We do not live in a multi-cultural society, we live in a multi-racial society, as the former is fundamentally flawed. The sooner that people realise the implications of culture in relation to conflict, as history quite explicitly conveys, the better off Australia and other such countries will be...
Culture itself is such a subjective concept and in saying that, any effort to emphasise the value of one particular culture over another is intrinsically invalid. Features may be slightly more distinctive, but that in no way removes the value of the 'other'..
Some noted cultural conflicts

- Serbs and Croats
- Jews and Palestinians
- Shiites and Sunnies
- Greeks and Macedonians
- Japanese and Chinese
- Greeks and Spartans... etc etc etc
It may not be the driving force, the cultural difference existed as a catalyst in each of the aformentioned examples..
Although it may seem narrow minded, unless society exists in a uniform and consensual manner, which of course would be rather dull, then conflict will continue to exist and prosper. People are not scared of race, religion or ethnicity; Individuals and the collective are scared of DIFFERENCE. Its an inherent trait of human nature and the human mentality, and until the idealistic, leftist dreamers of the world realise that human foibles will ruin their plight for perfection, we will have to continue to debate an array of endless debates..