lyrics (4 Viewers)


Interstellar Overdrive
Aug 10, 2003
where AREN'T I?
Originally posted by Gregor Samsa
And people say Paul McCartney only wrote happy songs; (Or Silly Love Songs :D)

The Beatles-Eleanor Rigby
ahh my second fav beatles song.. topped only by "while my guitar gently weeps"


Interstellar Overdrive
Aug 10, 2003
where AREN'T I?
oh i know... i am the mojoman after all

its an awesome song.. well any song with clapton in it gets the thumbs up

Melanie Jane

Sep 14, 2003
The Murder Mystery The Velvet Underground
candy screen wrappers of silkscreen fantastic, requiring memories, both lovely and guiltfree, lurid and lovely with twilight of ages, luscious and lovely and filthy with laghter, laconic giggles, ennui fort the passions, in order to justify most spurious desires, rectify moments, most serious and urgent, to hail upon the face of most odious time, requiring replies most facile and vacuous, with words nearly singed, with the heartbeat of passions, spew forth with the grace of a tart going under, subject of great concern, noble origin

denigrate obtuse and active verbs pronouns, skewer the sieve of optical sewer, release the handle that holds all the gates up, puncture the eyeballls, that seep all the muck up, read all the books and he people worth reading and still see the muck on the sky of the ceiling

please raise the flag rosy red carpet envy english used here is messenger is nervous it's no fun at all out here in the hall

mister moonlight succulent smooth and gorgeous. Isn't it nice? We're number One and so forth. Isn't it sweet being unique?

for screeching and yelling and various offenses, lower the queen and bend her over the tub, against the state, the country, the committe, hold her head under the water please for an hour, for groveling and spewing and various offenses, puncture the bloat with the wing of a sparrow, the inverse, the obverse, the converse,the reverse, the sharpening wing of the edge of a sparrow, for suitable reckonings too numerous to mention, as the queen is fat she is devoured by rats there is one way to skin a cat or poison a rat it is hetero four hear to three forthirightly stated.

relent and obverse and inverse and perverse and reverse the inverse of perverse and reverse and reverse an reverse and reverse and reverse and chop it and pluck it and cut it and spit it and sew it to joy on the edge of a cyclop and spinet it to rage on the edge of a cylindrical minute.

put down that rag simpering, callow and morose who let you in? if I knew, then I could get out the murder you see is a mystery to me

dear Mister Muse fellow of wit and gentry medieval ruse filling the shallow and empty, fools that duel duel in pools.

to Rembrandt and Oswald, to peanuts and ketchup, sanctimonious sycophants stir in the bushes, up to the stand with your foot on the bible as king I must order and constantly arouse, if you swear to catch up and throw up and up up, a king full of virgin kiss me and spin it, excuse to willow and wander dark wonders divest me of robes-sutures Harry and pig meat, the fate of a nation, rests hard on your bosoms, the king on his throne, puts his hand down his robe, the torture of inverse and silk screen and Harry, and set the tongue squealing the reverse and inverse

tantalize poets with visions of grandeur, their faces turn blue with the reek of the compost, as the livig try hard to retain what the dead lost, with double dead sickness from writing at what cost and business and business and reverse and reverse and set the brain reeling the inverse and perverse

objections suffice apelike and tactile bassoon oboeing me cordon the virus' section off to the left is what is not right

English arcane tantamount here to frenzy passing for me lascivious elder passion corpulent filth disguised as silk

contempt, contempt and contempt for the boredom, I shall poison the city and sink it with fire, for Cordless and Harry and Apepig and Scissor, the messenger's wig seems fraught with desire, for blueberry picnics and pince-nez and magpies, the mseenger's skirt, would you plaese hook it higher, for children and adults all thos under ninety, how truly disgusting. Would you please put it down? a stray in this fray is no condom worth saving, as king I'm quite just, but it's just quite impossible, a robe and a robe and a robe and a bat, no double class inverse could make lying worth dying

with cheap simian melodies, hillbilly outgush, for illiterate ramblings for cheap understanding the simple the inverse, the compost, the reverse, the obtuse and stupid, and business, and business, and cheap, stupid lyrics, and simple mass reverse while the real thing is dying

accept the pig, enter the Owl and Gorgeous, King on the left, it on the right and primping adjusting his nose as he reads from his scroll
folksy knockwurst peel back the skin of French and what do you find? follicles intertwinning, succulent prose wrapped up in robes

off with his head, take his head from his neck off, requiring memories both lovely and guiltfree, put out his eyes, then cut his nose off, sanctimonious sycophants stir in the bushes, scoop out his brain, put a string where his ears were, all the king's horses and all the king's men, swing the whole mess at the end of the wire, scratch out his eyes with the tip of a razor, let the wire extend from the tip of a rose, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Oh! but retains the remnants of what once was a nose, pass me my robe, fill my bath up with water

jumpsuit and pig meat and making his fortune, while making them happy with the inverse and obverse and making them happy and making them happy with the coy and the stupid, just another dumb lackey, who puts out one thing, while singing the other, but the real thing's alone and it is no man's brother

no one knows no nose is good news and senseless extend the wine drink here toast to selfless ten year old port is perfect in court

safety is nice not an unwise word spoken scary, bad dreams made safe in lovely songs no doom or gloom allowed in this room

Casbah and Cascade and Rosehip and Feeling, Cascade and Cyanide, Rachaminoff, Beethoven skull silly wagon and justice and perverse and reverse the inverse and inverse and inverse, blueberry catalog, questionable earnings, hustler's lament and the rest will in due cry, to battle and scramble and browbeat and hurt while chewing on minstrels and choking on dirt, disease please seems the order of the day, please the king, please the king, please the king day, Casbah and Cascade and Rosehip and Feeling, point of order return the king here to the ceiling

oh, not to be whistled or studied or hummed or remembered at nights, when the I is alone, but to skewer and ravage and savage and split with the grace of a diamond, bellicose wit, to stun and to stagger with words as such stone, that those who do hear cannot again return home

razzamatazz, there's nothing on my shoulder, lust is a must, shaving my head's made me bolder, will you kindly read what it was I brought thee

hello to Ray, hello to Godiva and Angel, who let you in? isn't it nice the party? aren't the lights pretty at night?

sick leaf and sorrow and pincers net-scissors, regard and refrain from the daughters of marriage, regards for the elders and youngest in carriage, regard and regard for the inverse and perverse and obverse, and diverse, of reverse and reverse, regard from the sick, the dumb, and the camel from pump's storing water, like brain is too marrow to x-ray and filthy and cutting and peeling to skin and to skin and to bone and to structure to livid and pallid and turgid and structured and structured and structured and structured and structured and regard and refrain, the sick and the dumb, inverse, reverse and perverse

contempt, contempt, and contempt for the seething for writhing and reeling and two-bit reportage, for sick with the body and sinister holy, the drown burst blue babies now dead on the seashore, the valorous horseman, who hang from the ceiling, the pig on the carpet, the dusty pale jissom, that has no effect for the sick with the see-saw, the inverse, obverse converse, reverse of reverse the diverse and converse of reverse and perverse and sweet pyrotechnics, and let's have another of inverse, converse, diverse, perverse and reverse, hell's graveyard is damned as they chew on their brains, the slick and the scum, reverse, inverse and perverse

plowing while it's done away dumb and ready pig meat sick upon the carpet climb into the casket safe within the parapet sack is in the parapet pigs are out and growling slaughter by the seashore see the lifeguard drowning sea is full of fishes fish's full of china china plates are falling all fall down sick and shiny carpet lie before my eyes eyes lead me to the ceiling walk upon the wall wall tender as the green grass drink the whisky horror see the young girls dancing flies upon the beaches beaches are for sailors nuns across the sea-wall black hood horseman raging swordsman eating fire

sick upon the staircase sick upon the staircase blood upon the pillow climb into the parapet see the church bells gleaming knife that scrapes a sick plates of dentures full of air holes the tailor couldn't mend straight shoot her full of air holes climbing up the casket take me to the casket teeth upon her red throat screw me in the daisies rip apart her holler snip the seas fantastic treat her like a sailor full and free and nervous out to make his fortune either this or that way sickly or in good health piss upon a building like a dog in training teach to heel or holler yodel on a sing song down upon the carpet

fire on the carpet set the house ablazing seize and bring it flaming gently to the ground ground Dizzy Bell Miss Fortune fat and full of love-juice drip it on the carpet down below the fire hose weep and whisky fortune sail me to the moon, dear drunken dungeon sailors headless Roman horsemen the king and queen are empty their heads are in the outhouse fish upon the water bowl upon the saviour tooothless wigged Laureate plain and full of fancy name upon a letterhead impressing all wheatgerm love you for a nickel ball you for a quarter set the casket flaming do not go gentle blazing

tickle polyester sick within the parapet screwing for a dollar sucking on a fire-hose chewing on a rubber line tied to chairs and rare bits pay another player oh you're such a good lad here's another dollar tie him to the bedpost sick with witches' covens craving for a raw meat bones upon the metal sick upon the circle down upon the carpet down upon the carpet down below the parapet waiting for your bidding pig upon the carpet tumescent railroad neuro-anaesthesia analog ready for a good look drooling at the birches swinging from the birches succulent Nebraska


phonic booth
Oct 5, 2003
room 237
i can't believe someone worked those lyrics out.. how cool

"off with his head, take his head from his neck off, requiring memories both lovely and guiltfree, put out his eyes, then cut his nose off, sanctimonious sycophants stir in the bushes, scoop out his brain, put a string where his ears were, all the king's horses and all the king's men, swing the whole mess at the end of the wire, scratch out his eyes with the tip of a razor, let the wire extend from the tip of a rose, Caroline, Caroline, Caroline, Oh! but retains the remnants of what once was a nose, pass me my robe, fill my bath up with water"

i never knew it was so violent :)

kind of like track 2 on white light/white heat... he gets a stanley knife put through his skull

Gregor Samsa

That Guy
Aug 18, 2003
Permanent Daylight
More beat poetry type lyrics.

Sonic Youth-In The Kingdom #19
Ah. He did what he had to do. He asked no questions. He had few conversations. The tar glistens in the noon heat. He tread across the grass up onto and down off of the concrete abutments. Mirage on the highway. Ghosts in the tunnel. The dark cave. Out into the blinding light of the day at breakneck speed. Every bolt rumbling. Glistening highway mirage groans. The slick surface. Careening into first the small mammal, and then screeching along the guard rail, scraping paint and throwing sparks like sheets of pure terror for 400 yards. Over and over. With one final back and forth rocking motion coming to rest....WAIT!

The beautiful paint job hopelessly marred. Smoke and flames. Alright. So nice. He moved to the small creature. Screeching whistles of steam blowing off, on its back, wheels spinning like a cinema classic. The door sags open and a man covered in blood drops the three feet or so to the pavement. The car still rattling and shaking as if with a mind all its own, unwilling to die. The man, 40ish, also after a time, an agonizingly painful period of time, is also unwilling to die. Suddenly all is quite quiet and there in the sunlight, on the highway. But what? What can I do. I can not move. Everything is about broken. Blood everywhere, mixing with oil and gas. What's moving. Must turn my head. Pain. White light. Blinded. Some guy there kneeling in the blinding mirage of white light. All my strength to "HEEEEYYY". Screaming now, help me please. He tried to tamp out a bit of the burning ember that had lept from the wreck onto his grimy coatsleeve. Coughing blood. What's happening? He's... he's... inching towards truth. He strode off into the woods with the animal. It still lived. He didn't glance back at all.

Still out ghosting the road. Death on the highway. Words crumble around me and fall with the weight of heaven. I can not move. I am beneath the great weight. I can not see. My eyes are blinded. I am in the darkness.

That's it. *End lyrics, followed by; [inaudible chatter] .. I forget it, in despair I need it.

[somebody]: I shouldn't laugh...

Lee: [laughs] really... In panic I forget it, in despair I need it, in my mind I save it, and in death I have it.

Thurston: Never gave a damn about the meter man til I was the man that had to read the meters, man.


Interstellar Overdrive
Aug 10, 2003
where AREN'T I?
i dont like the song that much... i like how the lyrics are fone though

For each a road
For everyman a religion
Find everybody and rule
Fuck everything and rumble
Forget everything and remember
For everything a reason
Forgive everybody and remember

For each a road
For everyman a religion
Face everybody and rule
For everything and rumble
Forget everything and remember
For everything a reason


Final eternity arouses reactions
Freeing excellence affects reality
Fallen empires are ruling
Find earth and reap

Fantastic expectations
Amazing revelations
Final execution and resurrection
Free expression as revolution
Finding everything and realizing

You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)

(Fantastic expectations
Amazing revelations
Finding everything and realizing
For everything a reason)

F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
F.E.A.R. (You got the fear)
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear
You got the fear

Gregor Samsa

That Guy
Aug 18, 2003
Permanent Daylight
Modest Mouse-Edit The Sad Parts
Sometimes all I really want to feel is love
Sometimes Im angry that I feel so angry
Sometimes my feelings get in the way
Of what I really feel I needed to say
If you stand in a circle
Then youll all have a back to bite
Back logged voices on the 7 wonders
Were all so funny but hes lost his joke now
A communication from the one lined joke
A stand up comic and a rock musician
Making so much noise you dont know when to listen
Why are you judging people so damn hard
Youre taking your point of views a bit too far
I made my shoes shine with my coal
But my polish didnt shine the hole
If you stand in a circle
Then youll all have a back to bite
(back? ) long books on the 7 wonders
Were all so funny but hes lost his joke now
Our communications come from one lined joke
From stand up comics and a rock musicians
Making so much noise you dont know when to listen
Think it over
Theres the air of the height of the highrollers
Think it over
You aint got nothing till ya know her.

Gregor Samsa

That Guy
Aug 18, 2003
Permanent Daylight
Talking Heads-Animals
I'm mad...And that's a fact
I found out...Animals don't help
Animal think...They're pretty smart
Shit on the ground...See in the dark.

They wander around like a crazy dog
Make a mistake in the parking lot
Always bumping into things
Always let you down down down down.

They're never there when you need them
They never come when you call them
They're never there when you need them
The never come when you call them down down down down.

I know the animals...Are laughing at us
They don't even know...What a joke is
I won't follow...Animal's advice
I don't care...If they're laughing at us.

They're never there when you need them
They never come when you call them
They're never there when you need them
They never come when you call them down down down down.

They say they don't need money
They're living on nuts and berries
They say animals don't worry
You know animals are hairy?
They think they know what's best
They're making a fool of us
They ought to be more careful
They're setting a bad example
They have untroubled lives
They think everything's nice
They like to laugh at people
They're setting a bad example
(Go ahead) Laugh at me.

Hillariously paranoid lyrics.


New Member
Oct 7, 2003
by some unknown band

You gotta be crazy, you gotta have a real need.
You gotta sleep on your toes, and when you're on the street,
You gotta be able to pick out the easy meat with your eyes closed.
And then moving in silently, down wind and out of sight,
You gotta strike when the moment is right without thinking.

And after a while, you can work on points for style.
Like the club tie, and the firm handshake,
A certain look in the eye and an easy smile.
You have to be trusted by the people that you lie to,
So that when they turn their backs on you,
You'll get the chance to put the knife in.

You gotta keep one eye looking over your shoulder.
You know it's going to get harder, and harder, and harder as you
get older.
And in the end you'll pack up and fly down south,
Hide your head in the sand,
Just another sad old man,
All alone and dying of cancer.

And when you loose control, you'll reap the harvest you have sown.
And as the fear grows, the bad blood slows and turns to stone.
And it's too late to lose the weight you used to need to throw
So have a good drown, as you go down, all alone,
Dragged down by the stone.

I gotta admit that I'm a little bit confused.
Sometimes it seems to me as if I'm just being used.
Gotta stay awake, gotta try and shake off this creeping malaise.
If I don't stand my own ground, how can I find my way out of this

Deaf, dumb, and blind, you just keep on pretending
That everyone's expendable and no-one has a real friend.
And it seems to you the thing to do would be to isolate the winner
And everything's done under the sun,
And you believe at heart, everyone's a killer.

Who was born in a house full of pain.
Who was trained not to spit in the fan.
Who was told what to do by the man.
Who was broken by trained personnel.
Who was fitted with collar and chain.
Who was given a pat on the back.
Who was breaking away from the pack.
Who was only a stranger at home.
Who was ground down in the end.
Who was found dead on the phone.
Who was dragged down by the stone.

bubz :D

the last laugh
Aug 20, 2003
wise men say only fools rush in
but i can't help falling in love with you

shall i stay, or would it be a sin
if i can't help falling in love with you

like a river flows surely to the sea
darling so it goes some things are meant to be

take my hand, take my whole life too
for i can't help falling in love with you...

(hmm, the lyrics look a bit weird in writing but the song's so beautiful :))


New Member
Oct 7, 2003
Pearl Jam

All in all it's no one's fault. Excuses turn to carbon walls.
Blame it all on chemical intercourse.
The swallowed seeds of arrogance breeding in the thoughts of ten-thousand fools that fight irrelevance.

The full moon is dead skin. The one down here's wearing thin.
So set up the ten pins as the human tide rolls in.
Like a ball that's spinning.

Bombs dropping down overhead. On the ground.
It's instilled to want to live.
Bombs dropping down. Please forgive our hometown in our insignificance.

"Turn the jukebox up," he said. Dancing in irreverence.
Play C-3. Let the song protest.

The plates began to shift. Perfect lefts come rolling in.
I was alone and far away, hey. When I heard the band start playing.
On the lip they take off.

Bombs dropping down overhead. Underground.
It's instilled to want to live.
Bombs dropping down. Please forgive our hometown in our insignificance.

Feel like resonance of distance. In the blood the iron lies.

It's instilled to want to live.
Bombs dropping down. Please forgive our hometown in our insignificance.
Oh, in our insignificance, oh.


New Member
Oct 7, 2003
Joy Division

Guess the dream always end
They don't rise up just descend
But I don't care anymore
I've lost the will to want more
I'm not afraid, not at all
I watch them all as they fall
But I remember, when we were young

Those with habits of waste
The sense of style and the taste
Of making sure you were right
Hey, don't you know you were right
I'm not afraid anymore
I keep my eyes on the door
But I remember...

Tears and sadness for you
Awe of evil for you
Reflects a moment in time
A special moment in time
Yeah, we wasted our time
We didn't really have time
But we remember - when we were young

And all God's angels beware
And all you judges beware
Sons of chance take good care
For all the people out there
I'm not afraid anymore


New Member
Oct 7, 2003
i love
New Dawn Fades
Joy Division

Change of speed, a change of style
A change of scene, with no regrets
A chance to watch
admire the distance
Still occupied - though you forget
Different colours, different shades
Over each mistakes were made
I took the blame
Directionless, so plain to see
A loaded gun won't set you free
So you say

We'll share a drink and step outside
An angry voice and one who cried
We'll give you everything and more
The strain's too much,
can't take much more
Oh I've walked on water,
run through fire
Can't seem to feel it anymore
It was me - waiting for me
Hoping for something more
Me - see me in this time -
Hoping for something else


New Member
Oct 7, 2003
k, one or two more
heart and soul

Instincts that can still betray us,
A journey that leads to the sun,
Soulless and bent on destruction,
A struggle between right and wrong.
You take my place in the showdown,
I'll observe with a pitiful eye,
I'd humbly ask for forgiveness,
A request well beyond you and I.

Heart and soul, one will burn.
Heart and soul, one will burn.

An abyss that laughs at creation,
A circus complete with all fools,
Foundations that lasted the ages,
Then ripped apart at their roots.
Beyond all this good is the terror,
The grip of a mercenary hand,
When savagery turns all good reason,
There's no turning back, no last stand.

Heart and soul, one will burn.
Heart and soul, one will burn.

Existence well what does it matter?
I exist on the best terms I can.
The past is now part of my future,
The present is well out of hand.
The present is well out of hand,

Heart and soul, one will burn.
Heart and soul, one will burn.
One will burn, one will burn,
Heart and soul, one will burn.

i love deborahs lyrics


New Member
Oct 7, 2003
Closed Captioned

Your etiquette
Your rules on interaction
What are you waiting for?
Nobody's home we're all out trying to find one
What are we waiting for?
The recipe a clear connection the time the time the time the time
The direction we just want we don't know
This one wants the art this one wants the politic
Everybody wants their own damn station
If we're so fine maybe you can tell me why
No one counts until they're dead
I asked you, I asked you a question,
I just want I don't know
The imperfections are here to find if your position is so unkind
Everything is not alright
And since we live in present tense the only hope of making sense
All depends on the source of light
Everything is closed captioned so come one


New Member
Oct 7, 2003

Somewhere in these private minds,
The last one comes out just in time
To clear out the chambers and sew up the lips,
'Cause that's the price to pay for hoping every slip's not a slide.
In other words not to get it wrong,
It's pointless to walk when it's past time to run.
Secured under the weight of watchful eyes,
Lulled to sleep under clear expansive skies.
Somewhere in these prying hearts
Conflicting histories tear us apart
And we hope we don't get what we deserve,
Hide behind the targets in front of all the people we serve

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