losing weight at GYM? (1 Viewer)


Jul 17, 2003
nExT dOoR fOoL!
PiNkPiXiE said:
It's true; real running is better! When you are running on a treadmill it's actually doing alot of the work for you. If you run (literally, by yourself) your body uses heaps of muscles u'd never use on a treadmill, like the ones to make you move forward; as a result you get better muscle tone, and get fitter quicker and more effective!

Real running is MUCH better for your body! :uhhuh: And funner, you get to see some sights! :)
What the? The treadmill is the same as running outside...
I've done both and believe me both get u damn tired... one is not easier than the other...


Oct 17, 2004
Dash said:
What the? The treadmill is the same as running outside...
I've done both and believe me both get u damn tired... one is not easier than the other...
If you run (literally, by yourself) your body uses heaps of muscles that you don't use on a treadmill. Your body has to use muscles to make your body move forward; if you're running on a treadmill, you're literally running on the spot! I know that one is not easier than the other; but running (without a treadmill) uses more muscles and is therefore better for the body. :uhhuh:

Edit: mind you; each to their own!


Jun 26, 2004
Hmm I'm thinking of joining a gym thing or whatever these holidays. Anyone knows of a gym around the Gordon area in the north shore?

I'm 170 cm and 55 kg, looking to increase muscles, weight and especially height hehe. I'm 17 soon turning 18 so I realise I don't have much time left for growing but I'll do whatever it takes and I'd really like to be around 180 or so :/. Hey I heard stories of people growing till 23 yo or something hehe so I'm hoping. I don't know how to cook either...
So what's the best thing to do to gain height etc..? I will apply myself and I'm motivated. And I need to learn how to cook anyway... can't live on those cup noodle things all my life...

Does anyone know how much a punching bag costs cause I'm thinking of getting one.

I've got a three week holiday so I have a lot of free time. Can anyone suggest anything?


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
HellVeN said:
Hmm I'm thinking of joining a gym thing or whatever these holidays. Anyone knows of a gym around the Gordon area in the north shore?

I'm 170 cm and 55 kg, looking to increase muscles, weight and especially height hehe. I'm 17 soon turning 18 so I realise I don't have much time left for growing but I'll do whatever it takes and I'd really like to be around 180 or so :/. Hey I heard stories of people growing till 23 yo or something hehe so I'm hoping. I don't know how to cook either...
So what's the best thing to do to gain height etc..? I will apply myself and I'm motivated. And I need to learn how to cook anyway... can't live on those cup noodle things all my life...

Does anyone know how much a punching bag costs cause I'm thinking of getting one.

I've got a three week holiday so I have a lot of free time. Can anyone suggest anything?
170cm & 55kg? Shit, you're underweight.

Chances are, you've got an extremely fast resting metabolic rate (BMR), so whatever calories you chuck at your body obviously gets metabolised for energy with no trouble, resulting in minimal body fat/muscle gains and hence low weight.

To gain weight (fat):
- Eat like a fat bitch.

To gain weight (muscle):
- Eat a nutritious high caloric, protein diet (1-1.5g protein for each lb of body weight).
- Lift weights, utilising effective lifting methods and technique, training frequently (atleast 3 times a week visits to the gym, but don't overdo it unless you want overtraining and injury).
- Give adequate rest.

Three weeks isn't enough to bulk much muscle mass, especially with a fast metabolic rate like yours. Effective muscle mass gains is a long-term deal.

Your height is predominantly determined by your genes. Generally, you can't personally do much about it. Growth hormone is released during the first 4 hours of sleep and during intense exercise, so in theory sporty people who rest well may end up taller. Malnutrition contributes to poor height growth.

Boxing bags usually start around $80 and over. It's great for improving cardiovascular fitness, strength, co-ordination, agility and will tend to tone your muscles up.. but not really bulk you up much. If you have the specific goal of gaining muscle mass, I personally reckon you'll get over it.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
i joined fitness first not long ago
they take like 40 bux a fortnight
so 20 a week..
i feel ripped off
i only go like 2 times a week
(which is my fault)
does anyone go to fitness first
i am a nigel..and i need to ask some gym questions coz i dont wanna approach anyone who works there
like how to use some shit there


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
soha said:
i joined fitness first not long ago
they take like 40 bux a fortnight
so 20 a week..
i feel ripped off
i only go like 2 times a week
(which is my fault)
does anyone go to fitness first
i am a nigel..and i need to ask some gym questions coz i dont wanna approach anyone who works there
like how to use some shit there
I go to FF.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
oh kool..have u ever used the steam room..the aroma therapy room..or the sauna?...
i wanna try em..do u know what u do..like what u wear do u have to book..i have no mother fucking clue

and do u ever take classes?..how do u do that..do u just rock up
i know u use weights..i have weights questions too


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
soha said:
oh kool..have u ever used the steam room..the aroma therapy room..or the sauna?...
i wanna try em..do u know what u do..like what u wear do u have to book..i have no mother fucking clue

and do u ever take classes?..how do u do that..do u just rock up
i know u use weights..i have weights questions too
No clue about the steam rooms. I usually only use the weights section and some cardio machines. As for classes, I've never attended one, but from observation you may have to book (since it does cost money, I think) and you can generally wear anything you feel comfortable in. Some people wear baggy tshirts while others go in full sports gear. When you book, they should explain some of it to you should you ask.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
JKDDragon said:
No clue about the steam rooms. I usually only use the weights section and some cardio machines. As for classes, I've never attended one, but from observation you may have to book (since it does cost money, I think) and you can generally wear anything you feel comfortable in. Some people wear baggy tshirts while others go in full sports gear. When you book, they should explain some of it to you should you ask.
oh ok
maybe i should just get over it and ask someone

weights are usually for the purpose of building muscle and toning right

so if ur trying to loose weight..u shouldnt use weights should u
should u wait till u lose weight or can u use it aswell
so u losee weight then tone up
a bit of a tongue twister..do u get me


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
soha said:
oh ok
maybe i should just get over it and ask someone

weights are usually for the purpose of building muscle and toning right

so if ur trying to loose weight..u shouldnt use weights should u
should u wait till u lose weight or can u use it aswell
so u losee weight then tone up
a bit of a tongue twister..do u get me
If you're trying to lose weight, then you should definitely lift weights. Whoever told you that you that you shouldn't be should be shot in the face (jk... but seriously, it's not good advice).

Why's lifting weights useful for weight loss?
- It increases your metabolic rate for hours after the workout, which raises the rate at which you burn calories.
- It burns many calories as while you're lifting.
- It builds you muscle mass, which increases your basal metabolic rate. This of course is highly beneficial to weight loss (as demonstrated by people who have extremely high BMRs who can eat anything they want and not gain a pound).


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
JKDDragon said:
If you're trying to lose weight, then you should definitely lift weights. Whoever told you that you that you shouldn't be should be shot in the face (jk... but seriously, it's not good advice).

Why's lifting weights useful for weight loss?
- It increases your metabolic rate for hours after the workout, which raises the rate at which you burn calories.
- It burns many calories as while you're lifting.
- It builds you muscle mass, which increases your basal metabolic rate. This of course is highly beneficial to weight loss (as demonstrated by people who have extremely high BMRs who can eat anything they want and not gain a pound).
i was told otherwise
i was told that if i use weights i will tone my body the way it is and remain fat..haha
so i have to lose the fat first then tone my body when its the weight i wnat it

ok..i see now
so i should use the weights
now my problem is actually physically using them..i wish i had my own personal gym..i dont like the fact that people can watch me work out..oh wellz
thanx 4 yo help


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
soha said:
i was told otherwise
i was told that if i use weights i will tone my body the way it is and remain fat..haha
so i have to lose the fat first then tone my body when its the weight i wnat it

ok..i see now
so i should use the weights
now my problem is actually physically using them..i wish i had my own personal gym..i dont like the fact that people can watch me work out..oh wellz
thanx 4 yo help
Just start out going on the machines there. Machines are great for beginners. Do a warmup set on a very light weight.. and then start doing sets of a weight so that you can only do about 15-30 reps per set. Always stretch before your workout and after your workout, and preferably before and after each exercise. Only stretch if your muscles are warmed up. Stretching minimises injury, and also tends to give you long lean muscles which helps to highlight the female physique.


a splendid one to behold
Mar 9, 2004
Living it up in the Hills
JKDDragon said:
Just start out going on the machines there. Machines are great for beginners. Do a warmup set on a very light weight.. and then start doing sets of a weight so that you can only do about 15-30 reps per set. Always stretch before your workout and after your workout, and preferably before and after each exercise. Only stretch if your muscles are warmed up. Stretching minimises injury, and also tends to give you long lean muscles which helps to highlight the female physique.
oh coolies..
ok i dont get you with sets and reps
a set is...?
and reps are?....
and how much should i be lifting etc..in reguards to weights?


Jun 26, 2004
JKDDragon said:
170cm & 55kg? Shit, you're underweight.

Chances are, you've got an extremely fast resting metabolic rate (BMR), so whatever calories you chuck at your body obviously gets metabolised for energy with no trouble, resulting in minimal body fat/muscle gains and hence low weight.

To gain weight (fat):
- Eat like a fat bitch.

To gain weight (muscle):
- Eat a nutritious high caloric, protein diet (1-1.5g protein for each lb of body weight).
- Lift weights, utilising effective lifting methods and technique, training frequently (atleast 3 times a week visits to the gym, but don't overdo it unless you want overtraining and injury).
- Give adequate rest.

Three weeks isn't enough to bulk much muscle mass, especially with a fast metabolic rate like yours. Effective muscle mass gains is a long-term deal.

Your height is predominantly determined by your genes. Generally, you can't personally do much about it. Growth hormone is released during the first 4 hours of sleep and during intense exercise, so in theory sporty people who rest well may end up taller. Malnutrition contributes to poor height growth.

Boxing bags usually start around $80 and over. It's great for improving cardiovascular fitness, strength, co-ordination, agility and will tend to tone your muscles up.. but not really bulk you up much. If you have the specific goal of gaining muscle mass, I personally reckon you'll get over it.

Thanks for that advice.
Yes I think I got a real fast metabolism. You see I eat a pretty fair amount of food but I don't put on weight. I drink like 2 littres of orange juice per day lol. I used to eat tons of snacks (expecially chips and lots of biscuits) before but that has never gotten me fat at all. Now my mom doesn't buy all that shit anymore so when I'm hungry I usually have a fruit or yoghourt as snacks.

Anyway here is what I eat:

. For breakfast I usually have cereals in a bowl of milk and the occasional fruit or yoghourt or egg&bacon.
. At recess I usually have a bag of chips or other snack thing.
. At lunch I have like two sandwitches.
. When I come home I usually have a few snacks cause I'm hungry.
. Dinner is always very varied. From spagetti to steak etc... It's always different...
. I mostly drink orange juice, milk and water.

I'd really apreciated some nutritious advice cause I really don't know much about that at all. Any recommendations?

Now to sports:
I used to do taekwondo once a week and soccer like twice a week. But I gave up all sports in the beginning of 2005 and haven't done anything since. So I figure I need some physical exercise here. I really want to get on top of this. I've always been pretty fit and from time to time I'll do some pushups, sit-ups and that stuff at home but that's about it.

Oh and I know it's a long term thing and all :D . I was just saying that I have a good three weeks to start this off. Anyone knows any good gym's around Gordon?

Thanks for the help.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
soha said:
oh coolies..
ok i dont get you with sets and reps
a set is...?
and reps are?....
and how much should i be lifting etc..in reguards to weights?
When people lift weights, conventionally we do it in a sets fashion. For example, you may do 15 repetitions on the bench press, then rest for a few minutes, then do another 15 rep(s/etitions) then repeat one more time. That means you have done 3 sets of 15 repetitions or 'reps'.

When we say x number of reps, we generally refer to a weight you've chosen so that you can only do 15 before you can't do anymore. The point where you can't do anymore is called 'failure'. So say I chose 15kg dumbells to do shoulder laterals and 'failed' at 10 reps, that means I did a 10 reps till failure set, or just a '10 reps set' in short. Of course there are some people who don't utilise the reps till failure concept.. but I personally disagree with that lifting philosophy.


Active Member
Jun 17, 2003
HellVeN said:
Thanks for that advice.
Yes I think I got a real fast metabolism. You see I eat a pretty fair amount of food but I don't put on weight. I drink like 2 littres of orange juice per day lol. I used to eat tons of snacks (expecially chips and lots of biscuits) before but that has never gotten me fat at all. Now my mom doesn't buy all that shit anymore so when I'm hungry I usually have a fruit or yoghourt as snacks.

Anyway here is what I eat:

. For breakfast I usually have cereals in a bowl of milk and the occasional fruit or yoghourt or egg&bacon.
. At recess I usually have a bag of chips or other snack thing.
. At lunch I have like two sandwitches.
. When I come home I usually have a few snacks cause I'm hungry.
. Dinner is always very varied. From spagetti to steak etc... It's always different...
. I mostly drink orange juice, milk and water.

I'd really apreciated some nutritious advice cause I really don't know much about that at all. Any recommendations?

Now to sports:
I used to do taekwondo once a week and soccer like twice a week. But I gave up all sports in the beginning of 2005 and haven't done anything since. So I figure I need some physical exercise here. I really want to get on top of this. I've always been pretty fit and from time to time I'll do some pushups, sit-ups and that stuff at home but that's about it.

Oh and I know it's a long term thing and all :D . I was just saying that I have a good three weeks to start this off. Anyone knows any good gym's around Gordon?

Thanks for the help.
Don't know about gyms around Gordon, personally I've been going to Fitness First for a year now, and I think they're great, especially since my gold pass allows me access to many gyms around the Sydney metro area, which is useful cause I'm around the place a bit due to work, uni and shit.

Nutrition generally is something learnt through experience, and over time. There's alot to it, especially in the areas of biochemistry and physiology. For example, people going on weight loss plans should always cut down on sugar? Why, because on a physiological viewpoint, sugar induces a high insulin release to suppress the high blood sugar levels, which consequently results in the excess sugar (glycogen) being synthesised to body fat via the liver.

You're lucky you've got a high BMR. 2L of orange juice? There's a ton (FoS) of sugar in there, if it was me doing that everyday I would be a fat bastard by now. You want to eat alot of protein to build mass. Meat (incl. fish), egg whites, beans, dairy etc.

Pushups do chest, shoulders, arms and abs, hips and legs to a minor extend. Mainly chest and arms. It's a great muscle toner and functional strength gainer, but for a serious bulk.. it's not really that useful.


Jun 26, 2004
I'm going to this space thing tomorow. I filled in the form on the internet and a lady called me today. Does anyone know what the prices are like?
I bet it's gona be so weird cause of all the older fully sick ppl there... I'll just hide in a corner....

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