I think there should be at least some education of basic level of politics and economics. I know there is some very quick reference to politics during year 10 history, but it is not enough for people to have the knowledge to understand the process of their government.
I would propose that there be a course in one term in year 7. Then in year 9 and 10 courses covering a term of each. In this courses there should also be a history of past policies.
Im not sure though if children at this age could understand, but in the future it may help for them to catch on.
I think there should be at least some education of basic level of politics and economics.
Its amazing how much in western countries we talk about Democracy, we crap on to amazing lengths of how democratic we are, even to the point of being democratic of being democratic. You really show how far bureaucratic the far right falls, because you do not honour democracy.
Some people don't want to be informed in the workplace about OHS, but we will force them to be informed and it is right. Why aren't we doing the same about western democracy though. Im sure we don't think of OHS as the pinnalce of western civilisation, yet we will force people to be informed and things similair. Yet of the pinnalces we think of western civilisation in todays world is falling more and more to bureaucrats.
I can only see the levels of the apolitical rises and eventuall leading to a neo fascist consumer society, untill the masses are active in politics.