i scaned the sheets but i didnt no how to make a link to them so i tried to put em on here hope u can understand.....
My information system ( put its name in here)
nf ,llrvev data is the main method of collecting & inputing data etc
IPT 2004/2005 HSC Assessment Tasks
IPT HSC Major Project Task 4: 30%
Dates Due: 4.1 Proposal- Term 1 Week 12005
4.2 Planning Docs-Tenn 2, Wkl 2005
4.3 Project- Tenn3, Week;R 2005
Outcomes Assessed
HI.1 Applies an understanding of the nature and function of information technologies to a specific practical
H 2.1 Analyses and describes a system in terms of the information processes involved.
H2.2 Develops solutions for an identified need which address all of the information processes
H5.1 Justifies the selection and use of appropriate resources and tools to effectively develop and manage projects
* 6.1 Analyses situations, identifies a need and develops solutions,
* 6.2 Selects and applies a methodical approach to planning, designing or implementing a solution
H7.2 Uses methods to thoroughly document the development of projects
This project is to be completed individually. You are to create an information system of your own choice that satisfies the following criteria.
Your system is to be created to a specified problem eg it serves a stated purpose for an identified client. This must be for a client we can contact or for an educational purpose. A project proposal is to be ratified by the teacher before beginning to create the project. The proposal must include a description of the problem/client situation and the proposed solution (the system you will create).
You must submit a print and disk or CD copy of your all parts of this at each stage of handing in. The system you submit must be of your own creation.
4.1 Proposal ......
.............. /65
The next pages are the proforma for you to complete for Your proposal. Copy these to a new file, and then fill it in.
As well as your project proposal, you need to have started your PROJECT JOURNAL. It MUST follow this format.
Date Task How Result Follow up /Next task
1.6.01 Decide on what Look at options, consider my Finished, Complete proposal
system to make skills & make decision on what written up in
1 want to do proposal
Etc Etc Etc Ete Ete
This journal will be checked at 4.2 and at completion of the whole project.
Page 4 of 1
4.2 Planning Documents /20
1. Appropriate planning documents for your system eg Context diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, decision tree, decision table, system flowchart, schema, SQL, and or block diagram (refer to BOS notes distributed for appropriate formats for each)
2. A Garitt chart .............................................
3. Submit journal for second marking ...........
4.3 Major Project - Final Submission 194
Each individual is to submit on the 201h of August before 2:45pm on disk & in print with a cover page:
1 The project proposal (resubmitted).
2 Resubmit Project Objectives (highlight any changes to objectives after submitting part 4. 1) 12
4. Justify your choice of solution for this information system (why database, spreadsheet, web etc) 18
5. A al foll i th fo b 1
projectjoum ow rig e rmat e ow 110
Date Task How Result Follow up /Next task
1.6.01 Decide on what Look at options, consider my Finished, Complete proposal
system to make skills & make decision on what written up in
1 want to do proposal
Etc Etc Etc Etc Etc
6. A table specifying how your system addresses all the information processes e
. . 114
My information system ( put its name in here)
Collecting The .eyilng ii~_of survey data is the main method of collecting & inputing data etc
Organising In this system data is organised through sorted lists ete
7. Describe which method of implementation is best for your information system and explain why (direct, parallel,
phased or pilot)
8. Design and implement a range of tests for your system. Report on all test results /10
9. User documentation or an operation manual or help system as appropriate 110
10. Evaluate your finished system. To do this you must compare the finished product with the project objectives.
Variations to the initial ideas are OK but must be justified . 110
11. Describe the project Milestones (significant points of progression and /or problems) 15
12 The finished system (quality solution, appropriate methodology) 120
Total /94
4.2 Planning Documents .....................
.............. /20
1. Appropriate planning documents for your system eg Context diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, decision tree, decision table, system flowchart, schema, SQL, and or block diagram (refer to BOS notes distributed for appropriate formats for each) . ............................................................................ ....................
2. A Garitt chart 15
3. Submit journal for second marking 15
4.3 Major Project - Final Submission /94
Each individual is to submit on the 201h of August before 2:45pm on disk & in print with a cover page:
1 The project proposal (resubmitted) ............................................................................ ....................................
2 Resubmit Project Objectives (highlight any changes to objectives after submitting part 4. 1) 12
4. Justify your choice of solution for this information system (why database, spreadsheet, web etc) /8
5. A projectjournal following the format below 110
Date Task How Result Follow up /Next task
1.6.01 Decide on what Look at options, consider my Finished, Complete proposal
system to make skills & make decision on what written up in
1 want to do proposal
Etc Etc Etc Etc Etc
6. A table specifying how your system addresses all the information processes eg 114
My information system (put its name in here)
Collecting The keying in of survey data is the main method of collecting & inputing data etc
Organising In this system data is organised through sorted lists etc
7. Describe which method of implementation is best for your information system and explain why (direct, parallel, phased or pilot)
8. Design and implement a range of tests for your system. Report on all test results /10
9. User documentation or an operation manual or help system as appropriate 110
10. Evaluate your finished system. To do this you must compare the finished product with the project objectives.
Variations to the initial ideas are OK but must be justified . 110
11. Describe the project Milestones (significant points of progression and /or problems) 15
12 The finished system (quality solution, appropriate methodology) 120
Total /94
4.2 Planning Documents /20
1. Appropriate planning documents for your system eg Context diagram, data dictionary, data flow diagram, decision tree, decision table, system flowchart, schema, SQL, and or block diagram (refer to BOS notes distributed for appropriate formats for each)....
2. A Gantt chart..
3. Submit journal for second marking ............................................................................ ...........................
4.3 Major Project - Final Submission /94
Each individual is to submit on the 20th of August before 2:45pm on disk & in print with a cover page:
1 The project proposal (resubmitted) ..............................
2 Resubmit Project Objectives (highlight any changes to objectives after submitting part 4. 1) 12
4. Justify your choice of solution for this information system (why database, spreadsheet, web etc) 18
5. A project journal following the format below 110
Date Task How Result Follow up /Next task
1.6.01 Decide on what Look at options, consider my Finished, Complete proposal
system to make skills & make decision on what written up in
I want to do proposal
Etc Etc Etc Etc Etc
6. A table specifying how your system addresses all the information processes eg 114