did jurisprudence and torts (although this has changed and they are now making you do some crappy legal studies unit instead of torts) and the rest of my credit points were taken up doing psych, stat and some other random electives (anthropology and sociology). Second year, you now do contracts, torts and criminal law, plus your social science units... and so on etc. etc...
So the 'extra year' isnt an extra year as such, rather its cutting your degree short a year - you get two done in the timeframe of one! What a deal!

You finish your first one, and then complete your second one, but because they have some degree of overlap during the first three years you get it finished quicker.
(Excuse my possible repetitiveness, I've been awake since 4.30am because I couldnt sleep because its my 20th birthday!!!

Also, you'll love MQ!