Myer is the shittest store, so you're shit.I do hope you mean CityBeach/Myer boy, since majority of my clothes come from there.
The fact that I don't pay through my nose for clothes doesn't mean they're shit. It just means I'm not a fucking retard. The only thing worth more than $80 MAX is a suit.
It also means more money in my pocket. Good clothes don't have to be expensive. I am in fact wearing French jeans right now that cost me ~$40 bucks. Shop smarter idiot.
Yeah I eat at least 500g of fruit daily, and haven't touched doritos in 6 months. I have a BMI of 14.6 and have stayed there regardless of what I eat. my weight increases proportionally to my height. Good argument. I grow vertically, not horizontally, unlike you. Consider growing ~3-4 inches taller a year. Buying expensive expensive clothes suddenly doesn't make sense.
The fact that my clothes are cheap doesn't mean they're shit. I have a LOT of Surfer brand clothes that are tough as fuck, I have quite a lot of European brands, etc. I just know where to find them and know spending ridiculous amonts of money for clothes that won't fit next year is stupid. That being said I look fucking hot in overcoats, but there's no point buying one right now since it will look like a normal coat by the time I'm 21.
Also worrying about what to wear is for fags. Find out what's cheap and still looks fucking great, learn to shop around and get good deals on stuff and don't fall for the fucking brands, since brands don't mean shit, they're just a logo sewn on. DFO is your friend in Sydney. Learn about it. Save the money and spend it towards more important things like stuff for your girlfriend. Have fun kids!
Op shop suits are not good.
French jeans cost 40 bucks; imitations are good.
Surf brands are shit, so you're still shit.
We are not worrying about what to wear, we are discussing what is good to wear.
Highlighted part delivered the lolz.