leave poor anita alone, i know her well and i can confidently say that anita does not hate her boyfriends guts, and this is probably the only argument she has ever told me about, she is a cheerful girl quit stressing her out with these comments she don't need the stress and i take it personally when some stupid ignorant dickheads upset a good friend of mine, if any of you say anything more to upset her ill hunt you all down and um well no i wont but dont ok if u knew her u wouldnt be making shitty ass comments coz shes a lovely person if u dont have any good advice or have anything constructive to say dont say anything at all, seriously anita u could've asked a friend that you trust if u wanted advice...or ill try find u a REAL relationships forum u can get advice from coz most of these dumbasses are immature and have no idea what their talking about.....
jus be patient anita im sure he'll suprise you with something