Hi there! I took adv english, cafs and sac so whilst I don't have notes I can give you some ideas on how to study for them and manage your time
I found it really difficult getting use to a system of effective time management, so it will take a great deal of practice and sustained motivation. The key to good study is working out exactly how long you can focus for (for me this was a measly 45 minutes, but I worked with it) and takes breaks accordingly.
Adv. English: Know your texts inside and out. It's far easier to remember quotes and techniques. Not only this, but you UNDERSTAND the significance of these techniques, there's no point memorising something if you don't have that core understanding
CAFS: Fantastic subject. I made my own flashcards on all the dot points, best way to study by far. Try quizlet.com.au, there's some flashcrads o there and you can make your own digital ones. CAFS is about consistent effort, practicing. I did past HSC questions all year and handed them in for marking, it really helped me come exam time. Make sure your writing skills are top quality and you'll smash it. The IRP isn't as scary as it may look, and trust me compared to the PIP it's a breeze.
SaC: The PIP. It's not easy juggling the pip and irp. My advice? Don't do the same topic/similar as the IRP. You're stuck with that topic for 9 months for the PIP, do you really want to be repeating what you just finished for the IRP? Pick a piptopic you're passionate about is my best advice. It's a huge job but so worth it in the end when your final product is done and dusted. In terms of coursework, sac isn't intense and I found it required far less study time. Have a few statistics up your sleeve for essays and you're set, a lot of it is common sense and if you listen in class you'll have no problem.
Senior science: I didn't take this, but I did take bio and chem. If it's anything like those two MAKE.STUDY.NOTES.EARLY. The syllabus was insane for those two and I'm sure senior science isn't far off! Don't fall into the trap of putting it off. I realised the day before my HSC exam that I hadn't made an entire topic's worth of notes for biology.... not a nice feeling (thank you BoS!) It's all about understanding your content, and to a certain extent, memorisation.
In terms of a study schedule, believe it or not I never had one. I hated study timetables, I never stuck to them and lost motivation after a day. Work out what suits you. I made lists on a whiteboard every day/week on what was due and what I should study. It helps you see visually what is left to be done without setting an EXACT time on it like in a timetable. If you're really motivated try and make weekly summaries. I wanted to do this but didn't have the motivation to keep it up. Trust me, if you can do that it helps so much in learning content heavy subjects and it means your revision notes are already there.
Yes, the HSC seems massive and scary. I know I was terrified of the IRP and the PIP in particular. But in reality, this really was the best year of my schooling, as strawberrye (hello there school fellow

) has mentioned above. You can do this, you have support in this. Use these subjects to make a difference, you've chosen content heavy courses with lots of essay writing and through your major works you can understand and explore some pretty exciting concepts. Use this year to learn about yourself, I know I did particularly through my PIP!
Best wishes!